Dominate the world

Chapter 970 Haotian's decision

All the elders responded one after another, and now it was the eve of the outbreak of the great war, and no one dared to take it lightly.Even Tong Fangyuan and Gongsun Long, who had always lived in seclusion, were born, which showed the dire situation.

The Ministry of Martial Arts, a state machine that had risen in the war era, began to operate rapidly in the next two months.In Yuxu Palace, the family members of the elders were being sent in continuously, one is to protect the rear area, and the other is a kind of default hostage.

The Biyou Palace was also fully opened, and talents from all sides were sent into it, trying to improve their cultivation to a higher level in the last two months.All Wuhan universities across the country have also completely released resource restrictions, and even opened some loan businesses to encourage students and teachers to work hard and break into various forbidden places.

And public opinion propaganda has also begun to be militarized, martial arts, and more importantly, underground fortifications have gradually opened, and various places have begun to intensify their drills, and everything is ready for the worst situation.

Under such circumstances, several half-sages from the Martial Arts Department went to sea one after another, and Jiang Xiaobai also went to Ziwei Cave.

Compared with the shocking prestige of the Martial Arts Department, the secret realms of various sects are now not saying that there is a lot of noise, but they have become cautious, lest there will be some disturbance, which will trigger the attack of the Martial Arts Department.

In particular, the secret caves located on the continent have opened up the guardian arrays one after another, and they are not going to open them in the short term.The battle in the extreme north has spread throughout the practice world, the martial arts department became famous in the first battle, and Jiang Xiaobai has confirmed the strength of the world's number one master.

The semi-holy state, the body of a saint, the great perfection of the domain, and the sword and sword, each of these are advantages enough for ordinary people to settle down and live, but all of them are concentrated in Jiang Xiaobai alone, making him an invincible man. Questionable No.1 in the world.

Ziwei Cave Sky, looking at a piece of plain, hearing the sound is full of mourning, the Supreme Elder Yang died in battle, and Ziwei's strength suffered an absolute heavy blow.Although the sect was relatively calm, unlike Beidou Dongtian, where more than half of the disciples ran away, the mood of the disciples was not very good. Even though the great elder Zhang Tianfeng repeatedly restrained them, the disciples still felt panicked.

On the beach, the waves are undulating, bringing the breath of sea breeze.

The three stood silently by the seaside, they were the three most powerful in Ziwei Cave, Wuyou, Xuanxi and Haotian.

The changes in the cave and the death of the Supreme Elder dealt a heavy blow to the mentality of the three of them who had always been aloof.What's more, Jiang Xiaobai was still calling them brothers and sisters not long ago, and everyone's cultivation level was equal, but in a blink of an eye, even the Supreme Elder became their subordinates.

This huge gap made them feel a heavy sense of loss for the first time. It turned out that they had been just watching the sky from a well.

"I want to leave Ziwei." Haotian said suddenly.

Wuyou and Xuan Xi glared over angrily, Wuyou shouted: "You want to be a deserter?"

Haotian shook his head: "No, I will always be a disciple of Ziwei, but we have stayed in Ziwei for too long, and we have been self-righteous for too long. Do you remember those forbidden places? It is forbidden by the sect? Chuang, improve your strength as soon as possible, and you will never return if you are not a semi-saint."

Xuan Xi worried: "But the Great Elder said, it's very dangerous there!"

"No matter how dangerous it is, can it be as dangerous as Jiang Xiaobai's experience? Think about him, and then look at us, the sect provides support, the emperor soldiers provide, and the vitality is nourished, but what about him? There is nothing, except an unyielding Heart, a big courage, a fighting spirit to fight forever, dare to fight and break through, and take responsibility. You ask yourself, do you dare? At least I know that I dare not. We are not as good as him now. Those things are missing.”

"In the past, we could deceive ourselves that Jiang Xiaobai was the son of luck, and his luck was infinite, so he had those opportunities. But the reality has proved that he is not, and everything about him is made by himself. The weak cannot survive. The strong man can cross people, look at the people around him, Bai Yu has become a semi-saint, Lan Yeqing has become a semi-saint, Qin Feng is deeply cursed by the holy spirit, but he also broke the bad luck and became a semi-saint What is a strong man? This is the real strong man. As for us, I bear the name of the eldest disciple, and you bear the name of the saint son and daughter, but you have always relied on Ziwei Dongtian. Compared with us He's gone too far."

Xuan Xi sighed softly: "Haotian, you can't say that, we..."

"Reality is reality, why deny it? Haotian, I'm with you, junior sister, are you coming?"

Xuan Xi was surprised: "But what about the Zongmen? The Great Elder is deeply saddened and cannot take charge. All the elders are in a state of mind. What if we leave and an accident happens?"

Haotian looked serious: "Junior Sister, you don't need to worry, I know Jiang Xiaobai, he is very generous, when I plotted against him like that, he still didn't care, and even helped me hide the truth about Shengxianhua. He will not attack our Ziwei Cave, on the contrary, I think he will help protect Ziwei..."

A long laugh sounded, and the three of them looked towards the sky together, only to see Jiang Xiaobai stepping in the air, floating towards him.

"Brother Haotian is absurd, but the three of you really need to improve your strength as soon as possible. During this period of time, Ziwei Cave, I, Jiang Xiaobai, have saved it."

Haotian cupped his hands respectfully: "I've met Master Jiang."

Wuyou and Xuan Xi also rushed to pay their respects, their demeanors were extremely respectful, and there was even a trace of awe.

Jiang Xiaobai helped the three of them up, and said in a harmonious voice: "We are of the same generation, you don't need to be polite, just a brother Jiang is enough. I heard what you just said. I think what Brother Haotian said is that you can go to the hospital during this period of time. Fight hard and increase your strength as soon as possible. I think Fairy Qianyue has already informed all of you of the future crisis. What we need to face next is the geniuses from all over the Outland. They will be semi-holy at worst. They looked down on it."

"That's right!" Hao Yang said loudly, "Could it be possible that Elder Tianfeng is still going to fight with those young people then? I am Ziwei Cave, and the former Holy Land can't afford to lose this person."

Both Wuyou and Xuan Xi's cheeks flushed red, they are the peerless arrogance, the generation with arrogance.At that time, the arrogance of the outer domain will come, but they will not even be able to pass the threshold. Isn't it embarrassing!

Jiang Xiaobai continued to encourage: "After the heart of the earth is fully matured, I believe there will be a wave of vitality recovery. At that time, it will be the best time to become a semi-saint. You must seize it and don't miss it. Of course, it is better to go further .Outsider geniuses are very powerful, and someone like me who doesn't know what to do, must not be complacent."

"Okay! Then Brother Lao Jiang will be responsible for everything." Haotian said.

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