Dominate the world

Chapter 984 3 people died

A group of people looked at Baihua and Qianye with strange expressions. These two people obviously have an ambiguous relationship!

Jiang Xiaobai's heart couldn't help but warm, he cupped his hands to Baihua, and silently wrote down the favor.

"Let's go."

The group of people was extremely fast. Under Jiang Xiaobai's guidance, in the middle of the night, a group of more than 30 people came to the deep sea, where the third-order heart of the earth disappeared.

Jiang Xiaobai greeted Qianye, and the two of them mobilized their vitality at the same time, each of their eyes projected two rays of light, and the rays of light converged. After searching for a while, the two found a strange area.

"This should be a singularity, right?"

Unable to restrain himself, Jiang Xiaobai and Qianye punched him at the same time.

The sea water was automatically separated, and the strength of the two gathered together strangely, spinning continuously, rather than being bombarded at that point, it was better to say that they were sucked into that point.

The vitality of the two people poured into the singularity continuously, and the singularity rapidly became larger, from the size of a mung bean at the beginning, it rapidly became larger, and a suction force suddenly came out from the singularity.

The surrounding sea water poured in roaringly, pulling the bodies of the people, and swept them in in a swarm.

"Everyone, fix your bodies." Fairy Holy Spirit just had time to say a word, and everyone felt the world spinning for a while, and then they found that they had entered a strange dark space.

"Stay away." Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly shouted, a throbbing suddenly surged in his heart, it was the breath of death, and his body flashed to the side.

The others felt it too, but their reactions varied from quick to slow. Even after Jiang Xiaobai reminded them, three of them were still a step behind.

In the sky, it was like sea water pouring down, and some azure blue liquid poured down on the three people.

The sound of chi chi sounded, followed by a strong stench, as if the body had been corroded.


The three of them couldn't help but screamed in pain. The scream seemed to come from the soul.

Everyone watched helplessly that the three of them were corroded into a ball of bones in an instant, without even escaping their souls.

Amidst the rattling sound, the bones fell to the ground.After all, they were already semi-holy, and there were already some golden runes in their bones, which corroded slower.

The three white bones stretched out their hands, but they just stretched out their hands, and then stood frozen in place forever, and all the breath disappeared.

Then, the bones collapsed and completely turned into a puddle of liquid, and the existence of the three people was annihilated without leaving any traces.

At that moment, several female half-sages cried out. The dead people were their friends who accompanied them day and night. They were talking a second ago, but now they are ghosts.

Some male demi-saints with ordinary moods couldn't help screaming, their legs couldn't stand steadily, and their whole bodies trembled involuntarily.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart throbbed again. He looked up at the sky. It was a night, but it was extremely gloomy, and he couldn't see any stars.

They just entered from the ocean, and they instinctively thought that what landed together was sea water, and it was completely the color of sea water. Who knew it would be a highly poisonous corrosive liquid.

Is this the forbidden area?It's really dangerous!

"Are the others all right?" Zhuang Jian asked, his voice suppressing the deep anger.

This mission was initiated by Fairy Holy Spirit, but he was the main contact person. Most of these people came here because of his face with a sword. They were not his brothers but also his friends. As a result, three people were lost when they came. He has an inescapable responsibility.

"It's okay." Scattered responses sounded, but the indifference and relaxation before were no longer there, and everyone's breathing was heavy and depressing.

Qianye snorted softly: "I just said that the forbidden area is dangerous, if I am not prepared to die, I am destined to die here."

Bai Hua tugged at his sleeve, and said in a low voice, "Everyone is sad, so please stop talking."

Qianye yelled disapprovingly: "I'm saying it now, at least it's better than saying it after a group of people die. Don't you think this place is very dangerous? And it's getting more and more dangerous!"

He was talking, but his eyes drifted to Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Yes, this place is very dangerous. We'd better leave here first. Maybe it's because we have experienced the Holy Land and have a more accurate perception of danger. The sense of danger here is very strong."

"Then where are we going? We can't just walk around, right?" Fairy Holy Spirit said, "Young Master Jiang, do you and Qianye have any suggestions?"

Everyone has observed this area, that is to say, here is a strange blank, surrounded by mountains and mountains, ghostly shadows, or thick fog and deep forests, and the spiritual sense can't detect it. Which direction to go after is very important, maybe It represents life and death.

Holding the sword, he said in a deep voice: "There is no way to enter the forest, and there are often extraordinary monsters hidden in the mountains, but we may not be unable to escape."

The Qianye monster yelled: "I have no objection! Listen to you, anyway, just get out of here as soon as possible. I feel that if I stay for a while, I will have goose bumps."

Jiang Xiaobai played the Tianji mirror, quickly calculated and said: "If everyone is willing to believe me, we will enter the forest."

"Of course I believe you, otherwise I wouldn't have come in early." Qianye shouted, took Baihua's hand and walked forward.

"Let's follow quickly." Fairy Holy Spirit said, following her voice, the remaining seven or eight female demi-saints quickly followed.

Zhan Jian frowned, motioned to the others and said, "Let's follow."

"Brother?" Zhibai seemed to have something to say, but he shook his head when he saw Zhanjian, signaling him not to ask more questions, but he had no choice but to obediently shut his mouth.

A group of people followed in unison.

Jiang Xiaobai observed the movement of these people and shook his head secretly.They are not many people, but the structure is too loose.Fairy Holy Spirit has a certain appeal, especially for female demi-saints, but most people are familiar with Zhejian and are more willing to believe in Zhanjian.

Zhang Cheng obviously has extraordinary strength, and Fairy Zhanjian and Holy Spirit are more respectful, and he is considered to be alone.

Baihua is close to Fairy Holy Spirit, but she also obeys Qianye's words. Qianye is completely her own way.Add yourself and the unidentified Shen Nongye, and that's six people.

In fact, it can also be said that there are two groups of people, one with the sword and the other.But for a small group of more than 30 people, lack of consensus, especially in such a dangerous place, itself means great danger.

Everyone moved at a high speed, and soon came to the front of the forest.

The dense white mist spread in the forest, even with their eyesight it was difficult to see through, that is to say, they could clearly see the appearance of five or sixty meters.

"Why do I feel that this forest is so scary, do I really want to go in?" a female half-saint asked suspiciously.

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