Alien Madness

Chapter 10

{Recently, the two books have been updated together, so I may not be able to find the time. Please forgive me, "The Master of Heaven" will end in the next few days and this will not happen when the time comes. }

"Brother Zhang Cheng, do you have anything else to do after buying the medicine? Do you go home directly, or..." After a while, Ouyang Qianyun raised her little head and asked a little shyly.

"Yeah, what else can you do if you don't go home?" Zhang Cheng looked at Ouyang Qianyun's appearance, and didn't know her little thoughts, so he smiled in his heart and asked pretendingly surprised.

"Oh." Ouyang Qianyun lowered her head and pouted her mouth, looking very disappointed.

Seeing Ouyang Qianyun's disappointed look, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but soften his heart, touched Ouyang Qianyun's small head, and said: "Girl, since you are leaving soon, brother Zhang Cheng will go back later today." Yes, how about taking a stroll with you?"

"Okay, okay." Upon hearing that Zhang Cheng wanted to go shopping with her, Ouyang Qianyun immediately beamed with joy and nodded repeatedly.

However, after thinking about it, she realized that Zhang Cheng did it on purpose, and she said angrily, "Brother Zhang Cheng, you are really bad, and you know how to bully others, so I will ignore you."

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, brother, I'm here to make amends to you, can you forgive brother?" Zhang Cheng said with a smile.

"Well, for the sake of your sincerity in admitting your mistakes, the girl will forgive you!" Ouyang Qianyun glanced at Zhang Cheng, smiled through tears, then hugged Zhang Cheng's arm again, and asked, "Yes Alright, brother Zhang Cheng, where are you going to take me to play later?"

"Let's go buy the medicine first, and then I will ask Uncle Wang to take the medicine back first. After that, I will hand over the whole person to you. Let's go wherever you want, okay?" Zhang Cheng nodded and said.

"En!" Ouyang Qianyun responded, and then stopped talking, but her heart was sweet.

At this moment, the carriage stopped, and then the curtain of the carriage was lifted by a butler, and the butler respectfully said: "Young master, Miss Ouyang, the pharmacy is here."

"Oh." Zhang Cheng responded, and then slowly got out of the carriage with the support of Ouyang Qianyun.

"Uncle Wang, you wait here for a while. I bought the medicine and you take it home first. I will go back by myself at night." Zhang Cheng said to the old man driving the car.

"This..." The housekeeper was a little embarrassed. After all, Zhang Fang had repeatedly told him not to let him stay outside alone.

"Don't worry, Uncle Wang, I'm fine. If my father asks about me, just say that I'm going out with Qianyun. If she takes care of me, my father won't make things difficult for you." Zhang Cheng could see that the housekeeper was worried. What, said hastily.

"That's good." Zhang Chengcheng said so, what else could he say.

"Uncle Wang, wait here for a while, we will come out soon." Zhang Cheng said this, and then walked into the pharmacy led by Ouyang Qianyun.

Then, Zhang Cheng took out the two-chapter prescription written by Dan Chenzi, handed it to Ouyang Qianyun and said, "Girl, take the prescription and ask the doctor to see if these medicines are tonics, and then confirm by the way." Let me know if I lied to you, brother."

"Okay." Ouyang Qianyun took the prescription, glanced at it roughly, a trace of doubt flashed across her face, and then said to Zhang Cheng: "Brother Zhang Cheng, sit here and rest for a while, if the medicine is right , I’ll catch it for you myself.”

"Hehe, that's right, grab ten servings of a pack of medicine, calculate the total amount, and I'll give it to you later." Zhang Cheng said.

"Brother Zhang Cheng, I don't need your money, this place is opened by our own family..."

"No, one yard is worth one yard. If you don't make money, you can't make you lose money." Zhang Cheng stared at Ouyang Qianyun when he saw something else, and said, "Why girl, if you want to leave, you won't listen to me." Is it?"

"Okay, okay, I'll take it, I'll take it, then you wait." Knowing Zhang Cheng's temper, Ouyang Qianyun didn't force her anymore, and walked in with two prescriptions.

Zhang Cheng looked at Ouyang Qianyun who walked into the inner room, and shook his head helplessly. Although he didn't mind letting Ouyang Qianyun give him a bargain, it didn't mean that he was willing to be a badass.

Therefore, this money must be given. This is a matter of principle, which is why Zhang Cheng insisted on it.

After watching Ouyang Qianyun's beautiful figure slowly disappear from his sight, Zhang Cheng then sat on a chair beside him, picked up the tea on the table, and took a sip comfortably.

"Hey, isn't this the third young master of the Zhang family!" Just as Zhang Cheng was about to put down his teacup, a voice full of sarcasm came in from outside.

Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment, followed the prestige, and saw two handsome young men in Chinese clothes walking in from outside.

And behind them are four middle-aged men dressed in black, with bulging muscles and piercing eyes. They look like warriors, and they seem to be protecting the two teenagers.

And when the two teenagers saw him at this moment, they showed playful smiles on their faces, and then walked towards him one after another.

Zhang Cheng knew these two people. They were the young masters of the Wang family and the Li family in Shaoyang City. One was Wang Chen, the son of the head of the Wang family, and the other was Li Meng, the son of the head of the Li family.

Moreover, after Zhang Cheng's investigations over the years, it has been found that these two people are the second of the three culprits who beat Xiao Zhangcheng to death.

However, the two of them are now pursuing Ouyang Qianyun, and this time they came here to find Ouyang Qianyun.

And at this moment they found that Ouyang Qianyun's fiancé, that is, their rival in love, was here, so naturally, they would not let go of such a good opportunity easily.

"Hey, can't you let me calm down for a while!" Zhang Cheng smiled wryly. There was a Zhang Hu at home who made things difficult for him, and the two of them stared at him outside. It was extremely depressing.

"Third Young Master actually went out today. It's really rare. Why, come to buy medicine? Have you brought enough money?" Seeing that Zhang Cheng didn't answer, Li Meng sarcastically said.

"Brother Li, I think you are confused. You forgot that the third young master is Miss Ouyang's fiancé. Everyone in China knows about this, and this pharmacy is owned by the Ouyang family. What do you think?" , will they take money from my future son-in-law?" Naturally, Wang Chen would not let go of the opportunity to insult Zhang Cheng, and sneered.

"Brother Wang said that, I just remembered, but San Shao is really lucky. He can get such a good marriage. Even if he doesn't do anything in the future, he doesn't have to worry about starving. I really envy others." Li He laughed fiercely and said again.

"Are you done?" Zhang Cheng picked up the teacup, flipped the tea leaves with the lid, blew on them, took a sip, and said with a glance at them.

That appearance, just like watching a clown playing tricks again, not only not angry at all, but also very interesting to watch.

"You kid..."

"Oh, it seems that I haven't finished talking yet, so you can continue." Zhang Cheng spread his hands indifferently, and then showed an indifferent look, continuing to drink his tea.


As soon as they saw Zhang Cheng like this, Li Meng and Wang Chen became angry immediately. They were only a little over ten years old.

"Wang Chen, Li Meng, what do you want to do!" However, at this moment, a soft shout came from inside.

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw Ouyang Qianyun walking from inside with a large stack of wrapped medicinal materials in her hand, looking at Li Meng and Wang Chen with a somewhat uneasy expression.

"Why, do you two still want to beat someone here?" Ouyang Qianyun glared at Li Meng and Wang Chen, as if you would never leave unless you gave me a satisfactory answer.

"Well, Miss Ouyang, you may have misunderstood! We were just joking with Brother Zhang Cheng. You say yes, Brother Zhang Cheng." Seeing Ouyang Qianyun approaching, Li Meng hurriedly laughed along with him.

After finishing speaking, he gave Zhang Cheng a vicious look, as if to say again: "Boy, you better be sensible, or I will make you look good."

"Hmph, misunderstanding?" Ouyang Qian and Yunfeng stared, and when she was about to speak, Zhang Cheng stopped her and said, "Girl, forget it."

"But they..."

"Hehe!" Zhang Cheng smiled, seeing what Ouyang Qianyun wanted to say, he quickly turned around and asked seriously: "Girl, I have a question for you. If a dog bites you, you will bite it in turn." Dog bite?"

"This..." Ouyang Qianyun was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood Zhang Cheng's meaning, she smiled and said, "That's definitely not the case, and I'm not stupid, how can I be as knowledgeable as a dog."

Moreover, when she said the word "dog", she deliberately glanced at Wang Chen and Li Meng, the meaning of which was self-evident.

"That's it, all right, let's go!" Zhang Cheng nodded in satisfaction.

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