Dominate the world

Chapter 973 Yuan Ling

"Xiaobai, come out and watch the shooting stars." Li Chan suddenly called out, breaking Jiang Xiaobai's thoughts.

Zhao Chong laughed, and patted Lan Yingying's shoulder casually: "Honey, let's go out to see God."

Lan Yingying couldn't help but glared at Zhao Chong. She was still joking at what time.She approached Li Chan and asked, "Sister Chan, what's the matter?"

Li Chan pointed to the sky and said, "The people from Outland have arrived."

Having said that, everyone looked towards the sky, and even a few jumped up into the sky.Sure enough, a meteor came flying rapidly in the space. With their extraordinary eyesight, they could see clearly that it was a person.

The meteor gradually became bigger, and the figure gradually became clearer. Finally, the light of the meteor faded away, revealing a young man completely.

The young man was dressed in simple clothes, and he looked no different from ordinary people from the sect of the secret realm, except that his eyes were too bright.At this moment, countless people on the earth were staring at this young man, but the latter was not in the slightest embarrassment of being watched. He took out a compass, calculated the next position, and then flew towards the west rapidly.

"You guard here, I'll go and have a look." Jiang Xiaobai said, his body soaring into the sky, and he quickly chased after that person.

Jiang Xiaobai resorted to chasing stars and chasing the sun, his speed was extremely fast, and the speed of the outsiders was not slow at all. Although the distance was getting closer, it would take a little time for Jiang Xiaobai to catch up.

"Oh, I don't think there are such powerful natives as you on this planet. Okay, let's compare who is faster!" The outlander let out a long laugh, and his body turned into a stream of light again. Can't see it anymore.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, he felt the existence of the star soul on the young man in front of him, it was a different way of using it.

"Brother Pan, can you help me?" Jiang Xiaobai said casually, but he didn't expect that there would be a clear stream coming from the Tai Chi Yuanpan.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help being surprised, this turned out to be a magic trick on how to use the star soul.

The spirit art is very simple, and Jiang Xiaobai mastered it easily. He easily borrowed a star soul from the fruit of the Dao, and blessed it in the movement method according to the spirit art. In an instant, his speed increased a lot.

A few minutes later, the figure in front gradually became clear, and Jiang Xiaobai chased after him.

The figure in front of him suddenly stopped, waiting for Jiang Xiaobai's arrival.

"How could you have a star soul? Could it be that you are not a native of this planet, but also a foreigner? You came here before me?" The young man looked puzzled and looked at Jiang Xiaobai curiously.

Jiang Xiaobai also looked at this outsider curiously. He was obviously different from the previous saint. This young man was much simpler, his face was still a little green, and his eyes were dark and bright, very pure, which made people feel good.

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while, but decided to tell the truth: "I am not an outsider, but a native of this planet. We call this planet Earth. Little brother, what do you call it?"

"Indigenous? How is it possible?"

The young man exclaimed in surprise, he looked Jiang Xiaobai up and down for a long time before he said: "Well, I admit this, well, the earth has bred a third-order star heart, and it is natural to have some masters, but you are too big Are you strong? And how did you get your star soul?"

"Hey, what did you ask me just now, oh, by the way, my name is Qianye, what's your name?" The young man scratched his head with a smile.

Seeing Qianye's shy appearance, Jiang Xiaobai's tone became more relaxed: "Jiang Xiaobai, as for the star soul, of course you can get it."

Qianye rolled her eyes: "Of course I know I got it, how did I get it. You have to know that you can't get out of the planet without becoming a saint, so how can you get a star soul? Is it possible that the earth can give birth to a star soul?"

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt that this Qianye was very interesting, a bit naive, giving people a very sunny look.

"Of course not, it's just my chance. You flew here from space, presumably because of the star soul in your body?"

As soon as he mentioned himself, Qianye's face suddenly revealed a look of pride.He smiled triumphantly: "That's right, it was because of this star soul that I dared to jump off the ship and leave them, and was the first to rush to the earth. Oh, let's not talk about it, let's go find the baby first, I see you People are pleasing to the eye, come with me."

Qianye took out the compass again, and quickly calculated: "Over there."

Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his nose amusedly, followed Qianye to catch up, "What treasure are you looking for?"

"Yuan Ling!" Qianye said casually, "I guess you don't know, so I'll tell you. Once a star like the earth conceives a third-order star heart, it will definitely give birth to a Yuan Ling."

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but widen his eyes, he really didn't know.

"As the name suggests, Yuan Ling is the spirit of vitality, and after swallowing Yuan Ling, you can experience the realm of the holy level in advance, so you know what kind of treasure Yuan Ling is?"

Jiang Xiaobai's breathing was a little short. If he could experience the realm of the holy level in advance, it would be of great help to his subsequent sanctification.Jiang Xiaobai looked at Qianye in surprise, and asked, "You just told me such a secret? Aren't you afraid that I will steal it from you?"

Qianye chuckled: "Don't be afraid, because Yuanling can make two people realize at the same time, if you don't look for you, you will find someone else. And Yuanling's speed is extremely fast, I may not be able to catch him alone, and I only have a [-]% chance of winning. But it’s different with you. You also have a star soul, and the two of us will be able to catch Yuan Ling if we work together.”

"Besides, you have a stellar Dao charm, and it's extremely strong. Hehe, you either have a boldness, or you have great ambitions, and such a person has a high chance of being a good person. Hmph, I'm not stupid !"

After finishing speaking, Chiba proudly raised her head.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but laugh: "Thank you for your praise. Besides my friends, you are the first person who thinks I'm a good person."

"Hey, the direction has changed again, but he is very clever. Let's chase after him, and the others will arrive soon." Qianye shouted, urging Jiang Xiaobai to hurry up.

Sure enough, as Qianye said, Yuan Ling's speed was extremely fast, the two of them urged the star soul to close the distance, once they relaxed a little, Yuan Ling would run away.

While chasing, the two set up formations, and after a lot of hard work, Yuan Ling was finally trapped within a small area of ​​thousands of kilometers.

"Be careful, Yuan Ling will change ever-changingly, and even become our appearance, don't be fooled." Qianye reminded, and the two searched carefully from left to right.

But after searching for a short time, there was a rumbling sound in the sky. Jiang Xiaobai looked up and saw a huge spaceship slowly landed.

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