Dominate the world

Chapter 992 Xuanwu Blood Pool

Fairy Holy Spirit blushed: "My state of mind is not enough, I made Mr. Jiang laugh, let's go to open the organ first."

Zhang Jian laughed, and walked over: "I thought about it, and it is more beneficial to follow Brother Jiang."

They even expressed their opinions with the sword, and the others were full of regrets, but they had no choice but to express their opinions one after another, and hoped that Jiang Xiaobai would not be offended.

Jiang Xiaobai generously said that this is normal, if it were him, he would be hesitant, and he understands.

Everyone said that Jiang Xiaobai had a heart, and the atmosphere suddenly became harmonious, as if nothing had happened.

But as for what was on his mind, no one knew.

Fairy Holy Spirit didn't hide it any more, she took out an ancient book, it looked tattered, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at it casually, the writing on the book was a little black, it's hard for her to see something from it .

"We walked through Yinyuetan, walked through a road of life and death, and then entered Yixian Gorge, and came to Xuechi, that's where it is." Fairy Holy Spirit discerned the direction, and said doubtfully: "But the road of life and death recorded above is specific. I don't know if it's a dangerous path to refer to or refer to."

Qianye took out a compass, which he used to detect Yuan Ling before. After several surveys, he said in a deep voice: "Go to the southwest, where the danger is the least, and the danger to the north is the greatest. Which way should we go?"

Holding the sword, he said with a light smile: "Since it is the road of life and death, it is natural to go to the most dangerous place, but who will go there?"

Jiang Xiaobai said without hesitation, "I'll do it."

Zhang Cheng said sincerely, "Brother Jiang, I will accompany you."

"Brother Zhang, you are too polite."

Zhang Cheng shook his head: "Cultivation is also a cultivation of the mind. My mind is not stable and needs to be practiced. Please."

Shen Nongye smiled and said, "Little boy, I think you look good, please eat the scorpion."

Zhang Cheng refused before, but now he just laughed, and he didn't have any dissatisfaction with Shen Nongye's nickname.

"Then respect is worse than obedience." He grabbed a handful vigorously, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed heavily.

The female fairies who watched this scene frowned, not daring to look any further.

Zhang Cheng's eyes lit up: "It's delicious, let's have some more."

Shen Nongye was very generous, and grabbed another handful, anyway, he roasted a lot before.

Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Cheng went on the road, and they chose the north.

Just after they left this yellow sand area, both of them looked terrified, they sensed the danger ahead.

Jiang Xiaobai resisted the hunger from his body, only feeling that there seemed to be endless murderous opportunities ahead.

He stepped out, and the surrounding scenery changed drastically, and no one else could see it anymore.

An arrow shot from the air suddenly, the arrow shone with golden light, and the speed was extremely fast, and it pierced through almost instantly. Jiang Xiaobai only had time to reach the side shoulder, and the arrow had already pierced through his shoulder.

Fortunately, he dodged for a while, otherwise the arrow would have pierced his heart directly.

"This is definitely a holy soldier!" Jiang Xiaobai touched the arrow, endured the severe pain, and pulled it out.

The streamer on the arrow has dissipated a lot, and the body of the arrow is also a little rotten, as if it has been here for too long.

Jiang Xiaobai bandaged the wound briefly, and stepped forward again.He has already experienced the weirdness here, and he must not dare to retreat, he may die if he retreats, not to mention delaying time with a fluke mentality, it will only make the subsequent formation more dangerous.

He swelled up the realm of Dzogchen, and used all his strength to use the Taoist scriptures and Bajiu Xuangong, his body was shining with golden light, and then he took a solemn step.

Sure enough, at this moment a long spear suddenly flashed out of the air, as if being held tightly in the void, and stabbed towards his dantian.

Jiang Xiaobai was prepared in his heart, swiped his sword and swung the spear away easily, and then took another step forward.

Knife, axe, fork, halberd, hook, stick, sword, a series of seven kinds of weapons attacked, Jiang Xiaobai's heart sank, and he responded calmly one by one.

When he finished dealing with the last sword, he found that his field of vision had changed drastically again. He actually appeared between two cliffs. Looking from the front, it was astonishingly what Fairy Holy Spirit called a gorge.

Everyone looked at Jiang Xiaobai in astonishment, and they saw Jiang Xiaobai's figure disappear, only to appear on the other side a few seconds later.

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and recounted what happened before, mentioning danger and warning.

Zhang Cheng rushed over, the figure disappeared, and then reappeared, a mouthful of blood was sprayed out.

This frightened everyone, and there were a few people who hesitated at the moment, how could they dare to go through it.

"We can take a relatively safe path." With the sword, he led the crowd from the southwest direction, and a sword formation suddenly formed. Fortunately, he had a keen sense of the sword's intent and stepped back in time, otherwise he would definitely be stabbed.

"There is no other choice, let's go the road of life and death." Fairy Holy Spirit said, passing by a few seconds later, just like Zhang Cheng, suffered some minor injuries.

Half an hour later, everyone walked over, but Jiang Xiaobai was the least injured, and got a half-rotted arrow.The junior brother who wielded the sword almost died, making him look at Jiang Xiaobai with hatred in his eyes.

It took some time for the first line of the gorge, and finally there were no wounded with the joint efforts of everyone.

A strong breath suddenly filled the mouths and noses of the crowd, making people want to vomit.

"This is the blood pool, right?" Fairy Holy Spirit said, with great difficulty resisting the desire to vomit.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt his body lighten, and the hunger in his stomach disappeared all of a sudden, his spiritual sense increased by [-]%, and his spirit became more stable.

I don't know if it's an illusion or what, Jiang Xiaobai found that he saw a turtle-like thing squatting under the blood pool, but the tail was more like a snake.

But this monster was huge, almost as big as a mountain.If it wasn't for the skyrocketing divine sense, Jiang Xiaobai would have thought it was a rock if he could see it clearly.

His heart moved, could it be the legendary Xuanwu?

Jiang Xiaobai expressed the doubts in his heart, and everyone was dumbfounded, how could it be possible, Xuanwu is a divine beast, how could it be in the pool of blood.

Fairy Holy Spirit suddenly exclaimed: "So that's it, the monster mentioned above is Xuanwu, no wonder it can trigger changes in the blood pool."

"Fairy Holy Spirit, what do you mean? Could it be that we need Xuanwu?" Jiang Xiaobai swallowed.

Fairy Holy Spirit nodded: "It is said in the book that the monster suppressed a spring, and only by letting Xuanwu leave, the blood pool here will dry up, and then the forbidden area will appear in advance."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled wryly and said, "If I say that Xuanwu is sucking blood, do you believe it? The blood is obviously a nutrient solution in Xuanwu's eyes, and it tastes good! We want it to move, it's too difficult!"

Everyone is stupid, such a big beach?

This place is not so much a pool of blood as it is a sea of ​​blood!

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