Dominate the world

Chapter 976 3 Success Power?

"The visitor is a guest, brother Zhangjian, please go ahead." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Holding the sword is not polite, his eyes turned cold, the previous peace disappeared, and only the fierce sword intent remained, anyone who looked at the sword in front of him would feel that the sword in front of him was not like a person, but a sword, and the sword intent soared to the sky .

Jiang Xiaobai immediately restrained all his thoughts, and didn't dare to be careless. This person is definitely a master, and he has a deep understanding of the way of swordsmanship.

He took out the Tai Chi Star Sword, and held down the starting gesture of the Star Sword Technique.Aroused by the sword intent of wielding the sword, his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

"Hehe, is this the number one master on earth? Senior brother wielding the sword hasn't drawn his sword yet? He was frightened." In the crowd of onlookers, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old half-grown young man laughed.

"I found a breakthrough." Zhao Chong's eyes lit up, and he rushed over without hesitation. He retorted: "Little brother, you are very wrong. Jiang Xiaobai is not trembling with fright. I'm so excited, it seems that your vision is not good enough."

The young man blushed and said angrily, "Hmph, what do you know?"

"It doesn't matter whether I understand it or not, as long as they understand it." Zhao Chong laughed, not angry at all.

The young man looked at the others, but saw someone rolled his eyes and looked at him contemptuously. The young man's face turned pale, and he insisted: "Hmph, that kid will know how powerful Brother Zhang Jian is."

Zhao Chong's eyes lit up, and he pretended to be provocative and asked: "Then tell me how good he is? You can tell at such a young age!"

The young man said angrily, "My name is Zhibai, and I am his younger brother. I don't need to read it, I know it."

"Oh, tell me?" Zhao Chong continued to provoke.

"Zhibai, be careful, if Brother Zhanjian didn't lead you, you wouldn't be able to join us." A burly man in animal clothes next to Zhibai suddenly said, on his rough cheeks, a pair of eyes showed shrewdness, which could be seen through at a glance Zhao Chong's intention.

Zhao Chong chuckled: "This man, he has such a strong figure, where did he come from?"

The burly man in animal clothes waved a giant ax as tall as a person casually, showing his white teeth: "Bring me to dinner, and I'll chat with you."

Zhao Chong looked at the size of the strong man, at least two meters tall, and reminded the burly man that the belly exposed outside the animal clothes was swollen. When he listened carefully, it seemed that there was a sound of drum beating.

This is obviously a manifestation of internal training to the extreme. The large appetite must be shocking, and he is afraid that he really can't afford it.

However, Zhao Chong also has a bit of an unscrupulous temperament, otherwise he would not become a buddy with Jiang Xiaobai.He patted his chest heavily and said: "No problem, we people on Earth are very hospitable. A good friend has come, and we will entertain them with good wine and meat. That's enough!"

The burly man in animal clothes smiled: "Okay, your name is Zhao Chong, right? I remember you. I'll talk to you later. Let's watch the fights first. I, Shen Nongye, like to eat everything first. Second, I like to fight. If you make me feel good, you are my friend, if you play with me, I am your brother."

In the air, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Jian were still gaining momentum. Both of them felt the strength of the other. They were definitely rare masters in their lives. It might not be easy to really decide the winner.

But just like that, the fighting spirit of the two was still rising infinitely, agitating the air, causing the onlookers to take the initiative to retreat again.

The surrounding wind and clouds have been stirred up, and a huge cirrus cloud has formed above the center of the confrontation between the two, and it is still constantly attracting clouds from farther away.

There seemed to be static electricity in the air, and there was a buzzing sound. The red sun was quickly covered by thick clouds, and the sky gradually dimmed.

The crowd around the audience, even Zhao Chong who was looking for something to say, shut his mouth knowingly at this moment, everyone could see that the two were about to explode.

Suddenly, the two moved, their long swords flashed together, and they slashed towards each other.

Two gusts of wind blew up, this was the vitality of the two people, because it was too strong, it enveloped both of them and blocked the sight of the surrounding audience.

The two swords collided together, but there was a roar of waves colliding, and there was a big shock, and the vitality of the two of them dispersed, revealing their figures.

Everyone looked anxiously, but saw that the palm holding the sword trembled slightly, and drops of blood fell down.And Jiang Xiaobai's clothes on his upper body were completely torn, revealing his lean flesh. There were ravines and ravines on it, but there was not a single wound.

"The body is sanctified!" Many people in the audience shouted out.

Holding the sword, he smiled and said, "Brother Jiang is really strong, but I lost this move."

Jiang Xiaobai said politely, "I took advantage of my body."

"Senior brother, how could you lose?" A half-grown young man ran out suddenly, it was the young man Zhibai from before, and he shouted unconvinced, "Senior brother, use what you created..."

"Zhibai!" He shouted softly with his sword, "If you lose, you lose, so why bother to justify. What's more, senior brother has reservations, and brother Jiang also has reservations. Don't always rely on your extraordinary talent to think that you are superior, otherwise you will sooner or later You have to suffer a little."

Zhibai drooped his face and let out a light oh.

He cupped his sword and apologized, "Brother Jiang made a joke."

"It's nothing, you're still young, you and I used to be the same as Junior Brother Ling!" Jiang Xiaobai said politely, and he was shocked to find that he hadn't tested the latter's true strength at all with the move just now.

After all, the way of swordsmanship emphasizes indomitable progress, once the strength is reduced, its own power will be greatly reduced.Moreover, he didn't feel the slightest killing intent from the opponent with that sword just now, and he wasn't sure whether the opponent's sword just now used [-]% or [-]% of the level.

But he can be sure that the opponent has absolutely not used more than [-]% of his strength.Coupled with the so-called self-created trick, this person may not necessarily be inferior to him.

"Fairy Holy Spirit, do you want to give it a try?" Zhuang Jian smiled and said without any embarrassment of being defeated.

Fairy Holy Spirit said softly: "Thirty percent of the master's skill in wielding the sword has not tested Brother Jiang's foundation, so there is no need for my little sister to try again."

Zhang Jian's face darkened, and then he smiled wryly, "Fairy is still so impolite!"

Jiang Xiaobai's heart is dark, only [-]%?It seems that the strength of the sword is still underestimated.

The surrounding audience looked dumbfounded. Is this the level of [-]% of the sword?On the other hand, Zhibai raised his head high and hummed heavily at Zhao Chong.

"That's right, that's right. It seems that this sword wielder has such a great reputation, and he really has some capital. He is an opponent." Zhao Chong was startled suddenly, and looked at Shen Nongye who was talking beside him in surprise. It turned out that this man was also a fierce man. ah!

He glanced at Lan Yingying, the two of them were in the same mind, and they must be sanctified as soon as possible.

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