Dominate the world

Chapter 988 Saint corpse

The three of them withdrew the formation and rushed to the rear together.The three of them were powerful and extremely fast, and they rushed to the place where the sword-wielding gang was located very quickly.

These people have been dispersed by the stone men, fighting on their own.At this time, they showed their respective strengths. Baihua and Qianye supported each other, and they were still able to support each other, but their eyes were lost, and they didn't know where to go, so they had no choice but to defend passively.

The others were in a panic. These stones were obviously conscious and could tell who was strong and who was weak. They specially chose soft persimmons to bully, and beat some weaker semi-sages to the point of crying.

But in just a few minutes, five people fell to the ground, life and death unknown.

"Follow me." Jiang Xiaobai shouted, and rushed to Baihua's side, grabbing the two of them.

Baihua and Qingye were at a loss, seeing Jiang Xiaobai suddenly appear, their faces showed joy.Bai Hua worried, "Where's the Holy Spirit?"

"Don't worry, Zhang Cheng and Shen Nongye will find them, we need to leave as soon as possible."

Bai Hua didn't say any more, and she wasn't a bad person. Under such circumstances, it was a great favor to be able to save them, and it was unrealistic to try to save everyone.

Jiang Xiaobai held up the domain strongly and pumped up his vitality without hesitation. Now the situation is clear, someone must die, and if he wants to escape, he just needs to prove that he is better than others.

Sure enough, there was a slight obstacle in the road afterwards, but after seeing that Jiang Xiaobai's domain could not be smashed at all, the attacks from behind were less, and the stone men gathered towards the rear in unison.

As Jiang Xiaobai walked, he recalled the things recorded in the "Book of Formation", and recognized the law of the formation from the details. After walking dozens of steps crookedly, Jiang Xiaobai saw some rules. He brought the two of them to a node.

Here, the fog was much thinner, and the vision became clearer. Qianye and Baihua were finally able to see clearly what was going on behind them.

The eyes of both of them were rounded, and they saw the stones rolling quickly, and then formed a monster or human shape, walking towards the depths of the mist.

Even with their backs facing them, they could still feel the tyrannical aura.Although it has not yet entered the holy level, it is only at the level of a semi-saint, but looking around, there are dozens, hundreds of stone monsters, how can a semi-saint resist it.

And looking at the speed at which these stones are formed, it is clearly accelerating, which also means that the longer they stay in this strange stone formation, the greater the chance of their death.

Soon Shen Nongye and Zhang Cheng also came out, they were guarding some semi-saints, followed behind them with their swords, and also guarded some people, but they were in too much embarrassment.

There was fire in the eyes holding the sword, he was not stupid, he was feeling more and more severe blows and dangers, he didn't know that if he passed it early, maybe he would be fine.

He stared at Jiang Xiaobai bitterly, half of his people had been lost, if it wasn't because of Jiang Xiaobai, how could it be possible!

Jiang Xiaobai stared back unceremoniously, in danger, the more merciful he is, the more he will be coveted by others, so what if I was wrong!

However, Jiang Xiaobai also changed his mind, why did the other exercises are fine, but they aroused the Taoism?Could it be that there are clues left by Taoism?

If that's the case, let it go!

"Let's go out first!" Jiang Xiaobai said, he watched the formation intently at this moment, and finally found the exit, and immediately he led two groups of people out of the stone formation without any danger.

"Hateful." Zhuanjian shouted bitterly, but after passing a stone formation, they reduced their staff by more than half, and now there are only 11 people left.

Maybe there are still people alive in the formation, but seeing that the formation is getting more and more dangerous, if you enter again, you will even be buried in it.

"I'll go in and have a look." Jiang Xiaobai said suddenly, there might be clues to the Daoist scriptures in this formation, and he had to find out.

Fairy Holy Spirit was shocked, and her voice was dignified: "Young Master Jiang, it's not your fault, it's just that the forbidden area is dangerous, you don't need to blame yourself."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled wryly: "At least I won't get lost, one person counts as one if I can save one."

After speaking, Jiang Xiaobai rushed in without hesitation.

Zhang Cheng said with emotion: "Brother Jiang, you believe in people."

Zhanjian snorted softly, but it was inconvenient to say more, he didn't have the confidence to go in and rush out again.

After Jiang Xiaobai made sure that people outside couldn't see him, he let go of the breath of the Taoist scriptures and concentrated on sensing it.

The rumbling sound resounded from all directions, and Jiang Xiaobai's eyes burst into golden light, as if it could pierce the void. These voices were impressively those stone men. In terms of size, they were much stronger than the previous ones. .

These stone men rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai and threw them at random.Jiang Xiaobai propped up the Dzogchen domain, and walked around quickly. The Dzogchen domain itself has the effect of dissipating pressure. With the blessing of body skills, only a small part of the attacks thrown by the stone man really had an effect field.

Although there were many stoners, Jiang Xiaobai resisted it relatively easily.

Not long after, Jiang Xiaobai felt a little different. When he moved to the northeast, the pressure increased significantly.His heart lit up, which meant that these stone men didn't want him to drive in that direction.

Jiang Xiaobai shot a flower gun and walked in the opposite direction. After rushing out of the stone man's siege, he quickly ran towards the northeast.

Here, his holy body played a huge role. Cooperating with the Dzogchen domain, as long as it is not a large-scale crowd of stones, Jiang Xiaobai will directly bump into it all the way and make a way across.

Sure enough, there was an aura in front of him that made him feel close, and Jiang Xiaobai rushed forward, and it turned out to be a corpse.The corpse had completely decayed, and only the bones were left, but the bones were completely golden, with some mysterious runes shining on them, exuding strange meanings.

Standing or lying next to the corpse are some stone figures. The color of some parts of these stone figures is brighter than that of other parts of the stone, and the material feels more lustrous, as if it is an upgraded version.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly understood: "These stones are evolving through the saint's corpse!"

The stone men chasing after him slowed down, but they saw Jiang Xiaobai surrounded by groups and made a hoo hoo sound, which sounded like a threat.

Jiang Xiaobai made a gesture to attack the stone men around the saint's bones, and immediately frightened the surrounding stone men not to dare to move, but the former seemed to be in a trance, motionless.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized that these stones should be on the verge of evolution, so they couldn't move.

He walked forward slowly, gesticulating with the Tai Chi Star Sword on these stone men, threatening the surrounding stone men not to move, and then pulled off the storage ring on the finger of the golden skeleton.

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