It was difficult for her to speak, but her eyes looked at Bai Yu without hesitation.

Bai Yu snorted softly, he was ready to fight, he didn't need to be forced by Yaoguang, and strode out: "It's just right, I can guard for Xiaobai."

In the human race, the semi-sacred Qiqi who was not selected was relieved. They didn't want to suffer when the gods fought.

"Then trouble..."

"How about Fairy Qianyue helping the old man guard?" Xie Kun suddenly asked.

The current situation is already clear, seven people are the main attackers, seven people are the main defenders, seven people on the human side, and seven people on the monster sea beast side, naturally need the cooperation of one person and one beast.Yangyang is naturally paired with Zhang Tianfeng, Jiang Xiaobai is paired with Bai Yu, and now that Xie Kun is fighting for the spotlight, Yao Guang has to form a team with the monster sea beast.

Fairy Qianyue smiled slightly: "Thank you Brother Kun for taking care of me."

"I dare not, I am relying on the fairy." Xie Kun laughed.

Yao Guang's face was sullen, and Xie Kun clearly didn't want to give her face.

"Trash!" Yao Guang glared at Tian Quanzi and snorted coldly.

Tian Quanzi wailed with all his heart, he could lie down with a gun!

The Monster Beast and Sea Beast side also lined up. The Third Young Master Long, the Whale Sea Beast and a semi-sacred plant were the main attackers, but there was also a monster left.

Third Young Master Long laughed loudly: "Yaoguang, why is no one wanting you? Then my Heiwei will feel wronged and help you out, hahahaha!"

Yao Guang sneered and said: "Long San, let me make it clear first that the formation is dangerous, so don't die in it."

The third son of the Long family looked disdainful: "Just because you want to plot against me? You are almost there."

"Don't say anything superfluous, let's start." Yang Yang suddenly interjected.

Yao Guang glared at Long San bitterly, she explained their respective positions and thoughts, and gave them a quarter of an hour to get familiar with each other, and then the fourteen half-sages entered the Shizhang Land together.

Perhaps feeling the power, once again 49 physical saints appeared together to form the previous formation.

Ban Sheng was relieved, at least the formation was effective.

The seven people took their positions, namely Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang.

I don't know whether it was Yao Guang's intention or not, Jiang Xiaobai was placed in the position of Tianquan, which is the position where the handle of the spoon is handed over. Among the Big Dipper, Tianquan star is the darkest, but its position is extremely important.

"Tianshu!" Yao Guang yelled, and Yang Yang, who was standing in the position of Tianshu, played a spirit art together with Zhang Tianfeng, one main attack, the other main defense, and the two spirit art were launched together, and a bright red light shone in the air. Shining like a red sun, it is incomparably in line with Ziwei Dongtian's cultivation technique.

The red light shone in the air, quickly condensed, and turned into a big star.

"Tianxuan!" Yao Guang uttered again, and the third son Long and a sea beast also quickly performed the spirit art, and the same orange light shone, turning into a big star again.


"Heavenly Power!"

Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Yu also played two sets of Spirit Jue, but the moment the Spirit Jue was added to his body, Jiang Xiaobai felt a strong suppression and fell down. Fortunately, he was physically strong and forced himself to stand up. He looked back, but Seeing a trace of blood dripping from the corner of Bai Yu's mouth.

"Don't worry, I can hold on." Bai Yu also has his pride. Jiang Xiaobai bears most of the pressure. If he can't even bear this, he will have left a long time ago, so he won't stay here and become a burden .

"Yeah!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded, he believed in Bai Yu, after all, Bai Yu hadn't used Juedao Ruler yet.

There was a sneer on the corner of Yaoguang's mouth, and he was a little surprised that Jiang Xiaobai could bear it so easily.But she didn't know that Jiang Xiaobai had digested two more superb dao rhymes derived from the heart of the earth in the time just now, and his skill had increased by two levels again.

Now he has reached the edge of the ninth stage of the Emperor Realm, and is about to break through the ninth stage and truly become a semi-sage. This pressure is really too much for him.

Finally, all the seven spiritual arts were played, and the seven big stars above the heads of the 14 people all emitted a bright brilliance, giving people the feeling that they were really stars.Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, and he found that the star soul in his inner body was also shining.

He hurriedly pressed the star soul down, only to find that the pressure on his body turned into spiritual light and penetrated into his body little by little, strengthening his physical body.Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed, and quietly activated the Tianji Mirror to conceal these signs.

Bai Yu suddenly felt that the pressure on his body was not so terrifying. He looked at Jiang Xiaobai in surprise, but saw Jiang Xiaobai blinking at him, and he immediately understood.

"Turn!" Yao Guang shouted, this is the first change in the formation.

The seven people quickly changed their positions, but the big star above their heads did not move, and remained in the distance. Instead, with the changes in their physical skills and spirit skills, another big star rose slowly.

Yao Guang's eyes lit up, and he said happily, "Okay, let's continue."

The presence of Ban Shengxin was shocked, which shows that this cracking method is effective.

Jiang Xiaobai felt that another huge force was added to him, but with the help of Star Soul, it was a bit difficult, but he could bear it.He looked at the others, his expression was calm, and he didn't feel much discomfort.

Jiang Xiaobai fully understood that the old hag was really plotting against him and Bai Yu, fearing that they were bearing the pressure that other people needed to bear.

But Yaoguang's self-righteous oppression turned into a benefit to him. Jiang Xiaobai was naturally not afraid of the more the better. He looked at Yaoguang actively and smiled slightly.

Yao Guang was startled, this kid has such a strong physical body, her self-made body is no more than that.

"Hmph, originally I wanted to add a double weight to you. Since you are looking for death, don't blame your old age."

"The third change!"

The crowd changed positions again, and three big stars had already risen above the heads of the seven.

Jiang Xiaobai blushed, this force was too powerful, it had reached his limit.His body shone with a dazzling golden light, which was extremely dazzling.

"Huh, this kid actually practiced my holy clan's Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu?" Third Young Master Long exclaimed in surprise, "He has also cultivated to the fifth stage?"

Bajiu Xuangong is the most top-notch technique of the Yaozu, and its spread is not low, but because of the difficulty of practice, few people can persevere.Even the demon clan who inherited the extraordinary, they just use the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu as a backup technique, and practice it at the top three levels.

"Xiaobai, you transfer your power to me, I can hold on." Bai Yu hurriedly said via voice transmission.

At this moment, the star soul in Jiang Xiaobai's body shone brighter, but it was blocked by the golden light of the Bajiu Xuangong.And with the transformation of the pressure, Jiang Xiaobai was pleasantly surprised to find that the flower bud of the avenue seed in his body finally began to bloom, and the flowers were colorful and beautiful.

At this moment, everyone could see that Yao Guang was embarrassing Jiang Xiaobai, who was bearing most of the pressure.

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