Jiang Xiaobai patted Qin Feng's shoulder lightly, and said softly: "Don't worry, everyone will be fine. In fact, this pill is more suitable for you. We need you in the future."

It was also a blessing in disguise, Qin Feng completely let go of his control over his body, allowing the holy spirit to change his body, and now Qin Feng has also stepped into the realm of semi-holy.

"Come on, let me heal everyone first." Jiang Xiaobai said.

He walked over, his mind sank into his dantian, absorbed a bit of the aura of the fruit of the Dao, and transmitted it to the five people.

Tong Fangyuan and Fairy Qianyue were at the highest level, and they immediately recognized the aura of the fruit of the Dao. They both shouted in unison: "Is this the heart of the earth?"

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "No, this is the avenue fruit formed after my avenue seed hatched, grew, and bloomed. It's just not yet ripe, but it doesn't matter if it takes a little while for it to mature. You should recover from your injuries first. I'll talk to you slowly."

Three days later, even Bai Yu, who was the most injured, recovered, and the five of them were extremely surprised by that aura.With the help of the aura of the fruit of the Dao, Tong Fangyuan and Fairy Qianyue had their own comprehensions, and their skills improved to a higher level.

Although Fairy Yun, Lan Yeqing and Bai Yu didn't comprehend anything, they were delighted to recover from their injuries.

"...That's how things are. So the heart of the earth has returned to its place, and in the future we need to fight again, and it is to fight against the arrogance of Outland. We have no other way, this is our destiny, but the situation is not too bad Poor, at least we still have a chance to compete."

Jiang Xiaobai narrated what happened exactly, and the six people who listened were stunned, and it took a long time to recover.

"It turns out that all of this is a plot by outsiders, so what are we?" Tong Fangyuan scolded angrily.

Qin Feng sneered and said: "Sure enough, this is the law of heaven and earth, the law of the jungle will always prey on the strong, and those who fall behind will be beaten."

Fairy Qianyue sighed softly: "Perhaps, we should have foreseen it, but I didn't expect it to be such a big game of chess, and we are just pieces on the chessboard."

Bai Yu sneered: "We are not chess pieces. Maybe we are still weak now, but one day we will overturn this chessboard, become chess players, and control our own destiny!"

Lan Yeqing laughed suddenly, facing everyone's puzzled eyes, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she explained: "I'm just very happy, I'm no longer alone, I believe that if we work together, we will succeed."

Jiang Xiaobai said loudly: "That's right, Junior Sister Lan is right, as long as we unite and work hard, fight unyieldingly, and work tirelessly, I believe we will be able to change our lives and control our own destiny."

"That's right, it depends on man's efforts, and man will win against nature!" Qin Feng said in a deep voice, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

Fairy Qianyue pondered for a moment, but stopped talking.

"Fairy Qianyue, don't worry, the enemy is now, I know how to choose, please send a word back to the fairy. The past can pass, and I can let it go. After all, the people below are innocent. For nothing, never give up lightly."

Fairy Qianyue Jishou said: "Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, Jiang Zhangjiao has a large number of adults, which is the blessing of all sects."

Jiang Xiaobai laughed at himself: "I've never been a magnanimous person."

"Boy, you have grown up." Tong Fangyuan patted Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder heavily and said with emotion.

Fairy Qianyue said goodbye: "In this case, we are going back, Master Jiang, please leave."

Fairy Yun also bowed, and the two left in a hurry.

Lan Yeqing pulled Yao Guang and Tian Quanzi over and threw them heavily on the ground: "Senior brother Jiang, what should they do?"

"Take it back, hang it on the flagpole of the Ministry of Martial Arts, and show it to the public for three days, as a warning to everyone else!" Jiang Xiaobai said coldly, "Benevolence and righteousness are necessary, and thunderous means are also indispensable, otherwise people will really think that I, Jiang Xiaobai, are weak and can be bullied! "

Qin Feng, Bai Yu and the others all agreed loudly, they are very disgusted with these two old bastards.

The two of them had already been abolished, and they had no power to resist. They were silent when they heard the punishments imposed on them by the crowd.

A few days later, Jiang Xiaobai and the five finally returned to the Martial Arts Department of Huaguo. The news of the return of the five semi-sages spread across the country in an instant, shocking the whole world.

The bodies of Yaoguang and Tianquanzi were hung up for everyone to despise. They were already very old, they had no skills, and their lifespan was nearing the end of their lives. They died on the flagpole.

In the Martial Arts Department meeting room.

Now, Jiang Xiaobai took the lead without hesitation, and a series of elders lined up below, each with strong strength.

"Bai Yu, Ye Qing, I trouble you two to send back the bodies of the two of you, and also send back the Seven Star Map. Yaoguang Tianquanzi deserves to die, Beidoudongtian is not guilty."

The two together should be: "Good!"

"Brother Tong, I would like to trouble you and Senior Brother Qin Feng to go to the sea area and inform our Martial Arts Department about the news."

Tong Fangyuan smiled and said, "No problem, just go out for a walk."

Qin Feng also nodded, he has been trapped for too long.

"I will go to Ziwei Cave to have a look, and then I will visit Sanxian Island. It's time for them to make a statement. Elder Xie Guanying, the Martial Arts Department will trouble you to take care of it. As for the other elders, work hard and advance to semi-sage as soon as possible. , under the semi-sage, you don't even have the qualifications to participate."

All the elders answered in unison.

"Elder Duan Hong, I will trouble you to be in charge of the recruitment of the Martial Arts Department in the future. Now that the Zongmen Secret Realm is no longer the opponent of our Martial Arts Department, there must be a Zongmen Secret Realm to take refuge in, and you will be in charge."

Duan Hong is a calm person, with a trace of excitement in his eyes, but he still said in a low voice: "Don't worry, I will take care of it."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Emperor Cang of the Northwest and said, "Senior, I will leave the responsibility of disciplining the disciples to you. What we care about is not only the improvement of their strength, but also their quality of mind. Those who are not loyal to my Martial Arts Department will not Those who are willing to fight to protect the earth will be eliminated, and those who are serious will abolish the foundation of martial arts."

"Don't worry, it's on the old man." Northwest Cangdi said.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Gongsun Long: "Brother Gongsun, quickly raise your cultivation base. Of course, the refining of the emperor's soldiers must not be left behind. Elder Jin Zhi will trouble you in this regard."

Elder Jin Zhi said with a smile: "No problem. In recent years, we have recruited a lot of masters of the art of refining, and there will be no shortage of emperor soldiers."

Gongsun Long hummed, and now his status in the eyes of the elders is still higher than Jiang Xiaobai, they found that there is no Gongsun Long who can't do it.

"Okay, we still have about two months. Let's prepare for ourselves and try to reach a higher level before the heart of the earth is fully mature. After all, the challenges in the future will not be light, please."

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