"you you……"

Yao Guang suddenly screamed, his eyes widened, and he stared at Jiang Xiaobai intently, his eyes were full of envy and hatred.

Everyone followed suit and immediately noticed the changes in Jiang Xiaobai's body.

Jiang Xiaobai was not flying, but only a force was pulling him.

"Is this a sign of ascension?" Young Master Long roared, his breathing became short of breath.

Jiang Xiaobai felt his body sink suddenly, and landed on the ground again.

Everyone seemed more excited than him, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Xiaobai cupped his hands at the crowd, sighed and said, "It's still a lot worse."

Many half-saints have bitter expressions on their faces, isn't that even worse?Much faster than they are already, okay?

"Should we break the formation first?" Yao Guang said, her face was indifferent, but her heart had already stirred up turbulent waves.

"Yes, let's break the formation quickly." Yang Yang said.

All the half saints nodded, they couldn't wait.

Yao Guang shouted: "Seven stars form an array, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn!"

She called out seven Zhuan characters in a row, and the 49 big stars above the heads of the fourteen and a half saints formed a strange circle map of the Big Dipper, as if seven spoons were rotated together at a specific angle.

And at the center, which is where the power of heaven is, there is the foothold of rotation.

"Jiang Zhangjiao, please hold on." Yao Guang shouted.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "It doesn't matter how much ability you have, how much power you exert."

Rays of rays of light fell on Jiang Xiaobai's body, as if mountains were superimposed, one after another, and they continued to rotate, but during the whole process, Jiang Xiaobai remained motionless, as if these rays of light could not affect him at all. any effect.

All the half-sages are old, treacherous and cunning, and Yao Guang's calculations can't be seen. If it wasn't for Jiang Xiaobai's chance to become a saint in the flesh, under the torsion of the rotating sunlight, Jiang Xiaobai would definitely be like a grinder The donkey was exhausted alive.

The positions of the 49 physical saints were finally no longer stable, and some of the relatively weak ones began to twist and were about to be thrown into the air.

Obviously, once these flesh-body saints are thrown into the air, they will definitely fall ten feet away, and then a single flesh-body saint will be easy to deal with ruthlessly.

Even, after breaking away from Shizhang, the physical saints will no longer be under the control of the heart of the earth, and they have already won without their taking action.

"Hold on." Yao Guang shouted excitedly.

The semi-sages in the formation were also excited, and everyone used their skills together to continuously bless the Big Dipper formation.

The heart of the earth suddenly flickered, and the shaking bodies of the 49 physical saints suddenly stabilized again.A muffled hum came out from the 49 people in unison, and a huge force rushed towards Yao Guang.

bang, bang, bang...

The Big Dipper formation shattered on the spot, and more than a dozen big stars in the sky dimmed in an instant, then turned into dots and disappeared.

Except for Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Yu, almost all the other semi-saints flew back with blood spurting from their mouths!

The air was heavy and the atmosphere was sombre, but the strong smell of blood filled the world.

"How could this be? Yao Guang, you are plotting against us, aren't you?" Third Young Master Long suddenly roared.

Except for him, all the sea beasts ended up with serious injuries. Compared with the human side, the loss was heavy.This was his most trusted elite, but they were all injured in the end.

Looking at the human race, Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Yu were uninjured, only Zhang Tianfeng vomited blood repeatedly and was seriously injured. Fairy Yangyang Yaoguang Qianyue and Xie Kun were just agitated with qi and blood, suffered a little shock, and spit out a mouthful of blood , Rest up for half a month at most and you'll be fine.

Yao Guang snorted coldly and said, "It's because of your own lack of strength, who is to blame? We are playing the Supreme Elder of the Four Great Caves and Mysteries, not to mention being guarded by the Seven Divine Artifacts, what about you?"

Yang Yang also said coldly: "Long San, you'd better find the reason from yourself."

Although Long San is reckless and reckless, he is not a fool. The high-end strength of the human race is indeed stronger than them.It's just that their subordinates were injured. In the subsequent confrontation, they are afraid that they will suffer a big loss, and they may even give their lives here.

"Okay, this matter is not over, let's go!" Long San was also a ruthless person, seeing that the situation was not right, he left directly.

Yang Yang became anxious immediately: "Master Long San, why bother to leave, we..."

"Don't let us know, we are not the same way, we can't break the formation anyway, and it's useless for us to stay, so let's leave first. Anyway, you humans are full of changes, and you might be able to break the formation without us." , huh, let me congratulate you first."

Yao Guang also quickly persuaded: "Sir Long, if we don't break the formation and pick the heart of the earth, disaster will befall us in the future."

"Hmph, big disasters are big disasters. Anyway, the earth's oceans are huge. When the time comes, we can just find a place to drill, and it may not be a big disaster. But you, hehe, ask for good luck, let's go!"

He took the lead and left, and the other sea beasts and monsters quickly followed. In the blink of an eye, all the monsters and sea beasts were gone.

"Elder Yang Yang, if they leave like this, we're afraid..."

"Hmph, they're gone? How is it possible, they're just hiding it! When is it, and you still want to take advantage of it, it's just that you don't want to contribute." Yao Guang sneered, and explained Long Sangong's thoughts in one sentence.

Yang Yang sighed softly: "But what should we do?"

Everyone was silent, they had nothing to do, just as Long San said, if a catastrophe really comes, monsters and sea beasts are easy to hide, they will certainly suffer.

"Yeah, if you believe me, I have a way to crack it!"

Everyone looked at it together, and it was Jiang Xiaobai who spoke.

"This formation is called the Sijiu Yantian formation. It's not difficult to break it. With the power of the seven artifacts, only seven people are needed. Well, it's about the same."

Yaoguang glared at Jiang Xiaobai angrily: "You have a solution, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Jiang Xiaobai spread his hands: "You didn't ask, and seeing Yaoguang, you just now have a high-rise building, pointing Fang Qiu, and your invincible appearance. How dare you, kid? Isn't that stealing your limelight?"

Yao Guang clenched her fists with resentment, wishing to kill Jiang Xiaobai with one palm, but a trace of fear rose in her heart. She had no idea what Jiang Xiaobai's strength is now.

As for whether she could beat Jiang Xiaobai, she was even more uncertain.

Yang Yang smiled and said: "Oh, Headmaster Jiang has a solution, which couldn't be better. I'll be all ears."

"However, I have one condition?" Jiang Xiaobai said leisurely.

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