Dominate the world

Chapter 960 Yao Guang's Assist

"Yaoguang, you old witch, you will die!" Lan Yeqing was burning with anxiety, wishing to kill Yaoguang with a single knife.

Yao Guang sneered and said: "Before entering the formation, I have already said that this formation is dangerous. Moreover, it is not the fault of the old body, who made everyone half-saint, and Master Jiang is the eighth-level emperor?" , he has the weakest state, that is, the most shortcomings, so naturally all the pressure is concentrated on him."

"If he can't take it anymore, the formation will be broken, and my hard work will be in vain. The old identity is very clear. Little girl, are you slandering the old body?"

"Slander? Damn!" Lan Yeqing didn't believe it. Maybe Yaoguang had a point, but if Yaoguang didn't plot against Jiang Xiaobai, she wouldn't believe it.

Jiang Xiaobai's voice sounded: "Junior Sister Lan, there is no need to argue, Senior Brother, I can bear it, Yao Guang, continue with the fourth transformation."

All the half-sages watched in horror as the golden light on Jiang Xiaobai's body gradually dimmed, and he straightened up again with a smile on his face, as if the previous pressure was nothing.

"Hmph, did you see it? I'm just a little girl, I don't know what to say!" Yao Guang snorted coldly, and shouted, "The fourth transformation!"

Jiang Xiaobai's body shone with dazzling golden light again, and everyone felt a lot of pressure, but it was obviously not enough for them to exhaust their strength.

It took a long time for the golden light on Jiang Xiaobai's body to dim, but at this moment, four big stars were already shining.

"The fifth change!"

"Sixth change!"


Jiang Xiaobai didn't speak anymore, but the golden light on his body didn't dim anymore, he was like a little sun, but he persisted.

Yao Guang suddenly became a little scared, she looked at Yang Yang, who coughed lightly and said: "The last change, everyone must be careful, I feel that this time the pressure is extremely high, please bear it."

"The seventh change!"

14 people played the Spirit Jue, Zhang Tianfeng and Bai Yu spurted blood, and on the side of the monsters, there were three sea beasts spurting blood again and again, especially the monster behind Yaoguang rolled his eyes and was about to faint.

"Yaoguang, pass on your power to me!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted, he found that the pressure this time was not as good as the previous one.

Yao Guang's face darkened, Jiang Xiaobai was slapping her in the face, Lan Yeqing scorned her unceremoniously.

The matter was so important that Yao Guang couldn't care less about other things, so he quickly used the power of the formation to transfer most of the power to Jiang Xiaobai.She didn't dare to pretend to be public for personal gain anymore, and spread the pressure on the extremely masters.

The golden light on Jiang Xiaobai's body shone violently again, and then there were bursts of cracking sounds on his body, as if something was broken.

"Teacher Jiang, don't force yourself," Fairy Qianyue reminded.

Xie Kun also shouted: "Yao Guang, turn the pressure back."

"Xiaobai, are you okay?" Bai Yu called worriedly.

"No need, turn all your strength around, and the Yaoguang will break through!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted loudly.

Fairy Qianyue and Xie Kun were stunned, not knowing what to do for a while, Bai Yu said in a deep voice: "Teachers, believe in Xiaobai, he naturally has his reasons."

He operated the spirit art and turned his pressure towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Unless the other party is willing, he can only bear the pressure by himself. Right now, Jiang Xiaobai has no restrictions, and the pressure Bai Yu is under is easily passed on.

"Not enough!" Jiang Xiaobai exclaimed.

"Teachers, please trust Xiaobai." Bai Yu said again.

Fairy Qianyue and Xie Kun looked at each other, and turned the pressure on Jiang Xiaobai together.

Immediately, the golden light became more and more dazzling, so that everyone couldn't open their eyes.

Then, a little bit of sandalwood fragrance came out quietly, gradually became richer, and then filled the nose, making people feel very comfortable.

"The body is sanctified!" Yang Yang suddenly shouted.

All the half-sages also suddenly realized that the body scattered sandalwood, without dirt and leaks, this is not a sign of sanctification in the flesh!

Fairy Qianyue and Xie Kun Qiqi played the Seven Artifacts, Bai Yu was startled and quickly played the Juedao Ruler, and immediately protected Jiang Xiaobai's head with three Seven Artifacts.

Yao Guang and Yang Yang looked at each other, sighed together, and then they also played the Seven Artifacts to protect Jiang Xiaobai.

"Long San, don't think about attacking, protect the formation now, we have to break the formation." Yang Yang said coldly, his voice was full of threats.

"That's right, this is my human saint, I won't tolerate your conspiracy." Yao Guang also shouted.

The semi-saints watching were silent, they naturally understood the meaning of Yang Yang and Yao Guang's actions, but they didn't express anything except cursing in their hearts.

Lan Yeqing snorted lightly, curled her lips.

Three minutes later, the scent of sandalwood became heavier and heavier, and then it was absorbed back suddenly, returning to Jiang Xiaobai's body. The golden light on Jiang Xiaobai's body finally subsided, and his figure appeared again.

It was still the same Jiang Xiaobai, but in the eyes of everyone, the Jiang Xiaobai in front of him was different.

There was a faint layer of coercion emanating from Jiang Xiaobai's body, and the half-saints naturally understood that it was the breath of a saint.Although only the physical body is sanctified, it is closer to a saint than a semi-saint. In terms of strength, it is naturally above ordinary semi-saints.

"Thank you for your help." Jiang Xiaobai bowed his hands to everyone one by one, and the eyes he looked at Yao Guang improved a lot. This is not a villain, he is clearly a good person!

"I don't dare to do it. This is also the opportunity for Master Jiang. We are honored to be able to look up." Yang Yang said with a smile, his voice is elegant and heartwarming. If people who don't understand the conflict between the two will probably think that the two have died friendship.

Jiang Xiaobai's smile was even brighter: "Headmaster Yang is too polite."

He quickly called up the attributes, and sure enough, there was a big change again.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Realm: Emperor Class Ninth Stage-Half Saint (1%), Body Sanctification (1%)

Cultivation Method: Taoist Scripture Volume 93 ([-]%)

Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu fifth level (99%)

Skills: Chasing stars and chasing the sun (31%)

Star swordsmanship (51%)

Golden Dragon Sword Qi Three Feet (83%)

Void Knife (51%)

Avatar: Domain (100%)

Avenue Seeds (50%)

The increase in all attributes, especially the sanctification of the physical body, directly pushed the Bajiu Xuangong to 99% of the fifth level, and it was about to break through the next level.The great progress in the cultivation of the same kung fu pushed him into the semi-sacred realm in one fell swoop, and his strength greatly increased.

Jiang Xiaobai looked inside intently, the flowers of the plant grown from the Dao Dao seeds had withered, and a blue fruit was formed, about the size of a longan.

Although it is not yet mature, Dao Yun has already appeared on the green skin, especially the top-quality Dao Yun that was still in the body before, all drilled into the seeds of Dao, making the fruit of Dao exude a faint fragrance.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but took a light breath, feeling as if part of his spirit had been purified, he was refreshed, and his body became three points lighter all of a sudden.

Inexplicably, there was a feeling of ascension.

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