Alien Madness

Chapter 11

{Tonight at twelve o'clock, I hope everyone will help Xiaolong, thank you very much. }

"What, you dare to call me a dog, I...I'm going to kill you..." Wang Chen's eyes widened when he heard this, and he was about to hit someone.

He really didn't expect that Zhang Cheng, who has always been submissive, seemed to be a different person at this moment, and he dared to humiliate himself so directly, and it was still in front of Ouyang Qianyun, which made him instantly angry.

"Why, do you really want to hit someone here?" Ouyang Qianyun stood directly in front of Zhang Cheng, staring with phoenix eyes, and said angrily.


"You, you, good dog, don't get in the way, get out of the way." Zhang Cheng didn't want to continue to entangle with them, he was afraid that staying here and looking at their hateful faces would ruin his good mood at the moment.

"You, remember today's events for me, let's wait and see." Wang Chen glared at Zhang Cheng, then at Ouyang Qianyun, and after putting down a harsh word, he led the people away in despair up.

"You, you also remember it for me." Li Meng's momentum was relatively weak, but he also left this sentence, and then followed him out.

"Brother Zhang Cheng, you wait here. I'll teach them a lesson. I'll see if they dare to bully you in the future." Seeing them threatening Zhang Cheng, Ouyang Qianyun became angry and wanted to go out. Beat up.

Although Ouyang Qianyun is younger than him, she is still a girl, but she is a full-fledged young genius. She has a second-rank cultivation at a young age, which is similar to his sister Zhang Xin, far from Wang Chen. , Li Meng's generation is comparable.

"No need, I will clean them up naturally in the future, so you don't have to worry about it." Zhang Cheng patted Ouyang Qianyun's shoulder, and then said: "Okay, don't think about them, save the trouble." It ruined our good interest, by the way, the medicine is ready?"

"Well, I've caught them all. According to your request, I've caught ten pairs of each kind. Hey, they're all here." Ouyang Qianyun picked up the twenty packs of medicine in her hand and said.

"Well, how much is the total?" Zhang Cheng nodded and asked.

"No..." Ouyang Qianyun was about to say "no money", but seeing Zhang Cheng's serious look, she swallowed the following words, and said, "A total of nine gold coins."

"Huh!" Hearing the price, Zhang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, and cursed in his heart: "Fortunately, I brought ten gold coins, otherwise, I would really be ashamed this time."

After paying the money, Uncle Wang, who was driving the car, took the medicinal materials home first, and then, with the support of Ouyang Qianyun, walked around the nearby streets for a few laps, and finally left reluctantly at night.

After Zhang Cheng was sent home by Ouyang Qianyun, he couldn't wait to run to Uncle Wang's room, took the medicinal materials he had just bought back to his own room, and locked the door behind him.

"Daozhang, I'm back." Zhang Cheng looked at Dan Chenzi who was still meditating on the bed, and called softly.

"Well, put it down, you take a break first, I'll divide the medicinal materials, and then you take them out and let someone boil them out." Dan Chenzi slowly opened his eyes, took twenty packs of medicinal materials, opened them one by one, and went to Together, after several rounds of selection, the twenty medicines were re-divided into twenty new medicines.

Then, put the twenty on both sides.

"Okay, you take this medicine and boil it first, and then take it. Your current situation can't be delayed." Dan Chenzi picked up a pack of medicine and handed it to Zhang Cheng, saying.

"What about you, Taoist priest? Why don't we go through it together?" Zhang Cheng asked after taking the package of medicine.

"Me?" Dan Chenzi was stunned for a moment, smiled, and then told him: "You don't have to worry about me, I have my own way, from today on, after you get up every morning, go to boil the medicine, boil it well After drinking, go to do proper exercise, and then come back in the afternoon, I need to heal my injuries in the morning, and no one can disturb me."

"Yes." After speaking, Zhang Cheng picked up the medicinal materials and ran out to find someone to make the medicine.

In the room, Dan Chenzi looked at Zhang Cheng who left in a hurry, sighed helplessly, and secretly said: "This kid is really naive, he has no defense against me at all, but fortunately, he met me. The evil heretic... Forget it, when I recover, I will give him some benefits."

However, he didn't know that it wasn't that Zhang Cheng was defenseless, but that he didn't want to.

Anyway, if he didn't listen to Dan Chenzi's words, the result would be a dead end. He might be cured if he listened to it. This simple multiple-choice question can be chosen without thinking.

People who have never experienced pain and suffering would not know what it was like. Zhang Cheng had had enough and didn't want to suffer anymore. Even if he died, he wanted to die more happily.

After finishing speaking, Dan Chenzi also picked up a pack of medicine, opened the medicine pack, waved his big sleeve, and then, a light golden square cauldron appeared in front of the bed.

Dan Chenzi looked at the medicinal materials, sighed helplessly, and said: "I never thought that I, Dan Chenzi, would be reduced to such a situation. I use the lowest-level medicinal materials to make alchemy. I don't know how many people will laugh to death if I tell it."

Speaking of this, a stern light flashed in Dan Chenzi's eyes, and he said angrily: "Chou Xiaotian, I will keep this account in mind, and sooner or later I have to settle it for you."

Then he sighed again, shook his head, and threw all the medicinal materials into the cauldron.

Then the right hand stretched out, and suddenly, with a sound of "噗", a small blue flame sprang up on the index finger, but this small flame just floated on Dan Chenzi's finger, and did not burn Dan Chenzi's finger, It's amazing.

Seeing this, Dan Chenzi sighed helplessly again, and then tapped lightly, the flames jumped up and fell into the cauldron, and there was a burning sound of "beep, clatter" in the cauldron .

After a while, a burst of fragrance filled the room, and then there was a "bang", like a cannon being fired, and then, a greenish pill the size of a longan flew out of the cauldron.

Dan Chenzi opened his eyes suddenly, and the pill fell into his left hand. Then he waved his right hand, and the flames in the cauldron rose into his palm and disappeared. Then he flicked his sleeve again, and the cauldron also entered the sleeve.

And Dan Chenzi sat on the bed, holding a green pill between his right thumb and index finger, smelled it, sighed again, and then swallowed it in one gulp, then closed his eyes and practiced...

For the next ten days, Zhang Cheng got up early and returned late every day, and what he had to do every morning was to boil medicine and then drink it, which lasted ten days without interruption.

However, this also made Zhang Fang notice Zhang Cheng's strangeness, so he called him over for questioning.

When Zhang Fang asked about this matter, Zhang Cheng made up a reason, saying that he dreamed of an old fairy a few days ago and told him a prescription, which is the prescription he is using now.

Then, with the attitude of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, he tried to boil it and drink it to see how it worked.

Who would have thought that the effect would be really good. I have increased my exercise in the past few days, and there is no sign of fainting.

When Zhang Fang heard this, how could Zhang Fang believe it, but he didn't point it out. Instead, he hurriedly found a group of doctors to help Zhang Cheng take a look, and found that his body was indeed much better than before, so he was relieved .

Later, Zhang Fang asked Zhang Cheng which prescription he wanted, as well as Zhang Cheng's leftover medicine residue, and asked several doctors in the family to look at it.

However, after research, it was found that this medicine was actually a kind of nourishing medicine with excellent appearance. For those who practiced martial arts like them, taking it regularly would be of great benefit.

After reaching this conclusion, Zhang Fang not only did not object to Zhang Cheng continuing to boil and drink, but bought the medicinal materials in this prescription wantonly, boiled a big pot every day, and asked everyone in the family to drink a bowl every day .

Zhang Cheng also did not expect this situation.

However, this has nothing to do with him, and it is not bad to be able to help the family.Moreover, he also told Dan Chenzi about this matter, otherwise, Zhang Cheng would not be able to come up with the prescription.

However, in the next ten days, Ouyang Qianyun did not come again. Zhang Cheng knew that she should have returned to the capital, and when he thought that she would leave him soon, he felt a little disappointed.

However, generally speaking, in the past ten days, he has lived quite comfortably, and his body has become more and more powerful, and he is not as tired as before when he moves.

On this day, Dan Chenzi asked Zhang Cheng to go out early in the morning, prepared two bathtubs, and filled them with warm boiling water.

"Master Dao, do you want to take a bath?" Zhang Cheng asked after preparing the bathtub and filling it with warm water.

However, even though he asked this question, he still didn't understand. Why do you need to prepare two bathtubs when you take a shower?Does he want to wash with himself?

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but get goosebumps.

"You lock the door, then take off your clothes and jump in." Dan Chenzi said.

"Ah, we really need to wash together." Zhang Cheng was about to cry, but he didn't expect that it would happen after he just thought about it.

"Wash it together, I'll help you detoxify today, what are you thinking!" Dan Chenzi frowned and said angrily.

"Fortunately, fortunately!" Zhang Cheng was relieved when he heard that Dan Chenzi was not going to take a bath with him, and sighed inwardly that his chastity was preserved.

However, he was stunned immediately because he heard Dan Chenzi say that he would help him detoxify.

You know, he has been waiting for this day to come, and now it's finally time to detoxify, how can he not be excited, not excited, not happy.

"Where are you muttering, quickly take off your clothes and go in." After more than ten days of getting along, Dan Chenzi's attitude towards Zhang Cheng also changed, not as cold as before.

"Okay!" Zhang Cheng responded, and according to Dan Chenzi's instructions, he quickly closed the door, then took off his clothes, leaving only a small underpants, and jumped into the tub.

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