Dominate the world

Chapter 997 Familiar Old People

It was a Void Sky Beast, powerful, but it looked like a small beast, but unfortunately it died here.

The bones of the Xutian Beast have great medicinal effects, and it would be a waste to use them to forge bones. This thing can be used to refine formations. It is said that the bones of the Xutian Beast were fused into the top-level sect's mountain protection formation.

Of course, the blood of Xutian Beast is better, but the bones are not far from it.

With the bone of this virtual beast, and then set up a large formation to protect the religion, unless it is a saint, don't try to force it in.

The road ahead was cut off, and below was an abyss. Jiang Xiaobai poured his vitality into his eyes, but still found it difficult to see the bottom.

But from time to time, there is a voice coming from below, that voice seems to resound in the soul, with a strong charm.If it hadn't been for the Tai Chi disc to circulate a stream of clear water, keeping his mind clear, Jiang Xiaobai knew he would have jumped off.

After calming down his breathing, Jiang Xiaobai turned around and left. He had a faint feeling that maybe under this abyss was the suppressed creature.

This place is far from where he should be today.

After staying away from this place all the time, Jiang Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief. After making sure that the surrounding area was relatively safe, Jiang Xiaobai adjusted his attributes.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Realm: Emperor Level 33-Half Saint (50%), Body Sanctification (100%), Holy Bone Forging ([-]%)

Cultivation Method: Taoist Scripture Volume 99 ([-]%)

Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu fifth level (99%)

Skills: Chasing stars and chasing the sun (51%)

Star swordsmanship (61%)

Golden Dragon Sword Qi Three Feet (99%)

Void Knife (61%)

Avatar: Domain (100%)

Self-created unique move: the first move: Punishment Saint (Swords and Swords Combined)

Auxiliary skills: 36 changes

Avenue fruit: 75%

Jiang Xiaobai secretly laughed, is he really going to become a monkey grandson?The auxiliary skills given by Tai Chi Yuanpan turned out to be 36 changes, but it seems that this is the old pig's, right?

He rested for a while, making sure that his spiritual energy and physical body had recovered to perfection, and then started on the road again.

The most urgent task is to find treasures that can promote the evolution of the Dao Fruit. In this restricted area, you may be able to find some treasures similar to Shengxian Huayang.

after one day.

Jiang Xiaobai was crying blood all over his body. Half a day ago, he accidentally broke into such a strange place, where a lot of monsters evolved.The exercises used by the latter are nothing more than nothing, but the innate supernatural powers are astonishingly terrifying, especially the devilish energy in his body, which can actually erode his vitality.

Relying on the vitality from Taoist scriptures, this is the first time he has met an opponent.Fortunately, the strength of these monsters was not strong. After a frantic beheading, he finally killed them all.

"Hey, someone is here." Jiang Xiaobai's heart tightened, and then he was overjoyed, finally meeting someone else.He was completely relieved, which also meant that the forbidden area was indeed opened in advance.

The three of them rushed over, looking at the corpses all over the ground, and Jiang Xiaobai who was breathing heavily, the three of them quickly restrained their greed.

"Brother? Did you kill these monsters?" A person stood up and asked kindly.

They also encountered many dangers along the way, and they knew very well that the existences that could rush here were all tyrannical Tianjiao. Although the three of them were relatively large, in front of the real Tianjiao, they were just delivering food to others.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "My name is Jiang Xiaobai, you should know my name, when did you come in, how is the Huaguo Martial Arts Department now?"

The three of them couldn't help being surprised, there are so many meanings in these words!

The three of them were average in strength, and they didn't know that a group of people organized by Fairy Holy Spirit had entered the restricted area ahead of time, but the three of them were still cautious and didn't dare to ask more questions, so they answered the question carefully.

Jiang Xiaobai heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that the Martial Arts Department was fine. On the contrary, these semi-sages from the outer domain did them a favor. Perhaps from now on, those secret realms of sects would be lonely.

"By the way, do you know what monsters these are? Their vitality is weird?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

A half-sage said with a wry smile: "Mr. Jiang's strength is extraordinary. These are monsters, and what they cultivate is also magic energy, which is opposite to our cultivation of vitality. Generally speaking, we are almost no match for monsters of the same level. Of course, Tianjiao is different. "

They could see clearly that the worst strength of these monsters was at the semi-holy level. There were no less than 50 of them, and they were all beheaded by Jiang Xiaobai alone. What was even more frightening was that Jiang Xiaobai had almost no injuries.

"By the way, do you know the general power of the people who came in this time? Where did they go?" Jiang Xiaobai asked casually.

He remembered a theory that geniuses never ignore those who are inferior to the heavens, but the people below know everything about Tianjiao, even better than Tianjiao themselves.

"This, we really know." A half saint shouted.

The three of them were terrified, fearing that Jiang Xiaobai would attack them, they answered every question.

Most of the Tianjiao who come in have their own arrogance, looking for their own opportunities.Unless it is absolutely good and trustworthy, it is generally not easy to form a team.

After all, if you come across a top-notch herbal medicine, who will get it?

Those who got it were worried about the other party's attack, and those who didn't get it were unwilling, so differences were buried, and conflicts would inevitably erupt later.

"In general, it is still divided into three parts. Chengzhou, Feiyan and Changhong three holy places each lead a group of people, and each of them has chosen a direction. They seem to be prepared, and they all have special holy artifacts. If Mr. Jiang wants to catch up with a large group of people, it will definitely be very easy to catch up. As for other small forces, we don't know."

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai gave up the idea of ​​beheading the three of them. There was no need for that, and there was nothing about the three of them that he liked.

"Those three take care, we will meet later." Jiang Xiaobai said, flying towards the direction where the three came.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly shifted their direction.

In the following journey, Jiang Xiaobai saw many half saints. He never thought that one day he would see such a scene. It was unbelievable.

These semi-saints are extremely crazy, some slaughter others recklessly, and some hide, obviously preparing to plot.

Jiang Xiaobai was anxious to find someone in his heart, and he showed great power. He walked all the way, and no one dared to jump out to stop him.

Suddenly, a familiar figure flashed by, and Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly chased after it. It turned out to be the saintess Xuan Xi of Ziwei Cave. At this moment, she was in a panic and was being chased by a half-sage from the outer domain.

"Little girl, you dare to grab the treasure I like, you won't be able to escape."

The speed of the two was extremely fast, and only a few figures flashed by before disappearing into the darkness.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai's spiritual thoughts were highly concentrated and spread out. Soon, Jiang Xiaobai moved, and his spiritual thoughts extended and smelled a scent of medicine, so he quickly chased after him.

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