"Fairy, don't give it." He shouted with his sword.

Fairy Holy Spirit stared closely at Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, and finally took out a sixth-order Yuanjing and handed it to Jiang Xiaobai.

"Thank you." Jiang Xiaobai bowed to Fairy Holy Spirit, walked quickly to the booth, and handed over the sixth-order Yuanjing.

The girl happily handed over the Immortal Flower, quickly closed the stall, turned around and left, as if she was avoiding something.

And the people near the booth ran even faster, quickly giving way to a large open space.

"Very good, there are people who are not afraid of my Yin Sword Mountain, I remember you, you will die within a day." A gloomy voice sounded beside Jiang Xiaobai's ear.

Because of the underground formation in this place, the spiritual thoughts were suppressed, and Jiang Xiaobai's spiritual thoughts were at most a few feet outside. He quickly searched around, but found no clues.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered. The so-called one-day time is nothing more than a way to get ahead of others. The more he cares about it, the easier it will be to show his flaws.

"The people in Yinjian Mountain gave me a day. It seems that within this day, I will be separated from everyone temporarily. We will meet again tomorrow afternoon."

Jiang Xiaobai cupped his hands at Fairy Holy Spirit and Zhan Jian, and walked towards other stalls.

Fairy Holy Spirit shook her head slightly, silently saying be careful.

Jiang Xiaobai wandered around the booth casually. Although he didn't have Yuanjing, he took a lot of treasures from the secret store in Lingxu Cave, and even exchanged a lot of good things by bartering.

It's a pity that I didn't meet another rising fairy flower.

Seeing that the time was getting late and dusk was approaching, Jiang Xiaobai didn't search for anything anymore. After all, the real good things must have been left at the auction.

It was already great luck to be able to find a rising fairy flower before.

"What kind of junk is this, even a single stone is sold?"

"That's right, there are always people from small places who presumptuously regard some rubbish as treasure."

Hearing the voice from the stall not far away, Jiang Xiaobai was secretly amused. He had been watching what the two of them went through all afternoon.Because the planets are different, the treasures on different planets may be bad street things on another planet.

Therefore, a lot of jokes were made at these stalls. Jiang Xiaobai saw a monk selling dogtail grass at a stall before, and watched the stall owner spit and talk about the vigorous vitality of this fairy grass. Did not laugh out loud.

"Ding, I found the book in the stone." Jiang Xiaobai looked at it casually, his eyes fell on a stone, and the reminder of the Taiji disc came out of his mind.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help being startled, then overjoyed, but anything that can be reminded by the Tai Chi disc is undoubtedly not an extraordinary treasure.Pretending to be unintentional, he walked over and glanced at the stall owner.

The stall owner is not very old, his cheeks are still a little green, and his cultivation is average, that is, the ordinary half-holy level.

There are also many stones on his booth, which look like ordinary rocks, pitted and ugly.

There are a few people standing in front of the booth, but most of them are cynical, and few people buy.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai approaching, the stall owner said expectantly: "My friend, this is the Heavenly Dao Stone produced by our Luanshixing. It’s amazing. These heavenly stones are not expensive, one piece is only three hundred yuan crystals.”

Isn't three hundred yuan crystal expensive?

Jiang Xiaobai felt that he was being regarded as a winner, but what the stall owner said aroused his interest. The more he heard these words, the more he sounded like Monkey King, the Monkey King. Could it be possible that a life could pop out of this stone? no?

"Amazing? Can that give birth to life?" Jiang Xiaobai teased deliberately.

Suddenly, there was a roar of laughter all around.

The stall owner blushed, and shouted angrily: "Why not? According to the ancient legends of my Luanshixing, some magical lives were born in some ancient heavenly stones, and those lives are powerful, and they are born as planets." , even a star-level cultivation base."

His explanation just made everyone laugh even more.

"Then how strong is this stone, that even a star-level expert can seal it? Hehe, I have never heard of such a stone." One person grabbed a stone casually and squeezed it vigorously.

Coincidentally, the stone that this person picked up was the book in the stone.

"Hey, brother, don't pinch it indiscriminately, or if you pinch it, the stall owner will probably hold you responsible." Jiang Xiaobai reminded with a laugh.

The man raised his eyelids and shouted: "Thank you, brother, maybe this is the trick of this kind of person."

The man left Shi Zhongshu casually, looked down upon the stall owner, and walked straight away. The other people around the stall also left with a chuckle, leaving Jiang Xiaobai alone.

"This friend, isn't it too much?" the stall owner shouted with a dark face.

He is indeed from the Luanshi star, and there is indeed a heavenly stone on the Luanshi star, but it has been misleading for a long time, who knows the truth.The auction was about to start. He felt that the Yuanjing was not enough, so he took out this batch of stones. It was a good idea to exchange for some. Who knew that Jiang Xiaobai's words would mess it up.

Xiaobai snorted pretending to be disdainful, "Small tricks won't get on the table."

He casually dropped the three hundred and first-grade Yuanjing, grabbed the book in the stone, and strode away.

The stall owner glared at Jiang Xiaobai bitterly, and put away the three hundred yuan crystal happily, consciously taking advantage of it.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly communicated with the Taiji Yuanpan, but got an astonishing reminder that a mysterious crystal is needed to decrypt it. Jiang Xiaobai was surprised, but secretly pleasantly surprised, obviously this book in the stone is a treasure.

The setting sun gradually sank below the horizon, and Jiang Xiaobai followed the crowd towards an open space cut off by a formation, which was opened up for auction.

After paying one hundred yuan crystals, Jiang Xiaobai randomly chose a place to sit down, set up a formation, and using the magical power of the heavenly secret mirror to deceive the heavenly secret, he took out the ascending fairy flower and began to absorb it.

When paying the Yuanjing before entering the arena, someone warned not to do anything in the formation, so this is the best place to refine the Immortal Flower.

Having already had the experience of refining the Immortal Flower, Jiang Xiaobai used his divine mind to extract the essence of the Immortal Flower lightly, and transferred all of it to the fruit of the Great Dao.

The fruit of the avenue grows rapidly, its size rapidly increases, and it also begins to emit a strong fragrance.It took a while for Jiang Xiaobai to finally come to his senses. He quickly checked the attributes, and the maturity of the Dao fruit had reached 70%.

After that, the essence of the Immortal Flower was no longer absorbed by the Dao Fruit.

Jiang Xiaobai gave a wry smile, and sure enough, he knew that there was nothing so good. Obviously, the role of Shengxianhua had come to an end.If you want to increase the maturity of the Dao fruit, you can only find other ways.

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