"Fairy Holy Spirit, tell me how to go after that?" asked Zhang Jian.

Fairy Holy Spirit observed the movement around her and said with a wry smile: "Everything here is completely different from what was recorded in that ancient book. But generally speaking, there should still be something to refer to."

"We need to find a bridge. After crossing the bridge, it is a secret place. Only then can we truly enter the restricted area. For example, the Yinyuetan you mentioned by Qianye should be inside."


Everyone looked in all directions, Jiang Xiaobai's eyes shone with golden light, and finally saw an air bridge spreading out from a rocky Gobi Desert and going deep into the distance.

"Over there." Jiang Xiaobai said, pointing to the Gobi Desert in the distance.

Everyone looked around quickly, but except for a few people, others couldn't see clearly at all.

"I didn't expect Brother Jiang's eyesight to be so good." Zhuanjian complimented him, but he only saw a little sign faintly. If he hadn't been reminded to observe carefully, he would never have thought that it would be an air bridge.

Shen Nongye casually threw a scorpion into his mouth, and muttered, "It's very difficult to get there. We have to climb three mountains, cross two rivers, and a swamp. Look at the evil spirits rising from those places. You can tell it's not a good place just by looking at it, it's very dangerous."

Many people have changed color, but the future is not very dangerous!

They have only entered the forbidden area not long ago, but the danger here has refreshed their cognition. On their respective planets, they are all the favored children of heaven, and they have also entered some dangerous situations, but compared with this place, the danger is not in case.

With the semi-sage's cultivation base, they can cross over, but here, if the semi-sage is not careful, they will undoubtedly die.

"Let's go!" Fairy Holy Spirit said.

"Wait a minute." Zhibai, the junior brother wielding a sword, suddenly said, with a serious face, "We can no longer be so lax, we need someone to give orders, otherwise, we will end up fighting on our own, not to mention the chaos, and it is easy to accidentally hurt each other. "

"That's right." As soon as Zhi Bai's words came out, someone immediately echoed them.

Zhang Cheng also nodded: "Without a unified voice, our road ahead will be very dangerous."

Fairy Holy Spirit frowned slightly. Why didn't she know this, but the reason why she didn't mention it was because she was very clear that the people who came here relied more on the sword, and she believed in the sword, but it was difficult to talk about trust.

Once the sword is in power, her voice will be much lighter. If she wants to do something with the sword, she will be powerless to resist.

He cupped his sword and said, "Brother Jiang, what do you think?"

Jiang Xiaobai's heart turned cold, and he was forcing him to express his opinion with the sword.It has to be said that Zhuangjian chose a good time, it is the moment when people are in panic, people need a strong voice, and he is limited by his status but he definitely can't make his debut now.

And now, it's not the time to turn his face, after all, he has already entered the restricted area. It can be said that he is useless now.Is the sword really going to save the earth and mankind?He is naturally not that naive, everyone is just entering the restricted area together.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "I believe in brother Zhang Jian."

For now, it is indeed a good thing to have a unified voice, and so far, Zhanjian is indeed a better candidate.

Fairy Holy Spirit said softly: "Then we will listen to Brother Zhanjian from now on."

"Okay!" Responding with a sword, "Everyone came in for the same purpose, and you also believe in me. I hope that I can lead everyone out safely. I guarantee with my life that I will do my best."

Holding the sword as his duty, he issued orders without hesitation. Under his guidance, everyone finally displayed their semi-holy strength.There were many dangers and dangers along the way, and finally came to the front of the next beach, and the price he paid was a half-holy injury.

Everyone's mood improved slightly, and there was laughter in the conversation.

At this moment, everyone has seen the air bridge, which is an air bridge composed of gray breaths, flying up from the pile of strange rocks and spreading into the void.

Jiang Xiaobai tried it, and sure enough, they couldn't fly here.Soon, everyone also discovered this problem, which meant that the air bridge was the only way forward.

This is a desolate Gobi, with boundless yellow sand, as if it was still an ocean for a long time.Big rocks piled up on the Gobi Desert from time to time.And in the place where the air bridge spreads, there are even more strange rocks.

"Do you feel that there is no vitality here?" Baihua said suddenly, the exercises she and Qianye practiced were extremely sensitive to vitality, and soon discovered the strangeness of this piece of yellow sand.

Fairy Holy Spirit shot out a burst of vitality, and as soon as she left her body, she turned into nothingness.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, and he said in a deep voice: "Then we have to be careful of the monsters in the sand."

"That's right. What Brother Jiang said is that there must be monsters in the sand. We can't find them, but they can spot us accurately." Zhang Cheng nodded.

Shen Nongye chuckled: "I know this place, we have such an existence on Shennong Planet, if you want to pass by, you can only rely on your body, and it's not difficult if your body is strong."

As he spoke, he walked carelessly into the yellow sand, and after only a few steps, a small sand-yellow beast jumped out of the sand, biting Shen Nongye's neck.

However, Shen Nongye seemed to have sensed it a long time ago, and with a flick of the big stick in his hand, he accurately hit the little beast, smashing its head and bleeding.Shen Nongye grabbed the little beast casually and gulped down its blood.

"Yes, that's the taste."

Shen Nongye hiccupped and called everyone to come in: "Use your body to perceive. If your body doesn't work, then let's take care of each other. But don't get too close. Be careful to trigger quicksand, and that will kill you."


Hearing this word, Jiang Xiaobai's expression changed. In this place where he cannot fly, once he gets caught in the quicksand, he will surely die.

He pondered for a moment with his sword in his hand and said, "Let's divide into two groups, two people at a time, each paying attention to the other side of the other, and I will go with Fairy Holy Spirit?"

Fairy Holy Spirit has nothing to do, "Okay, let's demonstrate, everyone be careful."

There was a distance of one meter between the two, walking in parallel, always staring at the opposite side of each other.Once a monster appears, it will be reminded in time, and it will walk through the sand easily.

With the demonstration, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and each formed a group. Jiang Xiaobai also took care of a female semi-saint. After several manipulations, everyone came to the periphery of the strange rock safely.

Jiang Xiaobai stared at the strange rocks, only feeling that these rocks were formidable and oppressive, which stimulated his Taoism to run instinctively.

"Brother Zhanjian, these strange rocks are very dangerous, I don't feel right." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Zhanjian took a look at Jiang Xiaobai, he had checked it out, these strange rocks were a bit weird, but there was nothing mysterious in his intuitive perception.

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