As soon as they met each other, the Third Young Master Long and Yao Guang backed up a few steps, and they both uttered in shock: "Holy monster?"

"Impossible, he only has the strength of the holy level temporarily." Yao Guang shouted, "Let's take action together, it will take his time."

Xie Kun also rushed over, and the three of them attacked the monster Qin Feng turned into with a siege.Although the other half-sages and monster sea beasts did not have the help of the three top half-sages, more than 20 half-sages besieged and seriously injured the five people, and they were still unstoppable.

"Damn it, you guys are clearly forcing me." Tong Fangyuan took out a pill, which was the Heaven Returning Pill, and swallowed it in one gulp.

He bet that Jiang Xiaobai would arrive within three hours.

The elixir enters the abdomen, within a few breaths, Tong Fangyuan's kung fu fully recovered.

"A group of bastards, let the old man die." Tong Fangyuan cursed, being beaten by a group of half-sages, when did he suffer such grievances.

Tong Fangyuan broke out, and the situation of the five of them finally got better, but after all, two fists are no match for four hands.Moreover, these enemies were all semi-saints, with strong strength, no matter how strong Tong Fangyuan was, it would be great for one person to deal with five or six people, but he was still suppressed and beaten.

Here, Qin Feng crazily attacked the three of them. He knew that he had no way out. Instead of completely turning into a monster, he would go crazy and die in the hands of these people, as long as he could wait until Jiang Xiaobai arrived.

Not long after, the situation returned to the bad situation before. Qin Feng and Tong Fangyuan were like small stones thrown into the turbulent stream. After splashing a wave, they returned to their original state.


"Jiang Xiaobai, take your life." From afar, Zhang Tianfeng rushed over, slashing viciously with his sword.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai alone, Zhang Tianfeng completely lost hope. He knew that Master might really be dead.With grief and indignation in his heart, he thought of all the things he had with his master, there were joys and losses, but at this moment there was only deep sadness, which made him cut out that sword recklessly.

Jiang Xiaobai waved the Haoyang Shuttle, lightly blocking Zhang Tianfeng's slash.

Zhang Tianfeng was stunned, tears came from his eyes, he often said that the sword is there, but the sword net is dead, now Haoyang Shuo is lost.

"Senior Zhang, listen to me, this is what your master asked me to hand over to you. I believe you can see the cause and effect clearly from Haoyang Shuoli. I'm sorry, I'm rushing to save people, and I will explain it to you later."

Jiang Xiaobai's figure flashed and disappeared, Zhang Tianfeng grabbed the Haoyang Shuttle thrown by Jiang Xiaobai, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Perhaps feeling Zhang Tianfeng's pure crape myrtle vitality, a figure emerged from the Haoyang Shuttle, which was impressively positive.

"Master, you?"

"From now on, Ziwei Cave will be handed over to you. As a teacher, I believe that you can support Ziwei Cave. It's a pity, Master should listen to you. Jiang Xiaobai is also outstanding. I fought with him, and he let me see With the power of the holy level, I have no regrets as a teacher in this life. Don't hate Jiang Xiaobai. At the last moment, we have reconciled and appreciated each other because of confidantes. Unfortunately, it is too late for the teacher to realize this. Trust Jiang Xiaobai, he will Those who lead you to sanctification will fulfill Master's unfulfilled wish..."

Yang Yang's voice became lower and lower, and his image gradually faded, disappearing completely.

"Master!" Zhang Tianfeng knelt heavily in the snow, and could not help but wailed.

Jiang Xiaobai was so anxious that he continued to speed up all the way, and finally saw the tragic scene ahead.

Tong Fangyuan and Fairy Qianyue vomited blood together and fell backwards, while a monster turned around suddenly to protect the five people who were lying on the ground. The third son Xie Kunlong and Yao Guang brandished their weapons and struggled to defend against the monster. Open the back and stab it.

With just one glance, Jiang Xiaobai recognized that the monster was transformed by Qin Feng. He didn't understand that Qin Feng should have made a deal with that holy spirit.

"Get out!" Like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, a roar resounded between heaven and earth.

There was a rumbling sound, and it turned out that this roar triggered an avalanche.

Xie Kun and the others turned their heads in amazement, only to see Jiang Xiaobai rushing towards him with bloodshot eyes and blown hair.

Suddenly, the third son of the dragon turned over and transformed into the body of the dragon, and flew towards the distance quickly, but he didn't dare to resist it. Xie Kun was startled, and attacked Yao Guang with a punch, grabbed the old man and slipped away quickly.

Yao Guang spat out a mouthful of blood, and was so frightened and furious that she turned her head and was about to slip away.

"I still want to go!" Jiang Xiaobai roared, grasping the palm of his hand, and the three-foot-long Golden Dragon Sword stabbed out in a hurry. It was so powerful that it broke through the void, and appeared behind Yao Guang in the next moment, piercing through Yao Guang back heart.

Yao Guang let out a miserable howl and fell heavily to the ground.

The monster sea beasts and human half-sages who were still besieging Tong Fangyuan's five people were completely stunned. In the blink of an eye, the two top half-sages slipped away and Yao Guang was seriously injured. How dare they stay.

Coincidentally, a group of half-sages from all clans launched a surprise attack, beating Tian Quanzi who was about to sneak away, and paralyzed him to the ground. Tian Quanzi coughed up blood, but he couldn't say a word.

The monsters and sea beasts showed their bodies one after another, and fled away quickly, and several ups and downs disappeared.

Jiang Xiaobai rushed over, broke Yao Guang's martial arts foundation with one palm, and kicked Tian Quanzi unconscious with another kick.When he came to the crowd, he saw that Qin Feng's demonic aura suddenly flourished, and his body also became huge. His red eyes were no longer human, and only the cruelty and tyranny of the monster race remained.

"Xiaobai, save Qin Feng." Bai Yu shouted hard, "I don't care."

Seeing that although the five people were seriously injured, they were all alive, Jiang Xiaobai knew what Qin Feng had paid for.He rushed to Qin Feng's side in a hurry, and slapped the flying spirit pill projected by the saint into Qin Feng's mouth.

Feiling Pill is worthy of being a holy elixir, its medicinal properties are extremely overbearing, and its effect is extremely fast.

Soon, the evil spirit on Qin Feng's body eased, and then his body began to shrink.Then, he opened his mouth suddenly and spat out, and a divine sense that was completely condensed into substance flew out.

"Holy pill, Feiling Pill, how is it possible?" Spiritual Mind hovered above everyone's heads, turning into an ape, it looked at Jiang Xiaobai resentfully, and shouted: "Boy, this is not over, I will be back in the future. "

Jiang Xiaobai casually shot out a sword energy, but with a cold snort of the holy spirit, it dissipated into the air, never to be seen again.

Qin Feng's body changed back to what it used to be. He felt the change in his body in disbelief, and then burst into tears.Although he has not yet done a detailed examination, he feels that the crisis that has troubled him for many years has disappeared.

"Congratulations Senior Brother Qin, you are finally free from today."

Qin Feng rushed over, hugged Jiang Xiaobai tightly, and said words of gratitude over and over again.

Suddenly, he pushed Jiang Xiaobai away: "No, you don't know I'm coming, which means this pill is for them? Here, I..."

He looked at Bai Yu and the others in shame, his expression full of self-blame.

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