Dominate the world

Chapter 96 Succeed, retreat?

"Sure enough, there are monsters!"

After hearing this roar, Jiang Xiaobai did not stop, but ran forward quickly.

Stopping at this time is completely in vain.

Not only can't get Yuan Linghua, but also put himself in danger.

"Quick!" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help speeding up, and he came to Yuan Linghua in an instant, and immediately picked it off.

"Aww!" Before Jiang Xiaobai could put the Yuan Linghua in his bag, there were bursts of angry roars from behind.

Jiang Xiaobai turned around and looked, and was shocked.

Around him, a group of blue-eyed jade wolves surrounded him.

"What's going on?" Facing the sudden situation, Jiang Xiaobai was puzzled.

In the end what happened?

Why are there so many blue-eyed jade wolves all of a sudden?

In front of Jiang Xiaobai, at least ten demon wolves surrounded him.

"Is this stabbing the wolf's den?" Jiang Xiaobai broke out in a cold sweat.

Six green-eyed jade wolves were enough to make him dizzy, but now there are more than a dozen blue-eyed jade wolves.

Is this the rhythm of the pill?

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai just wanted to say one thing.

"I put down the Yuan Linghua, let's reconcile, shall we?"

Jin Huo and the others who were hiding aside also had their eyes widened, full of panic.

They also didn't see clearly when the dozen or so blue-eyed jade wolves appeared.

"Boss, are these a dozen blue-eyed jade wolves?" Xu Yang swallowed, his face pale.

"Yes!" Jin Huo's face was solemn, and he was very anxious at the moment.

Thinking of Jiang Xiaobai being besieged by a dozen blue-eyed jade wolves, and it was because of helping them get Yuan Linghua.

These are more than a dozen third-rank monsters!

Jin Huo and the others are not opponents at all, these are not just one or two blue-eyed jade wolves, but a dozen or so.

Even a fourth-rank martial artist would feel his scalp tingling when facing so many blue-eyed jade wolves.

Who can stand up to so many third-rank monsters?

"What should I do?" Ma Wenbo was stupefied, his body couldn't help shaking, "Is Jiang Xiaobai still there?"


Still not helping?

This is a dilemma!

If they go to save them, I'm afraid that their entire Fire Crow team will catch up with them, but if they don't save them, not only will the mission fail, but Jiang Xiaobai will be put to death.

"This time, we may die without a life." Finally, Jin Huo took a deep breath, with a serious expression on his face. "You can choose to leave alone, maybe after today, the Fire Crow Squad will cease to exist."

"Boss, let's go? Where are we going?" Ma Wenbo's eyes were red. "At the beginning, our strength was low, and any mercenary squad would have disliked us. If it weren't for you, we would not be the lowest level warriors now."

"Yes!" Xu Yang said loudly, "Join Fire Crow Squad, you are the boss who dragged us out of the pile of dead people, and our lives are all yours."

"Brother Huo, tell me what to do!" Yang Mu said calmly.

"Go out and help Jiang Xiaobai." Jin Huo stood up suddenly and made a decision instantly. "Jiang Xiaobai this time is because we are surrounded, we can't just sit idly by."

"Even if the whole army is wiped out, we still have to fight!"

After Jin Huo rushed up, Yang Mu and others also followed.

Jiang Xiaobai was confronting the wolves, and when he saw Jin Huo and others rushing over, he was stunned.

These four people actually followed?

Aren't they all crazy?

Jiang Xiaobai thought that these four people would take the opportunity to leave.

After all, this is a group of third-rank monsters, and it is almost a doomsday situation.

"It's really touching!" Jiang Xiaobai sighed.

Not only Jin Huo, but also Xu Yang and Ma Wenbo, these two people did not back down.

This was completely beyond his expectations.

Faced with this situation, Jiang Xiaobai didn't know what to do.

"Wow!" At this moment, a wolf howled suddenly from above Jiang Xiaobai's head.

"What the hell is this?" Jiang Xiaobai raised his head, and there was a giant wolf standing on the tree. It was even bigger, and there was a strong coercion coming from it.

"Fourth grade monster!" Jiang Xiaobai immediately judged the strength of the opponent through the breath.

A fourth-rank blue-eyed jade wolf?

No, it should be the wolf king!

Dead end!

Jiang Xiaobai's face became gloomy, facing more than a dozen blue-eyed jade wolves, if there was still a chance.

And when the wolf king appeared, everything was over.

Jin Huo and the others who were rushing over were stunned when they heard the howl.

This howl was like a boulder pressing on their hearts, making these people breathless.

"What are you doing in a daze?" Jiang Xiaobai shouted coldly, waking up Jin Huo and the others. "Run together!"

Several people from Jin Huo stepped forward one after another, opening a hole for Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai wasn't idle either, stabbing out again and again, and at the same time using the floating light and skimming body technique to repel the wolves.

The second level of Floating Light made Jiang Xiaobai faster. Even though he was threatened by more than a dozen blue-eyed jade wolves, he was still able to dodge the fatal attack.

If so, Jiang Xiaobai was injured again.

The five retreated in groups, back to back.

Xu Yang and Ma Wenbo were weaker, and wounds soon appeared on their bodies.

"Xu Yang, Wen Bo, can you still stand it?" Jin Huo asked with concern.

"I can't die!" The two replied in unison.

Although they were exhausted, they were not allowed to retreat at this time.

Once they fall, Jin Huo and others will be threatened with their lives.

"It's not a solution to continue like this!" Jiang Xiaobai felt the pressure was getting bigger and bigger, and then said, "Brother Huo, I'll give you the Yuan Linghua, let's escape separately!"

"Let's live and die!"

If the few of them stay together all the time, I am afraid that no one will be able to leave, and it is very likely that they will all be wiped out by this pack of wolves.

Scattered, they may still have a glimmer of life.

"Okay!" Jin Huo made an instant judgment and agreed.

As Jiang Xiaobai said, if they were together, there would be no chance of surviving at all.

Jiang Xiaobai immediately handed the Yuan Linghua to Jin Huo, and Jin Huo and others immediately dispersed.

A dozen blue-eyed jade wolves walked halfway in an instant.

There were still six or seven remaining and surrounded Jiang Xiaobai, bringing him tremendous pressure invisibly.

Even Jiang Xiaobai didn't understand why these wolves would stare at him?

If it was said that it was for the Yuan Linghua, then the Yuan Linghua was not on him at all. Could it be that it was just because he snatched the Yuanling flower?

Unable to allow Jiang Xiaobai to think too much, he immediately unleashed his Floating Light and Gliding Body Technique.

Facing the siege of wolves, Jiang Xiaobai's potential was fully stimulated, not only the proficiency of the superficial light is improving, but also the proficiency of the Nine Prison Thunder Knife.

After 10 minutes, Jiang Xiaobai was still entangled with several blue-eyed jade wolves, and he became more and more proficient.

The Nine Prison Thunder Knife became more and more handy in Jiang Xiaobai's hands, and the stabbing flashed like a thunder.

Relying on his powerful body skills, although Jiang Xiaobai was seriously injured, it was not fatal.

The huge sense of crisis brought by the blue-eyed jade wolf made Jiang Xiaobai's strength also improve rapidly.

"Floating Light is the second level, the proficiency is 100%!"

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