"Fairy Holy Spirit, do you need a drop? I have always been grateful to you for giving me the sixth-order Yuanjing." Jiang Xiaobai said politely. He didn't want to owe people favors, otherwise they would turn against each other later and could not be cruel.

Only then did the crowd suddenly realize that they were thinking too much. Whether they can get this kind of extraordinary blood is still a problem.

Fairy Holy Spirit smiled and understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant.It's hard for her to say too much, seeing how the two of them struggled before, it was obviously difficult to collect blood, and it was really unreasonable to ask someone to help them for nothing.

Of course, she absolutely needs such a drop of blood, even if she doesn't take it now.

"Then thank you Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Xiaobai said directly via voice transmission: "Brother Shennong, do me a favor this time. If anyone wants it later, we will charge you."

Shen Nongye chuckled, "Okay!"

The strength of the two people's physical bodies has greatly increased now, and the power of their control has also increased a lot. It is easier to control the spoon, and they quickly took a drop of blood. The Holy Spirit put it away happily and thanked them again.

"Everyone, you have also seen that it is not easy to collect blood drops. Just a sixth-order Yuanjing and a drop of blood? Who wants a few drops to talk, otherwise it will alarm the old Xuanwu afterwards, and it will be useless."

A Tier 10 Primordial Crystal, that is, [-] Yuan Crystal, this price is not extremely expensive, but it is definitely not cheap, it just happens to be a price that everyone finds acceptable without being too painful.

There was only a brief moment of silence, and everyone handed over a sixth-order Yuanjing, nine in total, Jiang Xiaobai threw five to Shen Nongye, and Shen Nongye accepted it without hesitation.

The two began to operate, perhaps because the blood pool was too big, Xuanwu didn't even notice the loss of a few drops of blood essence, and the two took nine drops of blood essence easily.

Although the people holding the sword were dissatisfied with Jiang Xiaobai, they happily accepted it.

"Do you want to get a few more drops?" Shen Nongye asked.

"Of course." Jiang Xiaobai said, "However, I feel a little dangerous."

Shen Nongye nodded: "Me too."

"But make some more?"

"it is good!"

Fairy Holy Spirit and the others were sweating coldly, these two guys are really daring!

The two guys worked together, made more than ten points again, and stopped immediately.Not only the two of them, but others also felt a faint sense of crisis, forcing the two of them not to play with fire.

"Then increase your strength first?" Jiang Xiaobai suggested.

"I'll protect you!" Shen Nongye said.His eyes seemed to be intentional, seemingly unintentional, he glanced at Zhejian, and Zhejian smiled mockingly, but didn't say anything.

Jiang Xiaobai swallowed a drop of blood essence, and the saint-level physical body was strengthened by 5% again, reaching 45%, the third drop increased by 3%, the fourth drop increased by 1%, and the increase reached 49%, which was about halfway through.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't try again, 50% is a hurdle in itself, maybe swallowed up the rest of the blood, and may not be able to break through 50%.

Shen Nongye swallowed two drops, frowned and said, "It's useless."

None of the others took it on the spot, and they all waited for other opportunities.

"What should we do next? Do you have a solution?" Zhan Jian felt itchy in his heart, but he had to change the topic.

Everyone withdrew their minds, they had already come here, naturally they all hoped to trigger the mechanism, if they really saved all the creatures on the earth, it would be a great merit, once they are sanctified, their practice will advance by leaps and bounds.

Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice: "We need to let Xuanwu move. His huge body suppresses the hole below, allowing it to absorb so slowly. It may take several years to absorb all the blood."

He looked at Fairy Holy Spirit and asked, "Fairy, isn't there any saying in the ancient books?"

Fairy Holy Spirit directly handed over the ancient book, regretfully said: "No, what follows is speculation, after all, this senior didn't dare to get too close."

"Maybe if you get closer, the feeling will be different?" Zhi Bai said suddenly.

Zhuangjian nodded and said: "Zhibai is right, but we can't get too close, otherwise it feels like the soul will be torn apart."

Zhang Cheng frowned and said, "With a sword, why do you have to do such a villainous thing, Brother Jiang, you have to think twice. We are very clear about your purpose of entering here, but we need to be careful, if you are broken, there is no hope." gone."

Knowing that this was a trap, Jiang Xiaobai had no choice but to move forward.

He arched his hands to Zhang Cheng: "Thank you, I know it well."

Jiang Xiaobai restrained his mind, stepped forward, walked dozens of steps in a row, and his pace slowed down.He felt that the front was like a tiger's den and a dragon's pond, and with his strength, once he entered it, he would undoubtedly die.

"Brother Jiang, I will accompany you." Shen Nongye said.

"Brother Jiang, I'll accompany you." Zhang Cheng also said, his eyes calm.

Fairy Holy Spirit opened her mouth, then closed it again. She could see that the road ahead might not be for them. Even if they were willing, Jiang Xiaobai might not trust them.

Sure enough, Jiang Xiaobai refused.

"Thank you, but the road ahead, I feel that I need to walk it myself."

Jiang Xiaobai felt the taiji disk vibrating. This was the first time he had such an obvious perception. In the blood pool in front of him, the sound of water suddenly became louder, as if someone was stirring the water.

A reckless and powerful aura surged out from the pool of blood, and everyone couldn't help but backed away again and again.

Dazzling light shone on their bodies, and each of them used their own skills with all their strength, and they dared not hold back the slightest bit.

"Let's retreat!" With the way of the sword, he has a deep understanding of the way of the sword, and the way of the sword is the so-called way of killing, and he has the most keen perception of killing intent.

If they don't retreat, they may fully explain here.

But he stared at Jiang Xiaobai in front of him in disbelief. Jiang Xiaobai's body was also shining, but under the golden light, he saw a soft light, which seemed to hide a trace of aura, which surprised him inexplicably.

"What kind of technique does this Jiang Xiaobai practice?"

He suddenly realized that unlike others, he had a special understanding of Jiang Xiaobai, but no one knew what kind of exercises Jiang Xiaobai practiced.

At that time, he didn't pay much attention to it, but now he finally understands that this exercise is definitely not simple.

Jiang Xiaobai felt the power coming from the Tai Chi disc, and it was this power that protected his body and allowed him to move forward.

Sand and rocks were already flying on the ground, and the strong smell was almost comparable to the smell of blood before.The strong pressure suppressed it, and it has definitely exceeded the power of the holy level.

"Sure enough, other people's guesses are not true. If it weren't for the protection of the Taiji disc, I would have been crushed and would not be able to save the earth. Such a huge merit is indeed not something people at this stage can obtain."

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