But this situation only existed for a moment before it began to collapse.

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned, he found that he was still in the quiet room, but the aura in his body transformed by Yuan Ling had disappeared.He recalled the feeling before, and couldn't help but smile knowingly, that was the feeling of the holy level.

Jiang Xiaobai walked out, but seeing everyone staring at him curiously, he asked in surprise, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Chong walked around Jiang Xiaobai, and shouted in a strange manner: "I just feel that you are different from before, but I can't tell what is different."

Everyone nodded in unison: "That's how it feels."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "I just experienced the realm of the holy level, and I have some insights."

Everyone immediately asked curiously. Jiang Xiaobai described it in detail, especially pointing out some magical effects, which made everyone fascinated by it.

"I want to be holy, I must be holy." Zhao Chong clenched his fists and shouted loudly, his eyes full of hope.

The others didn't speak, but the burning in their eyes was not inferior to Zhao Chong's.

During this day, from morning to night, countless outlanders came.Although there is no accurate statistics, there is news from the Ministry of Martial Arts that there are no less than 1 people.Perhaps it was a newcomer, and none of these arrogances did anything to show off for the time being. After landing on the earth, it was like a drop of water melted into the ocean and disappeared.

The Martial Arts Department dare not take it lightly, these people are almost all semi-holy cultivation bases, which are the cultivation bases of the great elders of the great secret realm caves, and any one of them has great destructive power.Unless it is absolutely necessary, everyone dare not take the initiative to provoke disputes.

On the first day, I spent it safely under the heavy guard of the Martial Arts Department.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly woke up from the tranquility, and without thinking about it, he let out a long cry and called everyone together.

He left the Martial Arts Department and stationed at the Lingxu Cave, just to attract people from other regions to come here and avoid the trouble of going to the Martial Arts Department. After all, it is Huaguo.

When he came to the front of the mountain gate, one after another figure came one after another, it was Zhao Chong and the other four.All four of them looked dignified, occupying the favorable terrain of the mountain gate, and Jiang Xiaobai's long roar was a signal, which meant an enemy attack.

"Since you're here, please show yourself. Why are you hiding yourself?" Jiang Xiaobai shouted loudly looking at the empty space outside the door.

A clear voice sounded: "That's right, it's indeed No.1 on this planet."

The space in the empty space suddenly vibrated, and more than 30 outstanding young men appeared in front of the open space.There are men and women, young and young, dressed in different ways, but the aura is unified and semi-holy. If you carefully check, there are strong and weak, but the difference is not big.

These young heroes didn't deliberately exude aura, but just stood there, and they formed a shocking formation by themselves with their high cultivation.

Uncontrollably, the hearts of Zhao Chong and the others felt heavy.There were only five of them here, and Jiang Xiaobai hadn't drawn any power from the Martial Arts Department at all. Using the strength of the five of them to resist these people was tantamount to nonsense.

"Don't worry, at least these people didn't show any malice." Jiang Xiaobai comforted, and took the initiative to greet him.

Jiang Xiaobai greeted me modestly: "Hi, all the talents outside the territory, my name is Jiang Xiaobai, and these four are my friends, Zhao Chong, Zhang Chulan, Li Chan, and Lan Yingying."

With a glance, he saw that there were 31 people in this group, 22 men and nine women. Judging from the appearance of these people, they seemed to be headed by a man and a woman standing in front of them.

At the age of 25 or [-], the man has a Chinese character face with a slightly weathered look. His eyes seem to hold the world, and he can't see the edge, but feels unfathomable.

The woman covered her cheeks with a white veil, her flat forehead had two curved eyebrows, and her big bright eyes seemed to contain no trace of red dust or smoke.Wrapped in white sand, she looks extraordinarily holy.

"Teacher Jiang is good!" The man smiled slightly, "Tianchenxing, hold the sword."

Then, he introduced: "This is Fairy Holy Spirit of Feixianxing."

Jiang Xiaobai clasped his hands again and said: "Earth, Jiang Xiaobai has met Brother Zhangjian, Fairy Holy Spirit and all friends. May I ask why you are here? Please in the sect."

"No hurry." Zhuang Jian declined.

Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback. The reason why he was going to invite everyone in was because he wanted to open up relationships based on friendship, but he didn't expect that he would not be given a chance at all with his sword.The voice of wielding the sword is gentle, and his expression is even more peaceful, but there is a sense of alienation, which makes him a little unclear about the attitude of wielding the sword.

He said with a sword: "This time, we are here to ask Brother Jiang for some advice."

Fairy Holy Spirit finally spoke, her voice was light and cold, "Let's see if you have the strength for us to make friends."

"Oh, what should I do then?" Jiang Xiaobai heaved a sigh of relief.

There was a strong fighting intent in Zhan Jian's eyes: "It's very simple, let's have a competition, you won our approval, and we send you a message, if you are not strong enough, then give up this mountain gate .”

The four of Zhao Chong frowned, and Li Chan was ready to refute. This bet was too unfair, not to mention winning recognition, but he didn't want to accept Jiang Xiaobai's approval.

"Xiaobai?" Zhang Chulan winked, even he felt that Jiang Xiaobai was a little anxious.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "You don't have to worry, I already understand that these friends are not malicious, on the contrary, they are here to give favors. Of course, if the strength is not enough, then everything is empty talk, so the two of you need to weigh me Strength. You two, am I right?"

Zhan Jian laughed: "It's interesting, indeed, we are here to give gifts, but if you are not strong enough, a distinguished guest can also become a bad guest."

"Then please, I hope you won't be disappointed." Jiang Xiaobai said, looking at the two of them, "Which of you two will come first?"

Holding the sword, he glanced at Fairy Holy Spirit and said, "Then I will come first."

With that said, he flew up into the sky with his sword, Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly followed, and the others also flew up, watching the battle around.

Zhao Chong's heart moved, and he said in a low voice: "Shall I go say hello to them?"

Lan Yingying didn't grab Zhao Chong, and followed anxiously: "You don't know anyone, what are you talking about?"

Zhao Chong laughed and said, "It's because I'm not familiar with it that I need to know more! Whenever there is a crisis, Xiaobai always goes forward, but at least we have to take care of the logistics."

Zhao Chong said it easily, but Lan Yingying understood what Zhao Chong meant. This was Zhao Chong supporting her brother with practical actions.

It's hard to tell whether these people are enemies or friends at present, and it's inevitable that they will be questioned if they contact them, not to mention that Zhao Chong is only an emperor-level eighth-dan, and it is necessary to be despised and dismissed, but it is a benefit to know some information.

"Then I'll be with you."

Zhao Chong's heart warmed, and he tightly held Lan Yingying's hand.

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