Embarrassment appeared on Holy Spirit's face: "I didn't see clearly."

The sword said in a deep voice: "I vaguely felt something, but I was also very confused."

Zhang Chengdao: "I can't see it with the naked eye, but I still saw a little trace of the monster with my eyes. It seems to be a snake."

"Snake?" Shen Nongye said, "If it's a snake, then only the quadruped snake has such a speed. Of course, it is said that the quadruped snake is extremely delicious, but it's a pity that I haven't tasted it."

Many people shook their heads secretly. This guy who looks like a savage really likes to eat too much.

Fairy Holy Spirit suddenly turned to look at Jiang Xiaobai: "Young Master Jiang, what about you?"

Jiang Xiaobai said solemnly: "That is indeed a four-legged flying snake, and the four-legged snake is fully mature, and the color can change at will, which is very dangerous."

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai with a sword is a little more fearful, and eyesight also represents strength.

Bai Hua had already taken the wound medicine and bandaged Qianye's wound, she asked worriedly: "Is the four-legged snake not poisonous?"

Although Chiba's wound did not appear to be infected, once some poisons took effect, blood would seal the throat.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said, "You don't have to worry about that, the quadruped snake is not poisonous."

Only then did Qianye and Baihua breathe a sigh of relief, but Qianye asked unconvinced: "Then what can you do?"

Baihua scolded Qianye, and Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly: "At least you can rest assured, as long as you don't touch the green marsupial, it won't attack you again. Otherwise, none of us can handle it, but the four-legged snake able to penetrate the field."

Having said that, everyone felt very lucky, but no, with the speed of flying a snake on all fours, if they really wanted to plot against them, if they didn't have the supernatural powers to save their lives, they would definitely not be able to please them.

"Then what should we do?" Chiba asked.

Fairy Holy Spirit also said softly: "Young Master Jiang, don't be a fool anymore."

Jiang Xiaobai said: "It's actually quite simple. All things are born and restrained by each other. The four-legged snake likes to eat silver fish, but it can't get close to it. Therefore, we have to use silver fish to lure it."

Knowing the method of operation, everyone hurriedly operated, all with semi-holy cultivation bases, quickly caught some silver fish, slapped them to death and put them aside.

There was a sound of piercing through the air, and everyone looked at the silver fish on the ground blankly and disappeared.

"So fast."

On the other side, the people who were going to pick the green marsupials didn't even have time to do it.

"Remember, don't attack the four-legged flying snake. If you get angry, you might do it."

Under Jiang Xiaobai's guidance, the crowd finally picked more than a dozen plants, barely reaching one plant per person, but it was useless to lure them after that.

Amidst the sound of pity, everyone left reluctantly.

"Fairy Holy Spirit, you said there is an agency?" Jiang Xiaobai asked seriously.

The faces of the others also became serious, looking at each other and exchanging glances.

There are treasures in the restricted area!

This is already certain, as they just got the Green Ward Grass when they came in, this thing is worth a mysterious crystal on the outside, even if they have achieved the holy level, it is still a huge fortune.

Now that they have seized the opportunity, if they continue to search, they will definitely get more treasures.Except for some top arrogances, those people's real purpose is to obtain the third-order star heart, and the more important purpose of these ordinary semi-saints is to win treasures, relying on the special sanctification of the earth.

And there is everything they hope for in the penalty area, and every time they stay is an opportunity.

Jiang Xiaobai counted the time, it has been almost a day since they came in.Although he couldn't contact outsiders, he still felt a little palpitation in his heart. He guessed that something happened outside.

The auction conference is over, and those outlanders have got what they want, and if they don't get it, they will naturally grab it.It's like the purpose of the sword and the holy spirit fairy came to him, isn't it to occupy the mountain gate and get the inventory of the cave!

During this day, I am afraid that the outside world is already full of flames.

Jiang Xiaobai did not guess wrong at all. The Martial Arts Department is still barely safe, but other sects have ushered in different numbers of outland Tianjiao teams.Those who are obedient and obediently offer the treasure can still escape with their lives, while those who are not willing have already been slaughtered at the gate of the mountain.

During this period of time, some half-sages have also been born in the secret realm of Dongtian, but they are hard to beat with four hands. Most of the outlanders are a dozen or dozens of people, and one or two are doomed to be powerless. Demon cultivators, blood flowed like rivers.

Beidoudongtian was the first to be invaded, and then others approached Ziwei, Kunlun, Qiankun and other places.

On Lingxu's side, Zhao Chong and the others followed Jiang Xiaobai's order and sealed off the mountain gate. They returned to the Martial Arts Department, and they were safe for a while.

"Holy catastrophe, it depends on what Xiaobai can do?" Tong Fangyuan said with emotion.

According to the news from the spies, once the sect is invaded, their Martial Arts Department will be the next target.And judging from the situation of resistance in the sect's secret realm, at most tomorrow, or even tonight.


He coughed lightly with his sword and said, "Brother Jiang, why are you in such a hurry? We just entered here, and we suffered heavy injuries. It is rare to have the opportunity we have now. It is time to seize the opportunity to find us. If those people are put in , isn’t our previous effort wasted in vain.”

Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice: "The territory here is vast and the treasures are endless. Even if we give us decades, we may not be able to find out. On the contrary, as long as we find the mechanism that induces the opening of the forbidden area in advance, we can gain great merit. Everyone, what do you think?"

Jiang Xiaobai stared at Fairy Holy Spirit with scorching eyes. At this moment, he dared not trust anyone. After all, in the face of real interests, all virtues are too weak.

Fairy Holy Spirit did not speak, and turned her head slightly.Her cheeks were flushed, and she knew that before the expected benefits in the future, she was a little uncertain.

Zhang Cheng closed his eyes, his body trembling slightly, as if he was making a decision.Baihua lowered her head, Qianye's face was ashamed.

His eyes swept over everyone with his sword, and he couldn't help laughing wildly in his heart.He thought that these people were really so ambitious, but they turned out to be just like him, interests, and only interests really move people's hearts.

"Hey, I agree with Brother Jiang's words. Anyone who dares to eat scorpions with me will not be a bad person." Shen Nongye said suddenly, and he strode over, stood beside Jiang Xiaobai, and took out some cooked The scorpion, handed it to Jiang Xiaobai, started to eat it himself.

Jiang Xiaobai was suddenly moved. At such a juncture, it was Shen Nongye, whose origin was the most unknown, who supported him.

"Hey, I still can't reach home in practice, Brother Jiang, I'm making you laugh." Zhang Cheng saluted Jiang Xiaobai, his face full of shame.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly helped Zhang Cheng up, and said seriously: "Brother Zhang, you are being polite, I am too late to be grateful, how can I laugh at you?"

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