Dominate the world

Chapter 995 Bone Forging in Front of Xuanwu

Xuanwu finally stood up, it felt Jiang Xiaobai's breath.

Step by step, Jiang Xiaobai finally came to the blood pool and saw Xuanwu in the blood.Xuanwu sticks out his head, his eyes are like two full moons, but they are full of turbid breath.

With the help of Tai Chi Yuanpan, Jiang Xiaobai was not afraid at all, looking straight at Xuanwu's big eyes, Xuanwu's eyes were full of surprise, as if wondering why such a small person appeared.

It moved its head forward, smelled Jiang Xiaobai's body carefully, and showed a strange look.

"Ding, enter the blood pool, break through 50% of the physical body, forge the holy bone, and randomly reward a physical auxiliary skill."

Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, and Taiji Yuanpan actually gave such a hint.

What else is there to say, forging holy bones is evolving towards the true holy level.In his storage space, there are still some holy keel pieces that he got in the Longxu, and they are still extremely strong.

Once the holy bone is forged, at least it is enough to deal with most dangers.And there is also a body-assisted exercise, produced by Tai Chi Yuanpan, which has always been a high-quality product.

In the distance, everyone looked dumbfounded. Jiang Xiaobai stepped into the blood pool in one step, and in front of him was the terrifying Xuanwu.

Xuan Wu was stunned, he finally remembered what race the little bug in front of him was, it turned out to be human.But in his memory, human beings are a very weak race. When did they become so powerful?

Jiang Xiaobai had already stepped into the blood pool, and almost the moment his feet were soaked in the blood pool, he felt an extremely burning pain, as if burning in his soul, the pain came from the bone marrow, from the inside out , it is difficult to suppress it.

Jiang Xiaobai was thinking about forging holy bones, and he didn't intend to use his vitality to prevent the blood from soaking his whole body.He felt that he couldn't move his body, so he rolled hard and rolled into the pool of blood.

"Master Jiang, what are you doing?" Fairy Holy Spirit couldn't help asking.

"Death!" Zhuangjian snorted coldly, what he cared about most was profit, which was very similar to Jiang Xiaobai, and he roughly guessed Jiang Xiaobai's purpose.Although the way is different, there is no match for each other, but he also has a bit of admiration in his heart.

If you were yourself, you might not dare!

He glanced at everyone, maybe Shen Nongye would rush in foolishly, but the others dared not.

Jiang Xiaobai let out a sigh, the pain was so painful that he couldn't say anything, the bone was broken and healed, healed and then broken, it was like a reincarnation, and he didn't know when it would end.

He insisted on not daring to faint, and fortunately, the strength of his spiritual sense had been increased by more than ten percent out of thin air, otherwise he would not be able to hold on at all.At the heart, there is a warm current that has been protecting the heart, and it is this strength that keeps him alive.

Xuanwu finally realized that this human kid was taking advantage of him.This is the harvest I have accumulated for so many years, but it was used by this kid first.

Although it was not used much, it was a violation of dignity. Xuanwu let out a roar, and opened his mouth to inhale.

The thick blood essence in the blood pool suddenly soared into the sky, gathered together and was sucked into Xuanwu's big mouth.

"Run, run!" Chiba yelled violently.

Everyone was startled, and then they all reacted.Xuanwu didn't dare to move, that's why he didn't move Jiang Xiaobai, but once the blood essence was absorbed, Jiang Xiaobai would surely die.

Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes, watching the height of blood essence around him drop at a speed visible to the naked eye, a lot of energy flew into Xuanwu's mouth, even he was almost sucked in by Xuanwu.

He sneaked a glance at Xuanwu, and immediately understood what Xuanwu meant, this old boy wanted to settle accounts with himself!

He resisted the urge to run away, watching Xuanwu suck up most of the blood, and finally he heard Taiji Yuanpan's acknowledgment, and at this moment the blood pool was about to bottom out.

Feeling his reborn body, Jiang Xiaobai jumped out of the pool of blood and ran away.

As long as the blood essence here disappears, the restricted area will appear in advance, and when he mixes with the crowd, even with the power of Xuanwu, it will be difficult to find him.

"Brother, this way." Shen Nongye shouted, waving repeatedly.

Jiang Xiaobai ran so fast, he felt his body was as light as a feather, and he ran at a speed that was unimaginable before with just one step.

Fairy Holy Spirit and his group were frightened by Jiang Xiaobai's speed. They were afterimages one after another. The footsteps were obviously not heavy, but the vibrations on the ground were calm and terrifying.

"Is this a sacred bone?" Fairy Holy Spirit couldn't help but said, he looked at Zhang Jian and Zhang Cheng.

These people are all well-educated, they often listen to the hearings of their elders, and they have all seen the situation after being forged into a sacred bone.

"That's right, it's a sacred bone, and it's a bit vain. After a day or two of getting used to it, it will take shape." Zhan Jian said.

Zhang Cheng said with emotion: "Brother Jiang put himself to death and survived, but he got a great opportunity. It's just this trick that saved us at least half a year."

Soon, Jiang Xiaobai caught up, and the group ran even faster.

From behind, Xuanwu finally swallowed all the blood essence into his mouth, Xuanwu's body changed into a human race, and he chased after him quickly.

"It's so fast, what should I do?" Xuanwu's speed is too fast, just a blink of an eye, he has already caught up to half a distance, maybe within a few tens of breaths, Xuanwu will catch up.

The surrounding area began to vibrate, rumbling, almost obliterating everyone's voices.

"Be careful, the restricted area is about to reappear." Zhang Cheng shouted suddenly, and he cupped his hands at the crowd, "Everyone, see you later by fate. Brother Jiang, I owe you a favor."

A beam of light enveloped him and disappeared with him.

Everyone was also enveloped by the beam of light and disappeared quickly.Jiang Xiaobai experienced the beam of light added to his body, which was different from the ordinary beam of light, obviously mixed with other things, especially a huge amount of photons drilled into his body, which was warm and very comfortable.

His beam of light was the most intense, and he didn't teleport away after being enveloped like the others.

Xuanwu rushed over, exerting a monstrous force, but was blocked from the beam of light, and it howled loudly in anger.

About 10 minutes later, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to feel the voices of countless people, including the elderly and children, practitioners and ordinary people who don't know how to practice.

These heartfelt voices are simple and unpretentious, faint like the fluorescence of fireflies, but when gathered together, they have a magical power of their own.

After this force entered the body, it quickly penetrated into the Tai Chi disc, and almost [-]% of it was absorbed, but the little bit left outside still made Jiang Xiaobai feel that his mind was clear.

Inexplicably, he saw a road that reached to the sky and was extremely spacious. There seemed to be countless people standing by the roadside, guiding him forward.

The feeling passed away in a flash, but the implication was deeply imprinted in my heart.

Finally, the beam of light disappeared, and Jiang Xiaobai's body also disappeared.

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