Jiang Xiaobai became curious, how did this restricted area come into being?

There are actually holy masters, and in the casual conversation with Fairy Holy Spirit before, she seems to have mentioned that some opportunities come from the holy masters inside, but how did these people get in?

Puzzled, Jiang Xiaobai put away the restraint, moved closer to Fairy Holy Spirit, and asked.

Fairy Holy Spirit smiled wryly: "To be honest, I don't know either. The elders should know, but they are unwilling to tell us. I also learned about this from a secret book I found, but the book records I don’t dare to talk nonsense. If Brother Jiang doesn’t mind, I might as well say a few paragraphs.”

Several other people gathered together. They were already very curious about this so-called restricted area.

Fairy Holy Spirit said: "According to the explanation in the book, a person was suppressed on this planet. Specifically, it was a part of a person's body that was suppressed, and the person who wrote the book inferred that it was because of that part of the body that this planet was suppressed. It can achieve the third-order star heart. It can be said that part of the body of that person has been turned into nourishment and nourished this planet."

Involuntarily, everyone present gasped.

The preciousness of the third-order star heart, they have heard the elders say countless times, it is a great opportunity for any of them.But I didn't expect that such a rare thing was only nourished by absorbing part of a person's corpse.

How cultivated would that person be?

The Holy Spirit shook his head: "Of course, whether this is true or not is yet to be verified. But some parts depicted in the book are indeed a bit similar to this place. Maybe the person who wrote the book has really been here. .”

Qianye yelled: "Don't say anything else, let's go to Yinyuetan first."

He couldn't wait.

"Okay, let's go there," said the Holy Spirit.

The road here is much cleaner, and it doesn't seem to be much different from the outside world.Everyone didn't dare to be careless, they lost two-thirds of their manpower as soon as they entered the restricted area, and they were afraid that another person would die because of carelessness.

Everyone walked slowly, and finally came to Yinyue Lake, which is a deep pool that is not too big.Standing at the edge of the pool, you can clearly see the bottom of the pool, in which these nearly transparent whitebaits swim.

These whitebait also seem not to be afraid of people, swimming freely.

"Hey, do you feel that you are suddenly very hungry." Zhang Ling said suddenly, she was a little embarrassed.But there was indeed a feeling of hunger in my stomach, and I couldn't help it.

As soon as she uttered it, the others yelled, all complaining that they were unbearably hungry.Jiang Xiaobai heaved a sigh of relief, thinking he was the only one!

That feeling was as if the body was empty, as if the stomach had been digested by itself.No matter how he runs his vitality and replenishes energy, his body still has only one feedback—hunger.

He seemed to be able to feel every cell in his body roaring, and cold sweat broke out uncontrollably on his forehead.

Fairy Holy Spirit was slightly embarrassed, but she was holding back her hunger so as not to ruin her image. She explained: "This is normal, I was just about to say it. It is recorded in the book that after seeing silver fish, one will feel extremely hungry." , you can eat silver fish for relief. This fish has some special effects, you can eat more."

"Then what are you talking about?" Shen Nongye shouted, he had the biggest appetite, and he was already very hungry.

He waved his hand and took out a javelin, and stabbed it at the silver fish in the pool. The silver fish swam extremely fast and reacted even more nimbly, but it couldn't escape Shen Nongye's javelin, and was accurately stabbed in the right direction. with.

"Excellent." Jiang Xiaobai praised.

As soon as an expert makes a move, he will know whether it is there or not. Shen Nongye's attack just now contains many subtleties. The seemingly simple shot has already covered multiple directions of the silver fish, and the silver fish has no way to escape.

It seemed that Shen Nongye had caught a fish lightly, and everyone shot out one after another, but except for a few people, everyone else fell in vain.

Jiang Xiaobai was also about to make a move, but a reminder of the Tai Chi disc came from his mind.

"Ding, the whitebait can block the vitality of the practitioner from filling the whole body, so it will cause the feeling of hunger. If you swallow the whitebait alive for one hour, the strength of the spiritual will will increase by one percent. If you persist for two hours, the strength of the spiritual will will increase. Increase by 5.00%, persist for three hours, and the spiritual sense will increase by [-]%."

Jiang Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat, and he asked, "How about holding on for four hours?"

Unexpectedly, Taiji Yuanpan responded: "The whitebait has melted."

Jiang Xiaobai almost couldn't hold back his laughter, he didn't expect Tai Chi Yuanpan to tell bad jokes.

With a sweep of his palm, Jiang Xiaobai grabbed a silver fish and swallowed it raw.

Immediately, the feeling of hunger more than doubled, almost overwhelming.Jiang Xiaobai breathed lightly, forcefully suppressing the feeling of hunger with force of thought.

At this time, everyone had already swallowed the silver fish, showing a happy look.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, and didn't say anything more. These people wasted the opportunity, and of course they couldn't help it even if they swallowed it alive.

"Green Grass!" Qianye shouted excitedly, and Baihua's eyes were also shining.

The two of them practiced the way of nature, and this miraculous plant would be of great benefit to their future practice.But for other people, the effect is mediocre, but this kind of thing is rare and valuable.

"Be careful, these plants are often guarded by extraordinary monsters!" Bai Hua reminded.

But she didn't know exactly what kind of monster guard it was. Qianye seemed reckless, but now she became serious.

The crowd also followed behind the two of them, there were at least a dozen plants of green marsupials here, enough for the crowd to share, and naturally no one stopped the two of them.

Jiang Xiaobai stared at the green marsupial grass, which is a half-foot tall grass, shiny green, exuding a slight fluorescence, it does not seem to be full of vitality, but it seems to annihilate everything .

Just around the green diegrass, no other plants survived, and even around them, there was a piece of yellow sand without any vitality.

Qianye approached carefully, and reached out to grab it.His speed is extremely fast, this is his talent, but there is something faster than his palm, that is a black shadow, as if directly penetrating the space, piercing Qianye's palm in an instant.

Qianye snorted, stepped back, looked at the wound on the back of his hand, and was horrified.

"What's going on, what happened, I didn't see clearly at all!" Bai Hua asked in surprise, she looked at Holy Spirit.She has challenged the Holy Spirit before, knowing the strength of the Holy Spirit Fairy, she trusts the latter very much.

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