Dominate the world

Chapter 97 Kill the chapter, Yuan Lingguo?

The second level of proficiency is full?

After hearing the news out of the blue, Jiang Xiaobai was very excited.

The second level of Floating Light has greatly improved his strength, so what about after entering the third level?

After a short period of thought, Jiang Xiaobai displayed his floating light, and suddenly felt that his body was extremely light.

Like a gust of wind, it circled around the blue-eyed jade wolf.

Jiang Xiaobai's speed had fully doubled. He was gradually unable to support himself by the wolves, but his movement suddenly changed, making it impossible for the blue-eyed jade wolves to keep up with him.

At the same time, the thorn in his hand was flying up and down, and streaks of blood flew out from the pack of wolves.

In just a moment, he killed all the surrounding blue-eyed jade wolves.

The third stage's Floating Light and Gliding Movement Technique is actually so powerful?

After beheading all the blue-eyed jade wolves, Jiang Xiaobai looked at his hands in disbelief.

He never thought that after doubling his speed, his strength would also increase a lot.

Floating light and shadow, coupled with the Nine Prison Thunder Knife, made him not afraid of the blue-eyed jade wolf at all.

"So strong!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the corpse of the blue-eyed jade wolf on the ground. Although he is only in the realm of a third-rank warrior, his combat power may have surpassed the category of a third-rank warrior.

When Floating Light and Nine Prison Thunder Knife were launched together, no amount of blue-eyed jade wolves could stop Jiang Xiaobai's footsteps.

"Sure enough, only in adversity can people make progress." Jiang Xiaobai sighed.

If he hadn't been surrounded by wolves, he probably wouldn't have broken through.

However, this way of promotion is too dangerous, if you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss of eternal doom.

After cleaning up the blue-eyed jade wolf on the ground, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly showed a puzzled expression.

He clearly remembered that there was a wolf king just now, but when they ran out, they didn't find the wolf king.

How is this going?

Could it be that the other party is not because of Yuan Linghua?

Besides Yuanlinghua, what else would make them attach so much importance?

Countless thoughts flashed through Jiang Xiaobai's mind, and he soon had a plan in his mind.

If Yuan Linghua was not the target of this group of blue-eyed jade wolves, what would the target be?

There is only one answer, and it is very likely that it is a baby that is stronger than Yuanlinghua!

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai's eyes warmed up, and he became energetic.

What is the baby that is stronger than Yuan Linghua?

"I think it's necessary to go back and take a look!" Jiang Xiaobai thought to himself.

If there was no breakthrough, Jiang Xiaobai wouldn't dare to think so, but now relying on Floating Light and Nine Prison Thunder Knife, he is not afraid of the blue-eyed jade wolf at all.

Even the wolf king, he has the power to fight!

As a warrior, that's it, walking in adversity and constantly breaking through adversity, only in this way can one become stronger.

As for the comfortable environment, that is the poison that kills warriors.

Especially in such an environment, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Jiang Xiaobai does not have a prominent family background, nor a strong inheritance. If he wants to gain a chance, or even be stronger than others, he has to keep fighting and fighting for it.

"Gamble!" Jiang Xiaobai made up his mind resolutely, "If there really is something beyond Yuanlinghua, this time I can definitely make a lot of money!"

Soon, Jiang Xiaobai turned back along the original road.

When Jiang Xiaobai came to the place to pick Yuanling flowers, he found the blue-eyed jade wolf king.

The wolf king was still standing proudly on the tree, looking down at the surroundings, as if on guard.

"I'd like to see what you are guarding." Jiang Xiaobai rushed over with a heartbroken heart.

"Wow!" The Blue-eyed Jade Wolf King roared again when he saw Jiang Xiaobai.

A few more blue-eyed jade wolves rushed out and surrounded Jiang Xiaobai in an instant.

"Again?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled faintly after seeing it.

He, Jiang Xiaobai, is no longer the original Jiang Xiaobai. He has already cultivated to the third stage of the floating light, and his speed is not what it used to be. Even a fourth-rank martial artist can't match him.

The blue-eyed Jade Wolf in front of him is no longer his opponent at all!

Therefore, when he saw a few blue-eyed jade wolves, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Cihong flew out again, and Jiang Xiaobai also turned into an afterimage and rushed into the pack of wolves.

"Go to hell!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted coldly, and stabbed out without hesitation with the stab in his hand.

Cihong pierced into the eyes of the blue-eyed jade wolf with the momentum of thunder, and the huge force directly pierced the blue-eyed jade wolf's head.

In an instant, Jiang Xiaobai slaughtered the blue-eyed jade wolf like a ferocious beast.

The corpses of blue-eyed jade wolves were everywhere around him, and Jiang Xiaobai stood proudly, looking up at the wolf king on the tree.

His eyes were full of provocation, as if he was telling the Biyanyu Wolf King.

Your little brothers are dead, do you still want to sit idly by?

"Aww!" The wolf king's green eyes gleamed fiercely, staring at Jiang Xiaobai, unmoved.

"I'd like to see what attracts you!" Seeing that the opponent didn't attack, Jiang Xiaobai jumped up.

After he came to the tree, he suddenly felt the strong vitality fluctuations around him.

"This is..." Jiang Xiaobai looked behind the wolf king and found a purple fruit emitting a faint halo.

"Essence Spirit Fruit?"

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but yelled out.

Yuanling fruit is one of the rare and exotic fruits in the world. After taking it, it can instantly replenish a large amount of vitality.

Yuanling fruit is the fruit of Yuanling flower, but not every Yuanling flower can bear fruit, and only ten Yuanling flowers can bear one Yuanling fruit.

Therefore, Yuan Lingguo is extremely precious.

Jiang Xiaobai had seen the news that a Yuan Lingguo was sold for a sky-high price of 5000 million when it was auctioned in Los Angeles!

5000 million!

What a concept!

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help licking his lips.

"I must get this primordial spirit fruit!"

"Wow!" The wolf king's hair stood on end, staring at Jiang Xiaobai, not letting him get any closer.

"Bastard, if I didn't break through, I'm afraid I'd be eaten by those wolf cubs!" Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward slowly with a solemn expression. "So, today's Yuan Lingguo is your compensation for me. If you don't get out of the way, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" roared the wolf king, as if venting the anger in his heart.

"Since you won't let me, then I'll do it!" Jiang Xiaobai walked towards Yuan Lingguo.

After walking a few steps, the Blue-eyed Jade Wolf King suddenly rushed up.

A gust of wind rushed towards his face, Jiang Xiaobai reacted immediately, and swung out the spear in his hand.


The sharp claws of Cihong and the blue-eyed jade wolf collided together, and there was a sound of golden spears.

"What a sharp claw!" Jiang Xiaobai was startled.

The thorn is already hard enough, and it can be said to be invincible all the time.

Especially after Jiang Xiaobai incorporated the materials of the third-level monsters through the Tai Chi disc, he tempered it again.


The wolf king's attack is back, even more powerful than before.

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