Dominate the world

Chapter 971 The Identity of Three Immortal Islands

At that moment, the three of them didn't hesitate anymore, and entrusted Jiang Xiaobai to tell the First Elder, and the three of them left quickly.

When Jiang Xiaobai entered the Ziwei Hall, there was a huge commotion immediately, and Zhang Tianfeng led the ten elders to rush out quickly.

"Devil, do you still dare to come to our Ziwei Cave?"

"Open the big formation and kill him."

"Revenge for the Supreme Elder!"

Just after meeting each other, several elders roared impatiently, but some elders hurriedly stopped them, but after all, the words had already been spoken.

"Shut up." Zhang Tianfeng shouted, finally stopping the commotion.

Zhang Tianfeng looked indifferent: "I don't know why Master Jiang came to my Ziwei Cave?"

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai heard this, he knew that Zhang Tianfeng still had resentment towards him, so he cupped his hands politely: "I'm here to send Senior Yang Yang a ride, and I'm also here to appease everyone's resentment, and talk to everyone calmly. I would like to inform everyone that Haotian Xuanxi and Wuyou have left Ziwei, they have gone out to practice, and they will never come back until they become semi-sages."

Zhang Tianfeng sighed: "The meeting hall please!"

Although there were disputes about the following matters, they were finally discussed. Zhang Tianfeng understood the general situation, Jiang Xiaobai took the initiative to give up some benefits, and finally reached an agreement.

A day later, Jiang Xiaobai flew to Penglai Xiandao.

As if knowing that Jiang Xiaobai would definitely come, the abbot and the wife of the owner of the second island of Yingzhou also rushed over, and the two sides met in the meeting hall.

Xu Rui and Dongfang Hong looked at Jiang Xiaobai in astonishment. They had already heard about Jiang Xiaobai's rumors, but they still couldn't believe it.Before, Jiang Xiaobai, who they all regarded as the junior, had now become a big man who stirred up the situation, so tall that both of them could only look up.

Dongfanghong exclaimed: "We have always regarded Elder Jiang as a potential dragon, who can rise up when encountering a storm, but we never thought that Elder Jiang's potential is so high, we are disrespectful and disrespectful!"

After the news from the outside world came, the two of them repeatedly confirmed that it was the truth, and after admiration, there was deep regret.There was once an extremely beautiful opportunity in front of them, but it was a pity that they ruthlessly abandoned it.

Fortunately, they still have Liu Douer as their trump card, otherwise even Penglai would be in danger.

"Elder Jiang, let me introduce you. This is the island owner of Abbot Xianshan, Dongfang Sheng, who is also my biological brother. This is Fang Ming, the wife of the island owner."

Dongfang Sheng and Fang Ming saluted Jiang Xiaobai together, and Jiang Xiaobai also politely returned the salute.

"This is Ye Taogong, the owner of Yingzhou Island, and this is his wife, Dongfang Qin, and my younger sister."

The two sides greeted each other again, and Jiang Xiaobai knew in his heart that Sanxian Mountain was really connected with each other, probably because of blood relationship, I have already been in you, and you in me.

"I understand the purpose of Elder Jiang's visit this time, but does Elder Jiang really want to participate in this day's battle?" Xu Rui asked solemnly.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, and he said with a smile: "It seems that the three island owners seem to know a lot."

Xu Rui exchanged glances with the other two island owners, and the three of them laughed together.

"That's right, we do know a lot. For example, the battle of Heaven's Chosen will take place every ten thousand years. But Elder Jiang, do you know that the planets that are selected as battlefields are also not easy?"

Jiang Xiaobai's face became serious: "I really don't know, and I ask the three island owners to clarify."

Xu Ruidao: "With Elder Jiang's current strength, he does have the qualifications to know. In fact, our identities of the three great fairy islands can be regarded as guardians."

Dongfang Sheng continued: "A long, long time ago, the ancestors of our Three Islands were enlightened by experts from outside the domain, and because of this, our Three Immortals Island survived. That should have happened 2 years ago."

"Our Sanxian Island didn't seem to have participated in the previous two seals on the Heart of the Earth. In fact, we hid in secret to ensure that everything proceeded safely." Perhaps sensing Jiang Xiaobai's displeasure, Dongfang Sheng's tone was a little heavy, " Elder Jiang may have objections to this, and the old man will undoubtedly explain something, this is due to strength."

Jiang Xiaobai clasped his hands and said, "I don't need to care about the Dongfang Island owner. I naturally understand the reason why you will be beaten if you fall behind."

Dongfanghong continued to explain: "According to the records in ancient books, each selected planet is different and has its own mysteries, so there is a chance to give birth to a third-order heart of the earth. Only those who are sanctified on the planet will go further."

Ye Taogong suddenly sighed with emotion: "There is a saying in Outland, if you are not sanctified, you will end up as an ant. Once you are sanctified, your lifespan will exceed two thousand years. Within ten thousand years, your body will be immortal. Even if you die, your golden bones will still remain. But if you want to It is too difficult to be holy, maybe Elder Jiang lamented that the earth is full of disasters, but compared to other planets, we earth people have already taken advantage of it."

Xu Rui nodded and said: "Elder Jiang, please don't take it lightly. There are too many planets that are born with insufficient resources. The heart of the earth can only sanctify one person, and then the planets will gradually die, and civilization will be destroyed. It is even impossible to seal it. Once it is sealed, it will be in advance." Facilitating the death of the planet."

Dongfang Sheng said: "But it is also unfair to the earth, so as far as we are concerned in Sanxian Island, we naturally hope that the people on earth can get the third-order heart, so that the earth can continue to grow."

After the three of them sketched it out, Jiang Xiaobai already understood the whole story.

To put it simply, everyone is innocent and conceived a crime, and the earth has the ability to sanctify people, so the earth has become a prize, attracting the talents of the outer domain.

For Tianjiao, this place is a treasure, but for the natives of the earth, it is undoubtedly a disaster.

Just who cares?

The earth is a new planet, without the care of big figures of the holy level or even higher, it is destined to be plundered.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled bitterly: "Thanks to the three island masters for clarifying the confusion, I understand. But what makes me more curious is, after the arrival of those foreign talents, will they hurt ordinary people?"

"Elder Jiang, why did you ask the question knowingly?"

Jiang Xiaobai sighed: "That's right, if it were me, I came to the earth from a barren alien planet, looking at people with low strength but living happily, I think of the three meals a day that can only be obtained by hard work in my hometown." How can I be psychologically balanced, even if I don’t kill innocent people indiscriminately, people on Earth will gloat when they suffer.”

Dongfang Hong said softly: "I'm afraid it's more than that. For example, I have a question to ask Elder Jiang, can people on earth use it to refine medicine?"

"Of course not...but who would believe it? How could he not try it out?" Jiang Xiaobai said sadly, his red lips gradually bleeding.

Dongfanghong sighed softly: "So, this is destined to be a catastrophe for the earth. Of course, it is not ruled out that the big people above have orders and cannot do that, but how will it be implemented? We can only obey the destiny gone."

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