Dominate the world

Chapter 989 The whereabouts of Taoism

"I only want it, now you get out of the way, otherwise, I will destroy this corpse. And don't pretend, I know you understand what I mean." Jiang Xiaobai threatened.

A few tall stone men roared angrily, but still gave way.

Jiang Xiaobai's figure flashed, and he rushed out quickly, followed by the stone man frantically chasing him, looking like he was about to tear him into pieces.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly rushed to the previous place. Sure enough, after so much time, all the semi-saints here have fallen, and their breath is almost gone, but there is still one person who has a slight breath.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai heaved a sigh of relief. If he really wanted to die, he was wasting his time.Moreover, this person is still a female demi-saint, not a hardcore wielder of a sword, so that would be even better.

"Fairy, fairy!" Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly rushed over, lifted the latter on his back, injected a little vitality to restore the latter's sobriety, and then rushed out of the formation.

Jiang Xiaobai intentionally took a detour, but it was difficult for him to perform, and he was almost blocked by the swarming stone men, and finally rushed out of the formation as if he had survived, and came in front of everyone.

Outside the formation, everyone was already impatient, and nearly 10 minutes had passed. The time was too long, which in itself meant danger. I didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to bring someone out.

Fairy Holy Spirit rushed over first, took out a healing elixir and stuffed it into the mouth of the female demi-saint to help her recuperate her body.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang." After recovering from her injuries, the female half-sage apologized gratefully to Jiang Xiaobai. She was already desperate and thought she would die.

The female half-sage is called Zhang Ling, and she comes from a small planet. She excitedly told about the danger along the way, the horror of those stone people, and the faces of everyone who listened to it kept changing, and they looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a little more eyes. Respect.

The forbidden land is dangerous, anyone who dares to risk his life to save others is willing to make friends.

Jiang Xiaobai said guiltily: "Actually, it was also my fault. If we had gone there sooner, we wouldn't have suffered such a heavy loss."

The few people who were alive continued to comfort them, and they didn't care about it at all!

The corners of his mouth were trembling with sword qi. Just before Jiang Xiaobai came out, they were still explaining the reason, but they rescued one person, and the wind direction changed.

"Let's hurry up and get on the road!" Jiang Xiaobai suggested.

Everyone echoed again and again, and a group of people came to the Qiqiao.

The air bridge looks very thin, and it is a bit hard to imagine that it can bear one person.

Fairy Holy Spirit observed for a while and said, "I'll come first."

She stepped up with one foot, and easily stood firm. After taking a few steps, she moved freely, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that it was not difficult.

"Hey, the solidification of this air bridge is decreasing, let's get on the bridge quickly." Jiang Xiaobai has been observing the movement of the air bridge. The air bridge has not changed much, but he cannot escape his observation.

After discovering the eye in the sky, Jiang Xiaobai felt that they were being watched all the time.Whether it's the scorpions or the stone men in the strange stone formation, there are obvious signs of being arranged.

Then who can be sure that this air bridge will not be tampered with?

When everyone heard this, they quickly jumped onto the air bridge.

When there are more people, there is no need to remind them now, everyone can feel that the air bridge is weakening.


Fairy Holy Spirit was in front, and everyone followed behind and rushed forward frantically.Looking back by chance, everyone could see clearly that the road behind had been cut off.

At this time, each person's talent is revealed.The weaker ones run slowly and are bound to be disgusted by those behind, while the stronger ones run faster and faster, and soon there is a clear gap between the 12 people on the air bridge.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly calculated the decaying speed of the air bridge, and slowly slowed down, allowing the people behind to rush past.

The one who ran last was naturally the fairy rescued by her. She had exhausted all her strength, but her speed was getting slower and slower, and she was about to fall off the air bridge.

"Take them away." Jiang Xiaobai shouted, if you don't support them now, when will you wait.

"Zhang Ling, grab my hand."

Jiang Xiaobai reached out with his palm and grabbed Zhang Ling's outstretched hand, and she almost fell.

"Thank you Senior Brother Jiang." Zhang Ling called Senior Brother cordially, her eyes full of gratitude.

Jiang Xiaobai performed Chasing the Stars and Chasing the Sun, his speed was extremely fast, and he quickly caught up with the person in front, "Grab Zhang Ling's hand."

Jiang Xiaobai gave a soft drink, and the latter was not stupid, he quickly grabbed Zhang Ling's hand and was led away by Jiang Xiaobai.

With Jiang Xiaobai as an example, Zhang Cheng, Shen Nongye, and Zhang Jian also brought one or two people with them. Although the air bridge decayed extremely fast, they finally landed on the ground before the air bridge decayed completely. on the ground.

A group of people ran out of breath, but at last there was no downsizing, and everyone's face was rosy, full of joy.

The Holy Spirit took a deep look at Jiang Xiaobai, and said with a smile, "We have finally entered the forbidden area, and the road ahead is relatively easy."

Everyone turned around. Compared with before, the world in front of them is indeed much brighter, and it also has a lot more vitality.

From time to time, the ground still emits some vitality, but it is obviously mixed with some other things, giving people a very chaotic feeling, and they dare not absorb it casually.

Qianye was the most excited. He pointed to a pool in the distance and said, "Yueyuetan, let's go there quickly."

Jiang Xiaobai coughed lightly and said, "I just went through some dangers, I suggest that everyone repair and recover their full strength before going out."

Fairy Holy Spirit said: "Brother Jiang is right. This is what Lao Cheng said bluntly. It seems quite safe over there. Let's go there first."

Everyone had nothing to do, walked over together, and after confirming that there was no danger, each of them played the prohibition and repaired.

Jiang Xiaobai propped up the domain, guarded himself, dispersed his spiritual thoughts to guard his surroundings, and then took out the storage ring.

It was a storage ring of a saint, so one could imagine that there must be something good inside.

Perhaps because of the long time, there are still some spiritual thoughts on the storage ring.Jiang Xiaobai let out a cry of luck, and fortunately the ring was protected by this layer of divine sense, otherwise those stone men would definitely have taken the contents inside.

Jiang Xiaobai rushed a few times, broke through the blockade of the divine sense, and the divine sense penetrated in.

As he guessed, Yuanjing and the like were completely exhausted, and the ring was empty, but there were still two things left.A jade pendant, a broken knife, the broken knife is obviously extraordinary, it seems to be a real holy soldier, and its power is not small. When he probed for his spiritual sense, he was almost injured.

On the jade pendant, Jiang Xiaobai felt the breath of Taoism.

He quickly condensed his spiritual thoughts and went in, he couldn't help but sighed, what was recorded in it was indeed a Taoist scripture, but it was a rubbing version, it was just the perception of a person who had practiced the Taoist scripture.

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