Dominate the world

Chapter 972 The Origin of the Forbidden Area

"Then kill!" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly said, with golden light shining in his eyes, full of strong evil spirit, "I can't protect everyone, it's unrealistic, but I can avenge them, so that the blood of the dead will not Bailiu."

The six people in the conference room looked at each other, but couldn't say anything, and didn't know how to persuade them.

Jiang Xiaobai asked again: "Everyone, I, Jiang Xiaobai, deeply appreciate the kindness of Sanxian Island, but I feel that the three island owners have made such a big battle, so there should be something else that you can tell me?"

"Indeed!" Xu Rui said, "When the heart of the earth is fully mature, the disciples from the outer domains will be sent here one after another, and within half a month to a month, the reason why the earth can give birth to a third-order star heart will really emerge. .It is a forbidden place. No one knows exactly when it was formed, perhaps 10 years ago, millions of years ago, or even tens of millions of years ago."

"There will be all kinds of treasures in the forbidden area, and even hide all kinds of magical powers, or suppress some demons and ghosts, but there is no doubt that the Tianjiao can be sanctified in it, until the heart of the third-order earth is taken away, The forbidden place will disappear, maybe the suppressed evil spirits will get it, and the earth will be completely reduced to a dangerous place, it all depends on the efforts of the arrogance."

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "So the real reason is that forbidden area, and that is the reason that really plays a decisive role."

Ye Tao said impartially: "That's right, opportunities and dangers always coexist. Where there is any opportunity for no reason, there must be great danger behind it. This is the principle of heaven and earth, the avenue of cause and effect."

"Okay, I understand." Jiang Xiaobai found that he couldn't even find a reason to question, all of this was so natural.

Jiang Xiaobai stood up and cupped his hands at Dongfanghong: "Mrs. Dongfang, please come out, I will take her back."

Dongfanghong said apologetically: "Elder Jiang is disappointed again. Doudou is now in the critical period of becoming a semi-saint and cannot leave the customs. We have already told her what may happen in the future, and she asked me to send her in." I am in the Forbidden City of Penglai, I hope to help you in the future, please see!"

Dongfanghong waved her hand, and a mirror image showed that Liu Dou'er was killing a semi-holy level monster side by side with two girls in a cave. Her cultivation had already reached the eighth stage of the emperor level.

Jiang Xiaobai looked carefully, Liu Dou'er had lost weight, because it was difficult to see the sun, and his skin was fairer. His body seemed to have suffered some injuries, but his spirit was very good, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"Elder Jiang, don't worry, this catastrophe involves the entire earth, and we, Sanxian Island, are destined not to stay out of it. At that time, Doudou and the others will meet you in the forbidden area."

"Well, I won't bother you, time is running out, and I have to go back quickly."

"Farewell to Elder Jiang." The six stood up together and watched Jiang Xiaobai leave.

After Jiang Xiaobai returned to the Ministry of Martial Arts and made an explanation, he took Qilu Wuda and his party to the former Lingxu Cave. According to the secret method given by the innocent old man, he opened the hidden resources and rebuilt the Lingxu Cave.

In the following time, he led everyone to practice together until the time when the snow was falling.

On this day, everyone on the earth felt a little throbbing, and many martial arts masters flew high in the sky, all looking towards the north.

Jiang Xiaobai flew into the air, saw a spiritual light shining in the sky, and then circled around the sky.On the way, many semi-holy masters tried to catch the heart of the earth, but they couldn't catch the shadow of the other party at all.

After Jiang Xiaobai chased it for a while, he felt a different kind of power in the heart of the earth.And the heart of the earth is not flying unconsciously, it is clearly looking for something.

And with the flight of the heart of the earth, the volume of the earth becomes larger again, more wastelands appear, and more strange places manifest.

Finally, after flying for another day, the heart of the earth came to a certain point in the sea, fell headlong, and then disappeared.

The vitality of the earth spewed out again, and thick purple pillars of vitality shot up into the sky, moistening everything like rain.

Countless Tianjiao took the opportunity to rush to the vitality column. They had already received the news a month ago, and this was their last chance to become a semi-saint.

Jiang Xiaobai also sat safely next to a vitality pillar, and began to absorb the rich vitality to nourish the Dao fruit in his body.In the past month, he has restored the fruit of the avenue to its appearance before the injury.

Especially after swallowing the Immortal Flower, the fruit of the Dao grew rapidly.

Zhao Chong, Lan Yingying, Zhang Chulan, and Li Chan also each found a vitality pillar and made the final dash...

One day later, the pillar of vitality disappeared, and a series of powerful auras on the earth flew between the heaven and the earth, and no less than 30 masters became semi-sages.

Even if some people are still worse, they have all reached the peak of the eighth stage of the emperor level, and are about to break through and become semi-sages.

Jiang Xiaobai woke up from his trance, and he called out his attributes.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Realm: Emperor Class Ninth Stage-Half Saint (33%), Body Sanctification (33%)

Cultivation Method: Taoist Scripture Volume 99 ([-]%)

Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu fifth level (99%)

Skills: Chasing stars and chasing the sun (51%)

Star swordsmanship (61%)

Golden Dragon Sword Qi Three Feet (99%)

Void Knife (61%)

Avatar: Domain (100%)

Self-created unique move: the first move: Punishment Saint (Swords and Swords Combined)

Avenue fruit: 50%

During this period of time, Jiang Xiaobai gained a lot, consolidated his foundation, refined his sword and saber techniques, and finally perfected the move of combining swords and swords, which he named "Sage of Punishment".

According to his estimation, there will be three moves in the future, Zhu Xian, Mishen, and covering the sky.These four moves are more powerful than the last move, and the last move will be the limit of the emperor level. With this move, it can kill saints.

The strength of Zhao Chong and the others has also reached the eighth stage of the emperor level, which is about to be inferior to the semi-sacred realm. They are also confident that they will become semi-sacred before the day the forbidden land is born.

The Holy Land of the Confucian Mansion and the Jixia Academy each received news. With the comprehensive resources provided by the two major forces, Kong Xuan and Lin Xiao finally lived up to everyone's expectations and became semi-saints.

The two will enter the forbidden area together with the Confucian Mansion and Jixia Academy, and make an appointment to see each other in the forbidden area.

The Ministry of Martial Arts has achieved a lot of semi-sages, but there are also many people who died because of this, which makes people feel gratified, but also feels disappointed.

The great families have also sent good news one after another, but compared to the Martial Arts Department, their half saints are much less, only eight people.

The good news from Dongtian Secret Realm keeps coming. The six saints and saints from the three major forces of Ziwei Beidou Qiankun have all become semi-sages. start again.

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