Dominate the world

Chapter 978 The Way of Salvation

Zhang Jian smiled: "Brother Jiang really has the world in his heart, and he admires the sword. Now we can return to the previous topic. Brother Jiang, the longer the forbidden land is born, the greater the danger to the earth. Am I right? "

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Exactly!"

"Then what if it is possible to advance the birth time of the forbidden land?"

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes froze and he said: "Every day in advance, the threat will be reduced."

"That's right, if the forbidden land was born tomorrow, how many people on earth would you say survived because of it?"

"Do you have a solution?"

She pouted her sword and pointed at Fairy Holy Spirit: "This is the way of Fairy."

Fairy Holy Spirit said softly: "I come from Feixian Star, and the planet has a relatively high level of development. There are many secret books handed down from ancient times. I saw a senior's deduction about the danger of the third-order star heart in a wild history. He left I made a bold assumption, and I estimated that the success rate should be [-]%."

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly stood up, bowed to Fairy Holy Spirit and said: "Thank you Fairy, if the earth is saved in the future, Fairy will be the rebirth benefactor of all people on Earth. If Fairy has life in the future, I, Jiang Xiaobai, will do anything. "

Fairy Holy Spirit waved his hand: "Young Master Jiang, you are polite, this is just a conjecture after all, and my juniors may not be able to comprehend the deep meaning of the seniors, and may not be able to succeed."

"No matter what, Xiaobai is still grateful."

Fairy Holy Spirit said: "Actually, you should thank Young Master Sword, he..."

"Don't, I said that I just take money from people and eliminate disasters for others, that's all. If I don't succeed, I will still get the reward I deserve."

Seeing that she won't get in with the sword, Fairy Holy Spirit didn't say anything else, she said seriously: "Brother Jiang should see the place where the third-order heart of the earth disappeared, right?"

"Yes, I know." Jiang Xiaobai said seriously.

Fairy Holy Spirit smiled slightly: "Okay, we have successfully taken the first step, the second question, Brother Jiang, you and Qianye got the Yuanling before, and realized the holy realm, right?"

Holding the sword snorted softly: "That kid got a star soul by chance, otherwise, with his strength, how could Yuan Ling fall into his hands. Brother Jiang, who is so extraordinary, actually got a star soul. "

"This is the second step. We need to find Qianye, and then go in from the place where the third-order star heart disappeared, and you who shared the Yuanling will open the way, so that we can find the singularity corresponding to the forbidden area."

"A singularity is a special point in space. According to the records in that ancient book, many singularities will inevitably appear before the forbidden land is born. Of course, the best one to find is the point where the third-order star heart finally disappeared. But only shared Talents from Yuanling can see the singularity, and then make a way from the singularity, and enter the restricted area first."

Holding the sword hehe smiled: "Brother Jiang is right, there is no benefit, how can we risk life and death?"

The others did not speak, but the smiles on their faces revealed their thoughts.

"Of course, if we go in early, the danger will increase a lot, and it will be unpredictable, but the inevitable reward will be great. And when some mechanisms are touched, we can make the restricted area come out early, attracting all the semi-saints to enter."

Jiang Xiaobai's thoughts quickly turned in his mind. The reason why the third-order Earth Heart can be born on the earth is only because of the evolution of that forbidden place. One can imagine the danger of that forbidden place.

Many semi-saints enter it, and I don’t know how many people will die in it. If they are not sanctified, they will definitely not come out.

Merit is helpful to the practice of the holy level, and killing innocent people will only damage the merit, which means that human beings are safe.

In any case, it is imperative to enter the restricted area in advance.

"I'm fine!" Jiang Xiaobai said, "It's what Fairy Holy Spirit ordered."

Fairy Holy Spirit cupped her hands: "Don't dare, I just saw it, so I don't want to ignore it."

Zhang Jian chuckled lightly: "Don't be polite, both of you, in my opinion, you are all good people, but the most urgent thing is to find Qianye first, this kid speeds up with the help of Star Soul, we will not be able to catch up with him at all. Brother Jiang needs to be troubled."

"Oh, so you know where Chiba is?"

A female half-sage said with a smile: "That's right, an auction will be held in the Land of Arrival today, and everyone will exchange information, that kid Qianye will definitely be there."

"It's not too late, let's go." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Jiang Xiaobai calmed down the four of them, and rushed towards the place of descent together with the others.

Now the Earth's space is extremely stable, even with their semi-holy power, they can no longer open the space tunnel, but everyone is extremely fast, and at dusk they finally arrived at the place of descent.

This place is a paradise, and Jiang Xiaobai was shocked by the beautiful scenery in the distance.Surrounded by mountains, it stretches for thousands of miles, and the mountains are covered with green trees or vines, which may be hundreds of meters high, lush and green.

There are waterfalls hanging obliquely, clear pools are deep and secluded, green water flows long, and in the center is a huge open land, enough to accommodate millions of people.

Jiang Xiaobai dissipated his spiritual thoughts, and was surprised to find that the wide ground actually blocked the detection of spiritual thoughts, and there was obviously a formation buried on the ground.And judging from the current scale, perhaps it was the formation below that guided the arrival of the boat in the starry sky.

If it wasn't for the guidance of Fairy Holy Spirit, Jiang Xiaobai would never have discovered this place.

Thousands of Tianjiao have gathered here, forming a market, filled with all kinds of hawking and exchanging sounds.

A group of people landed on the periphery and walked over on foot. Many people greeted Zhang Jian and others.But more people paid attention to Jiang Xiaobai. Obviously, his reputation had spread in just one day.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way." There was a sudden commotion among the crowd, and three strong men flaunted their might to push away the crowd and came over.The three big men looked extremely ferocious, and their burly figures were even above Shen Nongye.

"It's the three Lei Gong brothers of the extremely evil star, Lei Gongli, Lei Gongyi, and Lei Gonglian!"

"I heard that they are all powerful characters who are sanctified in the flesh. If the three of them fight together, even the saints will have a headache."

"I don't know who will suffer!"

With the sound of discussion from all around, the three Lei Gong brothers stood in front of Jiang Xiaobai, staring at Jiang Xiaobai condescendingly.

"Boy, your name is Jiang Xiaobai. I heard that you are the most powerful person on this planet?"

The eldest brother among the three, Lei Gongli slapped Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder with a slap.

There was an uproar from the surrounding crowd, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't dodge or dodge, letting Lei Gongli's palms rest on his shoulders, his face calm and without any trace of fear.

"Yes, what advice do you have?"

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