Dominate the world

Chapter 983 Goodbye Ye

This sword surprised everyone!

Nearby and far away, countless eyes looked over, concentrated on the woman in red, and then gathered on Jiang Xiaobai.

Fairy Holy Spirit widened her eyes, and at this moment she could no longer maintain the elegant and leisurely fairy aura she had before.There was a strong sense of fighting directly on the body holding the sword, and Jiang Xiaobai's strength was clearly above his estimation.

People around who knew Jiang Xiaobai's identity all changed color. The strength of this earth native is simply too strong.

Is it possible that the scene where the heart of the third-order star was snatched by the natives will be staged again?

And the earth will become a new holy place that will rise again after the three major forces of Chengzhou, Feiyan, and Changhong?

After all, Yinjian Mountain has been an insurmountable mountain since ancient times, which makes people stare and awe.There are not many geniuses who came out of Yinjian Mountain, but each of them has amazing talents, and even competed with the top talents of the three major forces, but now they have missed.

Not only that, but someone easily broke the concealment method with a sword!

Countless Tianjiao asked themselves, among the tens of thousands of people on the field, there may be quite a few who can see through the girl in red, but there are definitely less than double ten who can keep her.

But now, Jiang Xiaobai, a native of the earth, has a strong position.

"Okay, I'm the one who felled today. The previous sniper order has been cancelled, and there will be a later date." The red-clothed woman shouted, her figure became illusory again, and she was about to flee away.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered in his heart, wanting to run?Can you run?A slight apology would suffice?If an apology was useful, the world would have been at peace long ago.

Fairy Holy Spirit's consoling voice sounded from afar: "Young Master Jiang, stop chasing him."

People followed the voice, and the words fell. Fairy Holy Spirit had already come to Jiang Xiaobai, she said softly: "Yinjian Mountain is extremely defensive, if you kill one of them, it means that you are against all the disciples of Yinjian Mountain. , never die."

Jiang Xiaobai restrained his killing intent, and said with emotion: "What a domineering style, I don't know when my earth will have such a reputation, no one dares to provoke it!"

Holding a sword, he said with a smile: "Brother Jiang already has such potential, the future is limitless!"

Xiaobai casually said: "To each other, to each other, I think everyone has exchanged for the treasures you want, but I saw the two of you make shots again and again, and the atmosphere of the shots really makes me envious."

Zhang Jian chuckled lightly and said, "You have to prepare something, don't you?"

Fairy Shengling said: "It's almost over here, let's go to Baihua, she is communicating with Qianye."

"Oh?" Jiang Xiaobai immediately became interested. Jiang Xiaobai still has a good impression of that guy in Qianye.

But after walking a few steps, Zhang Cheng, who was sitting next to him in the auction, rushed over.

"Brother Jiang, Fairy, Brother Zhanjian, are you safe?" Zhang Cheng greeted one by one, seeming to be familiar with Fairy Holy Spirit and Zhanjian.

Fairy Holy Spirit said pleasantly: "Mr. Zhang has already met Mr. Jiang? Presumably you agree with my plan?"

Zhang Cheng nodded: "Wanqian Dao is just a word of fate. I was fortunate to sit with Brother Jiang before. I have already seen the outline of Brother Jiang's artistic conception. A bright sun hangs high, red and hot, warming the world. "

"Concept? Outline?" Jiang Xiaobai asked in confusion.

He suddenly remembered the vision formed when he realized the holy realm, but at that time the artistic realm was divided into two halves, one half was just like Zhang Cheng said, with the red sun hanging high and extremely hot, while the other half was the bright moon hanging high, cold and silent.

Fairy Holy Spirit said softly: "Let me explain, the artistic conception is the embodiment of the holy realm, simply put, it is an upgraded version of the domain. But not all holy realms will be born with artistic conception, and becoming a saint means entering the Tao, that is, every statue The path pursued by saint-level masters. Of course, many Tianjiao understand the path they will pursue in the future in the semi-sacred realm, and this is the outline of the artistic conception."

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Cheng and thanked him respectfully.

Zhang Cheng's demeanor is still modest: "Brother Jiang, don't be polite, and you don't need to feel that you owe me favors. This is my way. If you encounter something, you can't ignore it, even if you sacrifice your life for it."

Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback, and said in a deep voice, "But I have to admit it."

Zhang Cheng chuckled and said nothing more.

Zhan Jian said impatiently: "Okay, let's go there quickly, Bai Hua can't persuade Qian Ye a little bit, this kid is very tired and lazy, let him ask for a lot of things."

The four hurried over, and sure enough, they saw Qianye being blocked by Baihua, Qianye's figure was constantly changing, Baihua just randomly shot out flowers one by one, blocking Qianye's way forward.

"You guys are here." Seeing the four of them coming, Bai Hua heaved a sigh of relief.

Her kung fu can restrain Qianye a little bit, but in a real fight, she definitely can't keep Qianye.It's also because the two have some connections in their ancestors, and Qianye doesn't want to turn against each other and turn against each other.

"Brother Qianye, we meet again." Jiang Xiaobai smiled.

Qianye snorted arrogantly: "If I knew your identity, I wouldn't cooperate with you. Entering the forbidden area early is courting death. You are all a bunch of lunatics. I still want to live."

"It's up to you, who told you to snatch that Yuanling." He said with a smile on his sword, he exchanged glances with Baihua, the fairy of the holy spirit, and surrounded Qianye on all sides.

Fairy Holy Spirit smiled and said: "Young Master Qianye, I, Holy Spirit, guarantee you with my own life. This business is certainly dangerous, but it may not necessarily be a fatal situation. At least until I die, I will not let you have trouble, how about it?"

Qianye glared at Jiang Xiaobai bitterly: "It's not nice to meet people! Well, since Fairy Holy Spirit has said so, what else can I do? But I have a condition, I need a green leaf."

Holding his sword, he sneered and said, "A green leaf is worth a profound crystal, Qianye, you really dare to say it."

Fairy Holy Spirit also frowned: "Qianye, you know we can't have it."

Qianye chuckled and said: "Of course I know you don't have any, but there is definitely one in the restricted area. I need you to help me get at least one. This is something that can save my life. According to records, the green leaves grow on the periphery of the restricted area. As long as Everyone is united, it is not difficult to pick."

Bai Hua scolded lightly: "Isn't it difficult to pick? Lushang leaves only grow in Yinyue Lake, so it's not dangerous!"

Qianye immediately pointed at Baihua and shouted angrily: "You idiot girl, I can use Lushangye, so can you, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Bai Hua snorted softly: "Fairy Holy Spirit is my good sister, so I won't let her be tricked by you. Go or not, just a word, otherwise I will spread the embarrassing things you did and let everyone know. "

Qianye's cheeks were flushed red: "Okay, I'll go, but you'd better stop threatening me, or I, I, hum!"

"Otherwise, I'm not afraid of you!" Bai Hua smiled triumphantly.

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