Dominate the world

Chapter 962 I Bet

Yao Guang let out a heck: "Why am I not surprised at all?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "Because I am a villain first and then a gentleman. I never plot against others. I think you are not pleasing to the eye, so I will directly do it with open swords and spears. If you say that you will kill your entire clan, you will definitely kill one person."

Uncontrollably, the half-sage present gasped, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with fear in his eyes.They have already made an assessment in their hearts. Among these people, even if Jiang Xiaobai's strength is not capable of overwhelming everyone, he is definitely comparable to the supreme elders of the four great caves.

And this kind of strength already has the strength to destroy people.

Yaoguang's lips twitched a few times, he snorted coldly, and turned his face sideways.

"Brother Jiang is mighty and domineering." Lan Yeqing yelled fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Bai Yu also smiled for a while, but he couldn't help but feel arrogance growing. Today's Martial Arts Department really has the strength to stand shoulder to shoulder with the four great secret realms.

"Headmaster Jiang, what's the condition?" Yang Yi came out again to be a peacemaker.

Jiang Xiaobai no longer flaunted his power, which was too arrogant and dissatisfied. After all, these people will be of great use in the subsequent battle against the aliens.

He said in a deep voice: "After picking this heart of the earth, I will temporarily seal it. Of course, it is inevitable to release a little energy, but it will not harm the root of the heart of the earth. I can tell you that once someone breaks Open the seal and become holy without devouring the heart of the earth, the planet we live in will become a real holy place for practice, and then everyone can be holy. The holy level will no longer be our ceiling, and we can practice to a higher level. Even become a real immortal!"

These words completely overturned everyone's cognition, and everyone was speechless for a long time.

Finally, Fairy Qianyue said, "Master Jiang, is what you said true?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone questioned immediately, especially the semi-saints of some small sects.

"Master Jiang, you said something similar before, but you denied it." An old man asked.

Jiang Xiaobai said seriously: "That's right, because I wasn't strong enough at the time, so if I said it rashly, I believe everyone would not believe it, but the situation is different now."

Fairy Qianyue suddenly said, "Teacher Jiang is very powerful now, and he has the ability to crack the formation. If we really want to seize the heart of the earth, we may not be able to stop it. If we think about it, with Master Jiang's current strength, we won't be able to deceive him." Everyone."

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly said: "Fairy Qianyue has bright eyes like torches, that's exactly what she is."

Fairy Qianyue smiled slightly: "Although Master Jiang killed many people, he killed people who should be killed. Although he was arrogant and domineering, he had a pure heart for all living beings. He obviously had a seven-apertured exquisite heart, But you don't bother to use conspiracy tricks, this is bold, I believe you."

Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his chin, smiled wryly and said, "Fairy Qianyue has bright eyes like torches, just like this kid."

Fairy Qianyue said with a smile: "I don't mean to despise Headmaster Jiang. In my heart, I admire Zhangjiao Jiang's character. He accepts disciples like Jiang Xiaobai. I envy Lingxu Dongtian! Although Lingxu Dongtian has lost its inheritance It has been thousands of years, but with the birth of Master Jiang, the Lingxu Cave will surely rise again!"

Xie Kun chuckled: "Old man, I respect Fairy Qianyue's words very much. Since Fairy respects Headmaster Jiang, and the secret realm of Qiankun is below the old man, I am willing to fight side by side with Headmaster Jiang."

Bai Yu is overjoyed, Ziwei, Big Dipper, Kunlun, and Qiankun are the four great secret realms in the practice world today. Now that they have the help of the two great secret realms of Kunlun and Qiankun, the future situation will be greatly beneficial.

"May I ask Headmaster Jiang, are you willing to use your soul to create something, and never use the heart of the earth to become a saint?" Zhang Wang of i Yin Yang Mystery Realm said suddenly, with a slight provocation in his words.

He didn't believe Jiang Xiaobai's words from the bottom of his heart. If people don't kill the world for themselves, how can there be such a selfless person?

Jiang Xiaobai smiled faintly, uttered a spell, and said in a deep voice: "I, Jiang Xiaobai, the Great Elder of the Martial Arts Department of Huaguo, the head teacher of Lingxu Cave, swear today in front of all the semi-sacred passages that if I go against my promise, Swallow the heart of the earth to become holy, and the day of sanctification will be punished by heaven, and the soul will perish."

His voice turned into big characters, which penetrated into his body following the Judgment.

All the saints stared at Jiang Xiaobai with a little more eagerness in their eyes. This is indeed the oath of the soul, and there is no falsehood.

"How?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Zhang Wang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he wanted to join Jiang Xiaobai's army, but he didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to actually swear.

"You, what are you saying is true?"

"No lie!" Jiang Xiaobai said loudly, his eyes glanced at Yangyang and Yaoguang.

Yang Yang pondered and said: "I still say the same thing, there is not much time left for the invaders from the foreign domain. If you have not been sanctified by then, how can we resist the people from the foreign domain?"

"No, we won't have the slightest resistance at that time, and we can only watch helplessly as the heart of the earth is taken away by the aliens, and countless people are slaughtered by the aliens at will. Their bones are thousands of miles away, and blood flows like rivers. You, Jiang Xiaobai, will bear the responsibility up?"

Yao Guang echoed: "Master Jiang, I admire your benevolence and righteousness, but the reality often makes people frustrated. There has never been a perfect thing in this world. No matter how good the future is, it is better to seize the present."

These words are serious words, and many half-sages have echoed them.

If conditions permit, everyone hopes for a better future, but the situation forces them to make a choice.

Lan Yeqing snorted: "Speaking of which, it's not that you want to become holy, what does the life and death of others have to do with you. When you become holy, and people from outside the domain call you, I'm afraid you will be the first One slips away?"

Zhang Wang shouted: "Little girl, what nonsense are you talking about? This matter concerns all human beings, so you can't let yourself mess around and talk nonsense."

"Hmph, a dog is barking here too, do you want to hit it?"

Zhang Wang was furious, and was about to make a move when he drew his sword, Yang Yang called him, and Jiang Xiaobai also stopped Lan Yeqing.

Jiang Xiaobai signaled Lan Yeqing to be calm, and he stared proudly at everyone: "I think you have misunderstood, if I give face, it is to discuss with you, if I don't give face, it is an order, at worst, I will not break the formation, let the earth If the heart is mature, who can do anything?"

"Headmaster Jiang, you have to know that if you really go to the worst result, you will be the sinner of the whole earth, and you will be engraved on the pillar of shame forever!" Yang Yang finally couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and said coldly.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "I dare to bet, the question is do you dare to bet?"


Jiang Xiaobai suddenly said to a certain place in the void: "Elder Tong, come out and say hello to everyone?"

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