Dominate the world

Chapter 966 Holy Projection

"Okay, then I'll send you on your way." Jiang Xiaobai stopped persuading, and the swords shone together, like a big star and a Haoyang shuttle shot out from the anode, one bright and one dark, and the two poles faced each other.

It's just that Jiang Xiaobai's class is higher. This move means existence and nothingness. The sword slowly cuts down, and the surrounding fields are shaken, and violent fluctuations begin.

Xie Kun and Yao Guang broke through the domain together and were involuntarily sent far away.The two also saw Yang Yang and Jiang Xiaobai's confrontation move. They were shocked and did not dare to approach at all. It was awe from their hearts.

The two of them suddenly realized that this was an attack that surpassed the emperor level!

On the other side, Tong Fangyuan and Long San also stopped fighting, and looked at this side blankly.

Light and darkness are intertwined, existence and nothingness coexist, and the attacks of the two sides finally collide.Just like a phoenix nirvana, the light is extinguished for a moment, but the next moment the spark shines in the void, and then shines boundlessly, illuminating the earth.

With a bang, a person fell out, and the four people present all looked at it, one person was happy, and the three were terrified, the person who fell out was Yang Yang.

But at this moment Yang Yang's body is half hidden and half visible, with intertwined lights and shadows, everyone can see that he is already on the verge of collapse.

The light disappeared completely, and Jiang Xiaobai's body appeared, with a smear of blood on the corner of his mouth, but he didn't seem to be injured at all. It was clear who would win and who would lose.

"Unfortunately, I was born a thousand years earlier. If I was born in the same age as you, I would not be weaker than you." Yang Yang said brightly.

"That's right, the senior's talent is extraordinary, far above the junior, and the junior is convinced." Jiang Xiaobai said sincerely.

Yang Yang suddenly smiled, and he waved the Haoyang shuttle to Jiang Xiaobai: "With your words, the old man will die today without regret. He did not participate in our affairs when he handed the Haoyang shuttle to Tianfeng, and even I have been consoling me, but the old man is stubborn, 300 years, 300 years..."

In Yang Yang's emotion, his body became more and more illusory, and finally disappeared completely, leaving only his voice echoing for a long time in the space.

Whoosh whoosh!

Three beams of light flashed, but it was the streamers of Long San, Xie Kun, Yaoguang and the three who flashed quickly. They were terrified, the anode actually died, and the sky fell!

"Bastard, where are you going?" Tong Fangyuan shouted, and quickly chased him out, but slipped back soon.

But he saw Jiang Xiaobai sitting cross-legged, practicing his kung fu, and his chest was dark red, obviously seriously injured.

"Sure enough, I know you're just pretending, are you okay?" Tong Fangyuan asked with concern.

Jiang Xiaobai shouted angrily: "Brother Tong, why are you back? If you don't chase after me, that old witch Yaoguang will definitely guess that I was seriously injured, and they will be back soon."

Tong Fangyuan scolded: "Then be careful, I'll go first."

After speaking, Tong Fangyuan quickly chased him out.

Jiang Xiaobai dispersed the field and began to heal his injuries. A few minutes later, a figure quietly emerged.

"Sure enough, there are people, you finally couldn't help it."

The figure was slightly taken aback, and smiled lightly: "Scheming, you deliberately let the old guy leave and lured me out, right?"

Jiang Xiaobai stood up and stared intently at the place where he was speaking.It was just a figure, which had been hidden in the darkness all this time, without any cultivation, let alone any clues.

"Who are you?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, "A saint?"

Jiang Xiaobai found that he could not perceive the existence of the latter at all, and only saints could give him such a feeling.

"Hehe, half is right, half is wrong." The figure smiled, "Let's put it this way, I am indeed a saint, but what is here is just a projection."

Jiang Xiaobai asked: "Is the imprint in the heart of the earth left by you?"

The figure smiled: "No, it was my uncle who saw this planet and felt the heart of this planet when he traveled here. This is what you call the heart of the earth."

"Then you came to take it away?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"No, I just promise to let the heart of the earth grow perfectly, and then use my own strength to completely break through the restriction and become a third-order star heart."

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but sneered and said, "So the Heart of the Earth has been sealed twice? The creatures on Earth have suffered two catastrophes of life and death, just to achieve the so-called third-order Star Heart?"

The figure was silent for a while: "I'm sorry, I also feel deeply guilty for what happened to you, but this is already a doomed fact, you can't change it, and I can't change it, I can only continue to deduce it according to the situation, because now it has come to the end At this time, if you try to change again, the price you pay will only be greater."

Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while and said, "So, if I don't put the Earth's Heart back, will you do it?"

Human shadow praised: "You are very smart, no wonder you can reach the current state, yes, I will make a move. Not only because the third-order star heart is very important, but also because it is a star that was determined as early as ten thousand years ago. It is a bet, so it cannot be lost. If you forcibly destroy it, or even refine it, I can only forcibly obliterate you."

Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved: "Bet? Then I can also participate in this game?"

"Hahahaha." The figure laughed loudly, "As I said, you are very smart. As a landlord, you are indeed qualified to participate."

Jiang Xiaobai asked again: "Then if I win, can I win back the heart of the earth?"

"Of course, there will be countless big bosses watching this gambling fight. After all, the participants are from various forces and the arrogance of the universe who has obtained the right to gamble. The most important prize is naturally the third-order star heart, followed by the major forces For example, you, I respect you very much, maybe we can become brothers in the future."

Jiang Xiaobai said softly: "I need to think about it."

The figure responded in one gulp: "Naturally, but you'd better make a decision quickly, because your friend Bai Yu has a strong sense of death. Of course, you can also think that this is my deceitful words, it's up to you Make up your own mind."

Jiang Xiaobai's heart tightened, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I can agree, but I hope you save them."

"Sorry, no, as I said, the current me is just a projection, and I can only be projected in this place, but to show my sincerity, I can give you a healing elixir, as long as you have a breath, you can be revived. "

A ray of light shines, as if condensed from the void.

A yellow-orange elixir spun out and flew in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

The figure said: "This elixir is called Feiling Pill. It is effective for people below the holy level. You can use it yourself or give it to your friends. It depends on your own choice."

"Okay, but I want to fight you."

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