Dominate the world

Chapter 980 Seeing Immortal Flower Again

"Is this the Immortal Flower?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the exhibits put out by a stall owner in surprise. It was the Immortal Flower.

Fairy Holy Spirit smiled and said: "It seems that this rose flower is rare on earth."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled wryly and said, "It's not only rare, it's almost uncommon. Girl, how do you sell this Ascending Immortal Flower?"

This is a petite girl with a delicate appearance, her strength is average, her breath is a little vain, she seems to have just entered the semi-sage not long ago.The clothes are simple, the only difference is that there is a Brahma flower on the front of the chest.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai asking about the price, the little girl said shyly, "A sixth-order Yuanjing, I'm sorry, I only want a sixth-order Yuanjing, I need it urgently."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Fairy Holy Spirit for help, and the latter explained: "In the starry sky, we use Yuanjing and Xuanjing to settle the settlement. It is rumored that there is another kind of Immortal Jing above Xuanjing, but no one knows if it is true or not. And mysterious crystals are also extremely precious, at least not something we can afford, we semi-saint or planetary level practitioners are enough to use primary crystals."

"Essence crystals are divided into grades one to nine, and each grade is calculated by ten times. For example, one grade six yuan crystal is one hundred thousand first-order yuan crystals. And the energy in one first-order yuan crystal It is almost the sum of the vitality of a half-sage condensed for a day. Of course, the vitality contained in the high-level Yuanjing is more pure, and even contains some heaven and earth charms, so the high value cannot be simply exchanged for the accumulation of Yuanjing. "

Fairy Holy Spirit carefully inspected the Ascension Flower on the stall: "The timing of picking this Ascension Flower is just right, the appearance is almost perfect, and it is well preserved. A sixth-order Yuanjing is not too much, and it is even a bit of a loss. If it is auctioned, maybe it can be sold for a higher price."

"This elder sister is someone who knows what to buy, my lord, what do you think?" The little girl looked at Fairy Holy Spirit gratefully, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai expectantly.

Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his nose embarrassingly: "I don't have Yuan Jing, can I exchange it for other things?"

The little girl shook her head in disappointment: "Sorry, I need to use the sixth-order Yuanjing to save people, and only the Yuanjing above the sixth-order is useful."

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up: "Oh, I know some medical skills, if the girl is willing, I can help you."

The little girl turned pale, and said vigilantly: "Thank you for your kindness, sir, but I only need a sixth-order Yuanjing."

Jiang Xiaobai still wanted to persevere, but he saw Fairy Holy Spirit winking and stepped aside, Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly followed.

"Fairy, is there something wrong?"

Immortal Flower is of great use to the fruit of the Dao, and it can promote the ripening of the latter, Jiang Xiaobai is bound to get it.

"Young Master Jiang, do you think you saw the imprint of the Brahma flower on that girl's clothes?"

Seeing Fairy Holy Spirit's serious face, Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice, "Fairy, please explain."

She interjected with her sword, "That's the symbol of Fanhua Valley, the burial star, a sect with a huge influence, so that little girl is average in strength, but she dared to take out the Immortal Flower and sell it at will, but others didn't dare to covet it. But Fan There is a rule in Huagu, that is, you are not allowed to fall in love with a man, once you make a mistake, the female disciples of Fanhuagu will break into the forbidden area, and the man will die if it is light, or the family will be wiped out if it is serious."

"There is such a sect?" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't believe it, "And I just said a few words, so I can't talk about being in love, right?"

Holding his sword, he chuckled lightly: "If you're not afraid of ten thousand, you're just in case. The women of Fanhua Valley are very careful about this."

"It seems that Young Master Jiang really needs that Immortal Immortal Flower?" Fairy Sheng Sheng said suddenly, "Then I will exchange it for Young Master Jiang?"

"Thank you!"

Holding the sword, he stopped Fairy Holy Spirit: "Fairy, maybe you haven't noticed one thing. Although a sixth-order Yuanjing is rare, it is not impossible for everyone to take it out, but why no one patronizes it. Look over there , especially the girl in red."

"Yinjian Mountain?" Fairy Holy Spirit frowned, "Master Jiang, I'm afraid the little girl is going to break her promise, thank you Master Sword for pointing it out."

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but looked at the woman in red, only feeling that the latter was very ordinary, mixed in the crowd, and couldn't tell any difference.

"Brother Jiang, can you describe what she looks like?" Zhang Jian suddenly asked with a smile.

"She is dressed in red, looks, looks..."

Jiang Xiaobai's face changed drastically, and he was shocked to find that he didn't remember any features of the woman in red at all.With his current powerful divine sense, he can definitely be called discerning at a glance. Nothing can escape his divine sense, but it has no effect on this woman.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly looked again, only to see the girl in red quietly disappearing into the crowd.

"Brother Jiang, don't try to find it. This will be regarded as a provocation by the people of Yinjian Mountain. They are natural assassins. As long as they want to hide, it is like a drop of water melting into the ocean. They can't be found at all, or they can't find it before they find it." People from Yinjian Mountain have already spotted her. The girl in red appeared on purpose to force back those who bought the Ascension Flower!"

Fairy Holy Spirit nodded and said: "Young Master Zhanjian is right. The people in Yinjian Mountain have weird thoughts, and you can't speculate about them with normal people's thinking. You should give up this immortal flower, Young Master Jiang."

Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a moment, the fruit of the Dao matured very slowly.Especially the previous wave of great power advancement has exhausted the potential of the Dao fruit. If it follows the normal speed, it may take a year to fully mature.

And only when the fruit of the Dao is completely ripe, can he control the heart of the earth, and then he can completely integrate the heart of the earth with the earth, and avoid the fate of being picked.

One year is too long, and it is enough to make most of the Outlanders become saints.After comprehending the holy realm, Jiang Xiaobai is very clear about the difference between holy and semi-holy. However, relying on all kinds of supernatural powers, and even the power of the Tai Chi disc, he may have the power to fight against the holy level, but it is definitely not the two Saint-level opponents.

So, he needs to be sanctified as soon as possible, he needs to shorten the time.

A rising fairy flower can help him increase the maturity of the Dao fruit by 30%. Right now, the maturity of the big road fruit is 50%. Once he takes the rising fairy flower, it will be 80%, shortening the time by [-]%. He must not miss it.

"No, I need that immortal flower, Fairy Holy Spirit, can you give me that sixth-order primordial crystal first, and I will double it back later."

He said bluntly with his sword: "Brother Jiang, don't mistake yourself. You have to understand that behind you is the life of the entire earth. You can't die, otherwise the earth will be destroyed."

Fairy Holy Spirit also quickly comforted him, and Jiang Xiaobai said seriously: "Thank you for your kindness, but I know what I'm doing. Fairy, I beg you to believe me this time, Yinjian Mountain may be scary, but the Immortal Flower Determined to win."

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