Dominate the world

Chapter 98 Killing the Wolf King, Obtaining the Spiritual Fruit

Jiang Xiaobai did not expect that the wolf king's attack would be so quick.

In desperation, Jiang Xiaobai brandished the spear and attacked the wolf king.


A wolf, a man, and two people collided together, and a burst of strong energy suddenly burst out, quickly spreading around.

The Blue-eyed Jade Wolf King is a fourth-level monster after all. Although Jiang Xiaobai has made a breakthrough in strength, he is still only a third-level warrior.

There is a huge difference in strength!

The huge impact instantly blasted Jiang Xiaobai away.

The strength of the fourth-level monster is already more than ten thousand catties, but Jiang Xiaobai's strength is only six thousand. It is really a dream to compete with it.

And at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai's speed advantage no longer exists, and the speed of the blue-eyed jade wolf king of the fourth-level monster is about the same as Jiang Xiaobai's, even vaguely higher.

"No, he's too powerful!" Jiang Xiaobai was thinking about how to deal with the wolf king while dealing with it.

If it was head-to-head, he would naturally be no match for the Wolf King.

But it would be a good idea for him to retreat at this time.

But that spirit fruit!

"If I cultivate the Floating Light and Glittering Body Technique to the perfect state, or if I practice the Nine Prison Thunder Saber to the first stage, I may still have the power to fight." Jiang Xiaobai thought very calmly.

It's not impossible to deal with the Blue Eyed Jade Wolf King, but it will take time.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai's consciousness was immersed in the Tai Chi disc.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Cultivation level: third rank of warrior

Tactics: Floating Light and Glittering Shadow 10% for the third stage, 40% for the first stage of Nine Hell Thunder Knife

Whether it's the Floating Light and Glittering Movement Technique or the Nine Prison Thunder Saber, they are far from perfect.

"In that case, then I'll learn your proficiency from you!" Jiang Xiaobai's eyes gradually turned cold, and he became more and more serious.

Bang bang bang!

Jiang Xiaobai's figure collided with the wolf king, and then separated quickly.

Taking advantage of his speed to avoid the wolf king's attack, he looked very embarrassed at first, but after getting familiar with the wolf king's attack, Jiang Xiaobai became more at ease.

The continuous power made Jiang Xiaobai not show any signs of fatigue.

The proficiency of Floating Light and Nine Prison Thunder Knife is rapidly improving, not only that, Jiang Xiaobai feels that his strength is also improving significantly.

The vitality in his body gradually merged into his limbs and bones, making his muscles more solid, and his body strength was constantly improving.

Whoosh whoosh!

Jiang Xiaobai's figure shuttled around the blue-eyed jade wolf, and his body skills improved unconsciously.


The spear in Jiang Xiaobai's hand shot, piercing the air and bursting out with a burst of anger.

The thorn fell on the body of the blue-eyed jade wolf, like chopping on metal.

The blue-eyed Jade Wolf shuddered all over, and rushed back violently.

A force exceeding ten thousand catties burst out suddenly, knocking Jiang Xiaobai into the air again.

After Jiang Xiaobai fell to the ground, he stood up quickly.

"It's so difficult!" Jiang Xiaobai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes became colder and colder.

A level four monster is definitely a formidable opponent for Jiang Xiaobai.

It is almost unimaginable for a third-rank warrior to defeat a fourth-rank monster.

If others knew about it, they would definitely think it was a lunatic.

The Nine Prison Thunder Knife was performed by Jiang Xiaobai one by one, each time it was performed more smoothly than the last time, full of rhythm.

There is even a faint purple aura surrounding the assassin, which is majestic and extremely ferocious.


A long rainbow flashed across, and gusts of wind rushed towards the face.


The thorn pierced the wolf king's body, piercing its hair in an instant, and immediately blood flowed out from the wound.

"The proficiency of the first level of the Nine Prison Thunder Saber has reached [-]%!"

Suddenly, such a voice appeared in Jiang Xiaobai's mind out of thin air.

Has the proficiency reached [-]%?

That is to say, can he exert the power of the first level of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber?

Not once!

Instead, it can be played out every time!

"It's time to end." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the wolf king in front of him and said softly.

"Wow!" The wolf king also roared angrily, as if he was irritated by the humans in front of him.

The human being in front of him is just a small third-rank martial artist, and he was injured by it.

"Shouting when you are about to die?" Jiang Xiaobai sneered.

At this moment, he has achieved the first major achievement of the Nine Hells Thunder Saber, relying on the Floating Light Looping movement technique and the Nine Hells Thunder Knife, which completely doubled his combat power.



In Jiang Xiaobai's hands, Cihong attacked the Blue-eyed Jade Wolf King again and again.

Jiang Xiaobai, who has fused the power of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber, is full of viciousness and majesty.

Thorn Hong swung out, with momentum like thunder, extremely powerful.

It turned into a rainbow and blasted at the green-eyed jade wolf king. The wolf king didn't react, and was directly hit by the stabbing bird, and a huge blood hole appeared on it.

"Wow!" The wolf king screamed, blood splashing on the ground.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

Without any hesitation, Jiang Xiaobai used the Thunder Knife of Nine Prisons again, hitting hard!

Another ray of shock flew across, hitting the wolf king again.

The two attacks had severely injured the wolf king, and greatly reduced the wolf king's strength.

However, the Tai Chi Yuanpan still continuously provided Jiang Xiaobai with strength, coupled with the Glittering and Gliding Body Technique, it made him more relaxed and freehand.

Two minutes later, the Blue Eyed Jade Wolf King had already fallen in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

However, at this time, the power of the Tai Chi disc had disappeared, and Jiang Xiaobai gasped heavily.

If the Blue-eyed Jade Wolf King lasted a few more minutes, Jiang Xiaobai would not be able to kill him.

After the wolf king fell, a faint breath was absorbed by the Tai Chi disc.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai has also recovered his strength.

At this time, he understood roughly how to use the Tai Chi Disc.

The power provided by the Tai Chi Disc is not endless, once it is exhausted, it needs to be supplemented by the power gained from killing monsters.

Only by constantly beheading monsters can the Tai Chi Yuanpan be able to provide continuous power support.

Jiang Xiaobai leaned over to clean up the body of the Blue-eyed Jade Wolf King, stuffed useful materials into his backpack, and then looked at Yuan Lingguo.

Yuan Lingguo!

This is a rare spiritual fruit!

If it's on the black market, it's worth tens of millions.

Along the way, Jiang Xiaobai had already consumed both Qi Xue Pill and Body Tempering Pill.

But fortunately, he got the Yuan Lingguo, which is still a big profit for him.

The value of a spirit fruit is far more than a few hundred credits.

If it is sold to the school, I am afraid that it can get thousands of points.

Jiang Xiaobai carefully put away the Yuan Lingguo and put it in his backpack.

After searching around again, he found nothing else, so he left contentedly.

A Yuanling fruit has already made him a lot of money, even if he has no other gains, this is enough for him.

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