Dominate the world

Chapter 967 Qin Feng Arrives

The figure laughed again: "I knew you would do this, otherwise you would not accept it, come on, use the trick you just did!"

"Okay, take the move!" Jiang Xiaobai waved his sword, and once again made the previous move. The sword and sword combined, illusion and reality intertwined, and bombarded the figure.

The figure didn't dodge, but raised a hand to meet Jiang Xiaobai's sword.

Then, the brilliance was completely extinguished, and the figure held the sword with one hand, making it impossible for Jiang Xiaobai's sword to cut any further.

"In this cave, I can transfer the power of my body at any time, so you can't succeed."

As if to prove the general, the figure waved his hand, the ground cracked, and bones crawled out.In an instant, flesh and blood sprouted on the white bones, and then the breath soared, and then turned into a saint with a fleshy body.

Together with the previous saints in the flesh, 81 saints in the flesh stood neatly, looking extremely powerful.

"To be honest, I'm really surprised that you broke the formation I arranged by relying on your comprehension of the old woman's formation. Obviously, you are also very talented in formation. If you enter our Holy Land of Youkun, maybe He will become a new generation of Holy Son, and his status is still above me."

Jiang Xiaobai's smile was full of bitterness: "It turns out that those physical saints were all refined by you, no wonder, well, you won."

He took out the heart of the earth and threw it to the figure.This is simply a dimensionality reduction blow, and it is not something he can resist now.

The figure threw the heart of the earth back into the previous formation, and encouraged him: "Work hard and change all of this. It was the same in my hometown back then, so I understand your helplessness very well."

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly raised his head and asked, "Then did you succeed?"

The figure didn't speak, but after taking a deep look at Jiang Xiaobai, he waved his hand and sent a strong wind, sending Jiang Xiaobai out.

The strong wind dissipated, and Jiang Xiaobai took control of his body again. When he looked back, there was already a sheet of white snow behind him, and everything he saw before was gone.

There is no formation, no mountains, no underground palace, even corpses and blood, even the footprints of monks and some traces left by the war are no longer visible.

"Is this the power of the holy level? Break out of the planet and change the world?" Jiang Xiaobai only felt that his mind was extremely heavy, looking at the vast white snow, he suddenly felt a little lost.

The figure said that his hometown had also encountered such a catastrophe, but he didn't say the result. Was it a failure?


"But I won't, and I can't!" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but let out a long cry, his voice full of suppressed mourning.

After the long cry, Jiang Xiaobai took a deep breath: "Now is not the time to be sad, and Bai Yu is waiting for me."

He punched the void with a punch, and the void shook slightly, but did not open the space.

"Ah, yes, with the maturity of the heart of the earth, the current space is becoming more and more stable, and it is no longer possible to move long distances."

Jiang Xiaobai quickly flew up, dispersed his spiritual thoughts, and soon found the traces left by the fight in the distance, and chased after them at top speed.


"Junior Sister Lan, put me down and escape by yourself, I can't drag you down." Bai Yu looked at Lan Yeqing who was coughing up blood, and was extremely moved.

"It's absolutely impossible. I have done so many bad things, and now I just want to be a good person." Lan Yeqing spat out a mouthful of blood, and shouted viciously.

Her strength was still weak. After rushing out of the secret place where the heart of the earth was located, she was attacked by monsters and sea beasts ambushing around.

Even with the help of Tianji Mirror and Juedao Ruler, she was still seriously injured under the attack of more than a dozen semi-saints.She simply blew her own imperial soldier, and then forced a way out, and ran wildly with Bai Yu on her back.

Then, the arrival of the semi-sage of the human race made the situation worse. Thanks to the arrival of Fairy Kunlun Yun and Fairy Qianyue, she finally eased her burden.

But before fleeing far, Long Sanyao, Guang Xie Kun and the others rushed over and joined them in the battle. Even with Tong Fangyuan's help, they quickly fell into a disadvantage.

"Uncle Yaoguang, where is my master?" Zhang Tianfeng was terrified. Just before, he suddenly felt something was wrong. Seeing that the master didn't come, he thought of the most terrifying thing.

Yao Guang shouted: "Why are you in a daze, your master was beaten to death by that devil Jiang Xiaobai!"

Xie Kun also shouted: "If we take the Son of Luck, we still have the possibility of getting the Heart of the Earth, otherwise we will just wait to be defeated by Jiang Xiaobai one by one!"

Long San is still afraid for a while now, it was the first time he discovered that Yang Yi was so powerful, and Jiang Xiaobai killed such a powerful Yang Yang.

He didn't have the slightest confidence to face Jiang Xiaobai, that move had become his nightmare.

If Yao Guang and Xie Kun hadn't said that they had captured the Son of Destiny, they still had a chance to find the heart of the earth. At this moment, he just wanted to run back into the deep sea and never come out again.

"Impossible, my master is so powerful, how could he be killed?" Zhang Tianfeng roared, he really didn't want to believe it.

Fairy Qianyue's chest was covered in blood, and she was also seriously injured. Yao Guang, Xie Kunlong and the others were desperate.But her face is still calm and elegant: "Tianfeng, your master has indeed passed away, but he left after asking, you don't need to be sad."

Zhang Tianfeng's eyes were blank, he turned his head suddenly and rushed back towards the way he came from.

"Hmph, let him go, Yang Yi is dead, and Ziwei doesn't matter, let's talk about taking down the child of luck." Yao Guang roared.

"Kill!" Xie Kun shouted loudly, he was extremely remorseful, and wished to chop Yaoguang up, why did he ignorant of his conscience and listened to Yaoguang's demonic words.But he has already boarded the thief ship, and now he can only run farther and farther on the road to death.

Yaoguang Xie Kunlong and the three sons were the main attackers, and a group of monsters and semi-sages slaughtered all directions. Even Tong Fangyuan and Qianyue Fairy couldn't resist, and Yun Fairy was also seriously injured and was protected behind her.

The situation has become extremely bad, Bai Yu's eyes were filled with blood and tears, and he shouted: "Stop beating, leave me behind, you guys go, go!"

But now three hours have passed, he has no vitality at all, and because of the traumatized eyes, he can't resist at all, so he can only be passively carried by Lan Yeqing, watching them continue to be seriously injured and vomit blood...

"Aww..." Suddenly there was a roar, resembling the mournful cry of a monster.

Tong Fangyuan's heart moved, and he hurriedly shouted: "No!"

The next moment, everyone saw a person flying towards him rapidly, but his body was deforming in the air, gradually turning into a monster.The monster said something in its mouth: "I, Qin Feng, am I a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Tell Xiaobai that it is the greatest honor of my life, Qin Feng, to be able to make friends with him."

The monster that Qin Feng turned into landed, and rushed towards Third Young Master Long and Yao Guang.

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