The outside world, the Martial Arts Department.

The night was dim, but there seemed to be hundreds of stars lit up in the sky, shining brightly.

That is the semi-holy light that bloomed from hundreds of semi-holys showing off their power.In just one day, all the secret realms of the major sects were defeated.

Except for Fairy Luoying who escaped from Beidou, all the others died, even the map of Beidou was snatched away.After resisting for half a day, Ziwei Cave had no choice but to surrender, giving up half of the sect's inventory.

Then other sects had no choice but to give up their resources one after another, and some relatively small secret realms of sects did not even have the opportunity to communicate, so they were slaughtered by the powerful semi-sages.

Under the night, more and more outlander half-sages gathered in front of the Martial Arts Department, brightly illuminating the place.

The Martial Arts Department has already moved out various weapons. Under the leadership of a dozen or so semi-sages, countless emperor-level and emperor-level guards are in front of the Martial Arts Department, and a big battle is imminent.

"Senior, do you really want to fight? Can we carry it?"

Beside Tong Fangyuan, many emperor-level juniors had serious expressions on their faces. Their emperor soldiers were trembling, but none of them retreated.

There have been news from other countries that some were defeated without a fight, and some were disabled, so they didn't last long.Even if nuclear weapons are used, for these half saints, it is just a cannon to hit mosquitoes, and it has no deterrent effect at all.

Now in the entire earth, there are only deep seas and Huaguo that have not fallen.

Tong Fangyuan's face was dark, and before Jiang Xiaobai left, he told Jiang Xiaobai not to worry, but in just over two days, hundreds of holy soldiers came to the city.

how to spell?

He also felt that it didn't matter if he lost some of his treasury, even if he gave up Biyou Palace and Yuxu Palace, as long as he could keep the members of the Martial Arts Department.

But judging from the news from many sources, this chance is quite slim.

At this moment, a ray of light flashed fiercely in the eastern sea area.A strong fluctuation swept across the world in an instant, and the semi-holy city suspended in the air was so shaken that it couldn't stand still.

Involuntarily, everyone looked over there.

I saw a huge phantom head rushing up from the sea water, rushing up into the sky, and roaring with its mouth open.This voice cannot be heard by ordinary people, at least only half saints can hear it, full of grief and depression.

The phantom gradually disappeared in a flash, and then the sea roared, and a small island rose up.

"How is it possible that the restricted area was born early."

"Moreover, the head is actually buried on this star, which is dangerous."


One after another voices resounded in the sky, and countless half saints quickly put down what they were doing, turning into streamers of light and flying towards the depths of the Eastern Sea.

On the side of the Martial Arts Department, hundreds of half-sages hesitated for a moment, and all flew away. After a few minutes, no one was seen again.

"I see, it must be Xiaobai, he really opened the restricted zone ahead of time." Zhao Chong shouted joyfully, and he rushed out joyfully.

For the past few days, he, Lan Yingying and the others have been hiding in the Biyou Palace to practice, striving for the last step, hoping to become a semi-saint.The Martial Arts Department has provided a huge amount of resources, rather than leaving them to those semi-sages from the outer domain, it is better to let these students of the Martial Arts Department who have the potential to become semi-sages use them up now.

Zhang Chulan and the others rushed out after him. They lived up to everyone's expectations, and they finally became semi-saints and had the power to protect themselves.

Then, some half-sage elders from the secret realm of the sect also flew out. In order to avoid the escape of those half-sages from the outer domain, most of them joined the Martial Arts Department, and there was no way to escape except here.

Many people were already prepared to die, but at the critical moment, these people actually retreated.

"That's a restricted area, with the opportunity of sanctification, let's go in."

Sanctified?That is something every half-saint is looking forward to, and now the opportunity has finally appeared.

Xie Guanying and Bai Yu quickly arranged one thing after another, and then gathered with more than 30 semi-sages, and rushed towards the restricted area together.

Countless emperors and emperors are envious, but they also know that this opportunity has nothing to do with them, and they are not even qualified to enter if they are not holy.They quickly dispersed and began to appease the emotions of the Budobu members and restore the normal operation of the country.

A catastrophe finally dissipated into nothingness.

Jiang Xiaobai felt his field of vision change, and he came to a quiet place.Surrounded by a quiet, green grass, blue sky, white clouds, the breeze blowing gently, there is a lazy atmosphere in the air, making people drowsy.

Jiang Xiaobai snorted softly. Now that his divine sense is strong, how could he be afraid of such an illusion? With the vibration of his divine sense, the surroundings changed drastically.

The good atmosphere before has completely disappeared, and it has become a raging landscape. The ground is covered with white bones, some of which have been broken, and some are still solid. There are some inscriptions shining on it, and some light is flowing faintly.

But it seems that it won't last long before it will be completely weathered.

"My God, how long have these bones been here?" Jiang Xiaobai was surprised. He grabbed a skull and tasted it carefully before he saw a little inscription.

But just as he gently exerted force, the skull turned into powder. He didn't know that it was a holy skull!

After distinguishing for a while, he found that this should be a river, but as time passed, the river disappeared, and this place became a garbage dump instead, full of bones of all kinds of powerful monsters.

"Who was it eaten by?" Jiang Xiaobai thought about it, and only thought of this result.

"Go upstream and have a look!"

Jiang Xiaobai began to walk upstream along the river. He was extremely fast, but the river was surprisingly long.And the bones in the river, from the small size at the beginning, became bigger and bigger, and even the bones of the giant dragon and phoenix appeared.

Although it was shattered, Jiang Xiaobai had seen the skeleton of Shenlong, so he knew it must be the skeleton of Shenlong.

Now he is a little curious about what will happen next.

Obviously, what they ate at the beginning were only ordinary monsters and sea beasts, but later they had nothing to eat. These dragons and phoenixes became food.

Obviously, there are obvious wounds on the bones of these dragons and phoenixes, which means that they fought desperately during their lifetime.Jiang Xiaobai was a little skeptical about Fairy Holy Spirit's words. Is there really a part of life buried here?

What kind of creatures are so powerful, they have already been dismembered, and they can even defeat the dragon and phoenix. Those are divine beasts?

He suddenly remembered that Xuanwu, and he didn't know if the latter was lucky or for some other reason, it escaped unharmed.

Going forward, waves of coercion and suppression came, Jiang Xiaobai looked over, and it was a golden animal bone, but different from the others, this animal bone also had a strong inscription atmosphere, obviously the age is different long.

Jiang Xiaobai unceremoniously put the golden animal bone into the storage ring.

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