Dominate the world

Chapter 977 Great Merit

"Everyone, please sit in the sect." Jiang Xiaobai greeted enthusiastically.

This time, he did not refuse with his sword, he cupped his hands and said, "Brother Jiang, you are being polite."

A group of people entered the main hall of Lingxu Cave, sat down in their respective positions, and some recruited disciples quickly delivered some spiritual fruit delicacies and the like.

Zhao Chong gave a special order, and brought Shennongye a few large pots of emperor-level sixth- and seventh-stage sea beast barbecue.

"Well, the realm is a little lower, but let's make a living, the meat of the saint is still delicious."

As soon as these words came out, many people immediately frowned, cursing and bragging in their hearts, but Shen Nongye didn't care about it, and ate like no one else.

At the main seat, Jiang Xiaobai also noticed the big man, and he could tell at a glance that this savage guy had already been sanctified physically, and it was very likely that his physical body was stronger than his.

This made him secretly sigh with emotion. Sure enough, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

"Hehe, that friend is called Shen Nongye. We met him halfway. We saw that he is powerful and physically tyrannical, so we invited him over together." Zhang Jian explained.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said, "You can't judge people by their appearance, and the sea can't be measured."

"Headmaster Jiang is curious about the purpose of our arrival, isn't he?" Fairy Holy Spirit brought back the topic.

Jiang Xiaobai cupped his hands and said, "Please advise."

Zhan Jian chuckled and said, "Let me explain this. Fairies are holy, but us ordinary people still have to eat. Otherwise, if Brother Jiang misunderstood, then cooperation will inevitably have thorns in our hearts, won't we?"

Fairy Holy Spirit sighed softly, nodded, and said no more.

"Brother Jiang, first of all, I hope you don't think we are too much. The current fact is that if you are not strong enough, we will kill you without hesitation, then occupy your mountain gate, and then share your sect's treasury for use Cultivation, fortunately things didn’t go in that direction.”

Zhan Jian said it calmly, without any embarrassment.

The eyes of Zhao Chong and the others were all red, and they couldn't help clenching their fists, feeling a strong sense of aggrieved.

Jiang Xiaobai comforted a few people, with a hint of self-mockery on the corner of his mouth, and said coldly: "The weak should be prepared for this."

He said with a sword: "For example, in a few days, someone will go to the various mountain gates to plunder their treasury. This is their fate and cannot be changed. Of course, it depends on one's heart, those half-sages will definitely die. People may not necessarily die!"

"I sympathize with your experience, but it will take half a month to a month before the opening of the forbidden area. The impact on the semi-sage is not too big, but it is not too small. Maybe it is a little chance, a little miracle, and the cultivation base can Advance by leaps and bounds. After all, this is the planet where the third-order star heart is located, and it is the place where miracles are born."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded again. After seeing the tens of thousands of semi-sages when he arrived, he knew that the so-called preparations had become a joke. How to resist the tens of thousands of semi-sages?

The only way is to endure, to avoid the limelight in a low-key way, if you don't want to die, you can only endure, otherwise, he can bear it against ten semi-saints, but hundreds, hundreds, or even thousands ?

No one can escape!

"But the killing is too heavy, and it will have a great impact on our future practice. Of course, we will exclude those who have gone on the path of the devil. Therefore, if possible, we want to prevent this catastrophe."

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes widened suddenly, and his voice couldn't help being touched: "Are you willing to help us?"

After the news came from many sources, although Jiang Xiaobai didn't show it, he already believed in his heart that the earth might be dying.Either he dies with everyone on the earth, or he survives to avenge the earth.

Zhang Jian smiled: "No, Fairy Holy Spirit is willing to help, but we are different, we don't have such a high awareness."

Fairy Holy Spirit's light voice sounded: "Brother Zhanjian, why did you say that you are such a philistine? If you didn't have a holy heart, how could you accept the little girl's proposal?"

Fighting the sword haha: "Fairy, don't say that, I am such a philistine with the sword, and I will never do anything that is not beneficial. Brother Jiang, are you willing to sacrifice your life to do things that are not beneficial?"

Having said that, the words of the sword are already very clear, this group of people came here for him.

It was just using the safety of the earth to force him to control the initiative, but he had to follow the path given by the sword.

Jiang Xiaobai took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Zhanjian, please tell me, do I have any other choices now?"

There was a gleam of joy at the corner of Zhang Jian's mouth: "Brother Jiang is indeed a smart person, so I won't hide it anymore, we want to seek a great merit!"

"Great merit?" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt a palpitation. He vaguely guessed something, but he didn't dare to imagine it.

"Hehe, Brother Jiang seems to have guessed it. There is nothing wrong. We will help you save the earth!"

There was a flash of madness in Zhan Jian's eyes, and his voice was a little higher: "You said what kind of merit it would be to save billions of human beings on the earth. We already know the preparations Brother Jiang made before, It's a pity that in the face of absolute power..."

I didn't say much about the following words, but the meaning is already very clear.

Jiang Xiaobai ignored the ridicule of the sword, and asked expectantly: "What are you going to do?"

Holding the sword, he didn't say it directly. He turned his head and looked at Fairy Holy Spirit: "Before talking about this, Fairy might as well tell Brother Jiang about the realm of practice after the holy level."

"Fairy, please clarify." Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly said politely.

Fairy Holy Spirit nodded slightly: "Mr. Jiang, it's like this. The holy level is the highest level of cultivation that a planet can reach, and then it can break out of the planet. Therefore, in the universe, the holy level is recognized as a planetary level. It's star-level, then cosmic-level, and then transcendence, and the ultimate immortality."

Not only Jiang Xiaobai and others, but also some semi-sages present did not know the mysteries of these cultivation levels. After hearing the description, their eyes were full of longing.

"I see." Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

Fairy Holy Spirit continued: "Holy level, that is, planetary level practice is very difficult, but there are several ways to help, and merit is one of them. The more merit you have, the easier it will be to practice at the holy level. , so, you know."

Holding the sword proudly shouted: "What greater merit can be gained than saving a planet!"

"Although I shouldn't deny you, I have to say that you have a big appetite!" Jiang Xiaobai said with emotion, "But I am grateful."

"Don't?" Zhang Jian said coldly, "All these are just benefits. If the benefits are big enough, we will naturally give it a go. But if the danger is too high, we will face each other without hesitation. After all, a mountain gate's treasury , this benefit is not small."

Fairy Holy Spirit frowned, sighed softly, but said nothing more.

"I did it, tell me, how to do it?" Jiang Xiaobai shouted.

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