At the critical moment, the Holy Spirit still showed her determination, and she said seriously, "Since we're here, let's go in."

She was the first to take the lead and walked in, the others quickly followed, Jiang Xiaobai stayed behind, he couldn't help but look back, there seemed to be an eye in the dark night, it was very strange, staring at their eyes movement.

Inexplicably, Jiang Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat, he didn't dare to look any further, and hurried into the forest, horrified, what the hell kind of place is this?

"Why, brother Jiang, what did you see, why did you look like a ghost?" Asked with a sword, he also stayed behind.

After the three people were killed, he became visibly cautious with his sword, constantly paying attention to the movements of the people, and found out that something was wrong with Jiang Xiaobai.

"An eye appeared in the sky just now, Brother Zhanjian, did you feel it?" Jiang Xiaobai asked in a low voice. He didn't mean to scare everyone, but it was indeed a very important matter.

Zhan Jian shook his head, "Are you sure?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded seriously, and responded lightly with his sword: "Be careful."

The forest was very humid. After walking a few steps, I felt like my whole body was soaked. The man felt nothing, but the fairies felt extremely uncomfortable.

A female demi-saint instinctively activated her skills, driving her vitality to separate the surrounding fog.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart suddenly trembled, and he quickly shouted: "Don't—"

But it was too late for him to speak, and he felt a terrifying breath falling from above the forest.


"Danger comes from above!"

Fairy Holy Spirit and Zhan Jian yelled out in unison, and without even thinking about it, they slapped a series of restrictions, resisting the heads of everyone.

At this moment, everyone also reacted, and quickly put out a series of protections, each protecting their whole bodies.

Zhang Cheng shot a flash of light, and everyone could see clearly that they were small, burnt yellow scorpions, about the length of a finger, but densely packed and numerous, like crucian carp crossing the river.

These scorpions fell on the restriction, and frantically bit the restriction.

Zhang Jian's face changed drastically, and he shouted: "These scorpions will devour vitality, so fast, we can't last long, run quickly."

Everyone was terrified, and they couldn't even hold their swords for long, let alone them.But the surrounding area was already surrounded by raining scorpions, and they had nowhere to run.

"We gather together." Fairy Holy Spirit said.

This is not a good way, it will only be completely surrounded by scorpions, but with personal strength, it won't last long at all.Everyone hurriedly huddled together, gathered the restraints together, and propped up a circular shield, temporarily protecting everyone.

There was still rain of scorpions in the forest. In just a few seconds, the scorpions wrapped up the protective cover. They were completely trapped, and they couldn't see any movement outside. They could only hear the scorpions eating outside. Bite the forbidden sound.

"Whoever has a way, tell us quickly, with everyone's strength, we can only hold on for half an hour at most." Zhan Jian asked.

A half-holy man picked up a dead scorpion, squeezed it casually, and with a thud, the scorpion was easily crushed.

With a puff, a water arrow splashed out of the scorpion's body and shot towards the semi-saint's cheek.

The latter did not expect the dead scorpion to be so weird, the distance was too close, and he couldn't react in time. Seeing that the water arrow was about to splash on the latter's face, an imperial soldier came over and blocked the water arrow.

The half-sacred man narrowly escaped death, but he looked back in fear, only to see that the emperor soldier hit by the water arrow had corroded a huge hole, which was almost going to be penetrated.

And once it splashes on his face, one can imagine what will happen to him.

"Brother Jiang, thank you."

The person who saved him was Jiang Xiaobai.

"In this way, can't we all kill these scorpions?" Someone asked, his voice full of panic.

Jiang Xiaobai picked up a scorpion with one hand, and hit a restraint with the other. The water arrows from the scorpion's corpse hit the restraint he casually struck, and were easily bounced away.

"Oh, this is Brother Jiang's Domain Dzogchen, right?" Zhang Cheng exclaimed suddenly.

He has extraordinary strength and extraordinary vision. He saw that Jiang Xiaobai had enriched the domain on the restriction, so that the restriction could not be destroyed.

"That's right, I'll be the one to put up the defense next, and everyone, let's work hard to move forward. I believe that as long as we get out of this forest, we should be fine."

"Okay, then I'll lead the way." Zhang Cheng let out a soft howl, which was clear and clear, but it seemed to have a different kind of attack power.

The scorpions blocking the front of the shield exploded one after another, giving way.

"Okay, let's go!"

Jiang Xiaobai quickly propped up the restraint supported by the domain, Zhang Cheng led the way, and everyone rushed forward.

After running for more than 30 miles, they rushed out of the forest when the area ahead finally lit up. The scorpion tide retreated quickly, and the tortoise retreated back into the forest.

Only then did Jiang Xiaobai disperse the field, and everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, feeling extremely grateful for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

"This is the forbidden area, it's really dangerous."

"No, we are also semi-saints anyway, and we feel that we don't even have the power to resist."

Not to mention people chattering, if Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Cheng hadn't been reminded by the Holy Spirit with a sword before, there might be another death or injury.

A bit of fragrant smell suddenly lingered in everyone's nostrils. When they turned their heads to look, it was a burly man roasting a scorpion, and the fragrant smell came from the scorpion.

The burly man casually stuffed the roasted scorpion into his mouth, and chewed it.

"Well, the taste is good. Although it is not as delicious as holy meat, it is also better than emperor meat."

This is Shen Nongye, but he seems not to be frightened at all, enjoying the food leisurely.

"Why don't you try them all, there are quite a few." Shen Nongye shouted, pointing at the dead scorpions on the ground.

Many people have a disgusted look on their faces, how dare they eat it.

Jiang Xiaobai leaned over, grabbed one, and stuffed it into his mouth. Suddenly, a rich fragrance filled his mouth, and there was also a strong vitality, which was extremely pure.

"Everyone, come and try it. It's really good. It can replenish your vitality." Seeing that Shen Nongye didn't mind, Jiang Xiaobai encouraged him.

After entering this place, Jiang Xiaobai found that the vitality here was extremely thin. If he kept fighting, he would run out of vitality sooner or later.

Nowadays, it is rare to add something. Although the amount is not large, it is better than purity.

But they still didn't come over, and Zhan Jian and Zhang Chengcheng declined their kindness.

Jiang Xiaobai simply picked up all the dead scorpions. Shen Nongye's craftsmanship was extraordinary, especially his skill in controlling the fire, roasting the scorpions until they were golden and fragrant.

The two roasted a large handful, divided them up, and continued on their way.

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