Dominate the world

Chapter 998 Rescue Xuan Xi

There was a forest in front of her, and Xuan Xi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as she entered the forest, her chances of avoiding her pursuers would increase greatly.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head secretly, no way to enter the forest, maybe avoid the latter, but the forest is more dangerous.He hastened to speed up, a few ups and downs, stopped Xuan Xi.

Xuan Xi looked at Jiang Xiaobai suspiciously, a little confused.The pursuer behind him turned his eyes, and he also recognized Jiang Xiaobai.

"I don't want to die, get out." Jiang Xiaobai shouted.

It's still early, these people haven't gained much, and harvesting it now is a waste of manpower.

The pursuer glared at Jiang Xiaobai bitterly, but remembering the scene of Jiang Xiaobai beating the girl in red at Yinjian Mountain after the auction, he quickly slipped away.

Xuan Xi looked at Jiang Xiaobai vigilantly, his expression was full of contradictions, he wanted to get close, but he was a little scared.She felt very clearly that Jiang Xiaobai in front of her felt extremely dangerous to her. Compared with the previous pursuers, she was much stronger and could kill her easily.

If it was outside, she would be more at ease, but now she is in the forbidden area, and she has also obtained a precious medicine. She is very clear about the reason why everyone is innocent and pregnant.

The situation has changed, and the strength of the Zongmen's secret realm has been greatly reduced. Although Ziwei Mountain did not perish, it also suffered heavy losses.What's more, the opening of the forbidden area has attracted all the semi-saints, and they are no longer able to deal with the Martial Arts Department.

This also caused the Huaguo Martial Arts Department to dominate on the future earth. If Jiang Xiaobai took the opportunity to kill her, it would be perfectly normal.

During these days, she grew up rapidly, and saw the hardships of the world, especially after seeing Elder Zhang Tianfeng died in battle. As soon as Senior Brother Wuyou came in, he was brutally killed just because he took one more look at someone. I know she was too naive before.

Jiang Xiaobai had no idea that Xuan Xi had thought so much at this moment, he said seriously: "Xuan Xi, the forbidden area is very dangerous, remember not to enter the forest. There are too many monsters inside, and there are many monsters with semi-holy spirits." But most of them are semi-holy, even reaching the holy level, especially most of them have their own innate supernatural powers, so don't take risks easily. By the way, why are you alone, worry-free, and Haotian? Why not be with them?"

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's serious advice, Xuan Xi's heart felt sour for no reason, and the circles of his eyes suddenly turned red.She told herself to be strong, but the tears fell down uncontrollably.

"What's going on?" Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly supported Xuan Xi to sit down, and asked softly.

For Xuan Xi, Jiang Xiaobai still had the impression when they first met, a little girl who was a bit delicate and cute.

Feeling Jiang Xiaobai's concern, Xuan Xi burst into tears even more frantically.

"Elder Tianfeng was beaten to death. Those semi-sages from outside domains attacked our Ziwei Cave. Elder Tianfeng died. Brother Wuyou was also killed when he entered the forbidden area. Brother Haotian deliberately exposed Haoyang Shuo to lure him away. I don’t know what’s going on now, maybe I’m seriously injured, maybe I’m dead.”

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes turned cold, those outlanders finally made a move on Dong Tianfu.

"What about the Martial Arts Department?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, he was sure that the previous three people should not have lied, but at this moment he couldn't help but want to get confirmation from Xuan Xi.

Xuan Xi wiped his eyes and said: "The Martial Arts Department is fine. More than 300 semi-sages surrounded the Martial Arts Department. When they were about to attack, the forbidden area was born, and those people retreated."

Jiang Xiaobai felt scared for a while, more than 300 and a half?With just one attack, the Budobu will be finished. Fortunately, it is very dangerous.

"Let's go, let's go to Haotian!" Jiang Xiaobai stood up.

Xuan Xi wondered, "But I don't even know where Senior Brother Haotian is."

"Didn't you say that he is holding the Haoyang Shuttle? I have a heavenly secret mirror here, and we are somewhat in touch with each other. Even in this forbidden area, we will definitely be able to find him. The Tianjiao of the Outer Domain is too rampant, and he should learn a lesson. .”

Jiang Xiaobai's voice lowered. If possible, he wouldn't mind destroying all the semi-saints of the outer domain in the forbidden area.

"Are there heavy losses outside?"

Xuan Xi's voice was full of sadness: "Except for a few big caves, all other small and medium sects were wiped out, and some semi-sages fled into the Martial Arts Department. I heard that several middle sects were directly bloodbathed because they had the idea of ​​resisting. No one escaped."

"Where is Penglai Sanxian Island?"

Xuan Xi shook her head: "I don't know, but some people said that they didn't seem to be involved."

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, this time it happened, for Doudou's sake, he will not target Sanxian Island, but if Sanxian Island wants to develop and grow, then don't even think about it.

Xuan Xi has a good memory. Although she was in a hurry, she still remembered the way she came here. When she came to a fork in the road, she pointed to a dark and dangerous path and said, "Senior Brother Haotian has gone There!"

"Then let's go, follow me closely." Jiang Xiaobai said, striding into it.

This is a group of strange rocks, very loose, without the slightest vitality, on the contrary, it has an extremely depressing atmosphere, which makes people feel heavy.

And the more you walk forward, the more inexplicable horror you feel, as if you are going to die.

Xuan Xi's skills were still weak, so she couldn't help but trembled.

"Grab my hand." Jiang Xiaobai said, passing a stream of pure vitality over.

There are two major exercises in the Ziwei Secret Realm, Ziwei Kungfu and Haoyang Jue. Haoyang Jue is naturally practiced by male children. The Ziwei Kungfu practiced by Xuan Xi has a yin attribute, but it also has a sense of grandeur.

At this moment, she felt Jiang Xiaobai's vitality, which was peaceful and peaceful, even above Haoyang Jue, and there was no feeling of repulsion with her vitality, and it even felt a little mellow.

Xuan Xi looked at Jiang Xiaobai curiously, does the Ministry of Martial Arts have such skills?

Jiang Xiaobai took out the Celestial Mirror, and played the Spirit Jue again and again. Speaking of the seven artifacts of geographical treasures born on the earth, Haoyang Shuo and the Celestial Mirror have had the most contact, and the two have cooperated many times.

After the Tianji mirror swallowed a large amount of vitality, it vibrated several times, leading to a path not far ahead.

"let's go."

Along the way, the two saw some bloodstains, and some broken weapons. The strange rocks around them were covered with newly opened potholes. It was obvious that they had fought extremely fiercely before.

Xuan Xi was in a hurry: "Brother Jiang, let's hurry up."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded. He carefully observed the movement around him. Haotian was still very smart. The places he walked were getting narrower and more dangerous. Not many people dared to follow him.

Of course, the strength of the remaining people is getting stronger and stronger.

After rushing for a while, the front was icy cold, and the ground was covered with frost. Even in their semi-holy state, they felt the cold unbearable, and corpses emerged one after another, lying on the ground.

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