Alien Madness

Chapter 13 Change Your Mind, Dan Daozong

"Don't look at it, those are the toxins in your body, hurry up and find someone to carry him out and dig a deep hole to pour him in, so as not to harm others." Dan Chenzi said, and then waved to Zhang Cheng: "Now, I have helped you remove your toxins. You saved my life, and I saved your life. We are even."

"However, I have never liked to take advantage of others. Now that your body has recovered and your tendons have been widened by me, you can practice from today onwards. I will give you a exercise called Dantian Tuna Kung fu is the most basic way to cultivate immortals. Then, I will teach you one more night, and tomorrow, I will leave here."

"As for my introduction to the Cultivation of Immortals, I will write a letter before I leave. Then you can take the letter I wrote to you and go to apprentice. Alright, is there anything else you don't understand?" As Dan Chenzi said, he took back the four small flags with a wave of his hand, and then said.

"I have three questions. One is, after this dantian breathing technique is given to me, can I transfer it to others? The second is, what sect did the Taoist priest recommend me to? The third is that the Taoist priest recommends me. identity." Zhang Cheng sat on a chair beside him and asked.

"Since I gave you this dantian breathing exercise, you can naturally pass it on to others. However, it is best not to pass it on to too many people. I think you should understand the truth of the crime of embracing bis. As for, I recommend Which sect you went to, I haven't made up my mind yet, and I will have a conclusion when I leave. As for my identity, I can't tell you yet, you just need to know that I am a decent monk, if We will meet again in the future, and you will know when the time comes." Dan Chenzi answered Zhang Cheng's three questions in succession.

"Uh, isn't this the same as answering my first question?" Zhang Cheng said in his heart, and then smiled: "Thank you, Daoist, then I will be fine."

"Well, come here, I will pass on the Jue to you." Dan Chenzi said.

"En." Zhang Cheng nodded, and walked to Dan Chenzi's side, then Dan Chenzi stretched out a finger, lightly touched the center of Zhang Cheng's eyebrows, and suddenly a golden light shot into Zhang Cheng's eyebrows and disappeared.

But Zhang Chenggong only felt his brain sank, and then he felt that there were too many things in his mind. After thinking about it carefully for a while, an exercise called "Dantian Tuna Gong" suddenly appeared in his mind. middle.

"Uh, this method is good. It would be great if there was such a method before, so I don't have to memorize it by rote." Zhang Cheng couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

"Huh?" But at this moment, Dan Chenzi uttered a sigh, as if he saw some monster, and looked at Zhang Cheng in disbelief.

"What's the matter, Daoist?" Zhang Cheng asked puzzled.

"I finally understand why your condition has deteriorated so quickly." Dan Chenzi really wanted to find out something, the boss who waited for his eyes took a long time to recover, and said pleasantly: "The reason why your condition has deteriorated so quickly." The main reason for the rapid deterioration is not your father's input of true energy, but because your soul is too strong, even so strong that it can oppress your body, my dear... No, no, I changed my mind , I will accept you as an apprentice right now, hurry up and worship me as your teacher."

"Wait, Daoist, I don't understand, you are..."

"You go to apprentice first, and after you apprentice, I'll tell you the reason. Hurry up." Dan Chenzi said anxiously as if he had encountered some treasure suddenly and was afraid of losing it.

"Okay, I'll worship, I'll worship." Zhang Cheng didn't care about anything else, it was a good thing to be able to worship a fairy as a teacher, and it seemed that he was a fairy with a high level of respect, although his changes before and after made him a teacher. Some can't react.

"Master, please be respected by disciple Zhang Cheng three times..."

"Don't bow three times, one bow is enough, hurry up." Dan Chengzi said eagerly.

"Oh." Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment, then knelt down and bowed on the ground, and then Dan Chengzi jumped off the bed, helped Zhang Cheng up, his old face was full of smiles, and said happily: "Tsk tsk, really Unexpectedly, after going down the mountain, I actually picked up a treasure. Senior brother will probably die of jealousy when he sees it, haha, haha..."

"Well, Daoist, what's the matter with you, why am I getting more and more confused." Zhang Cheng was a little confused by Dan Chenzi's sudden change.

He still looked like he didn't like to talk to him before, why suddenly it seemed like a different person, not only wanted to accept himself as an apprentice, but also seemed to be afraid that he would run away, the changes before and after this were too big .

"You still call me Daoist Master. Now you have worshiped me as your teacher. If you want a master, come and call me first." At this moment, Dan Chenzi said happily. This was the first time Zhang Cheng saw Dan Chenzi like this. Excited, and, moreover, became extraordinarily close, not like before, a look of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

"I've seen the master." Seeing Dan Chenzi's crazy appearance, for some reason, Zhang Cheng felt a little regretful. He didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing for him to worship him as a teacher.

"Haha, good, good, good." Dan Chenzi said yes three times in a row, then stopped in satisfaction, and said, "My dear apprentice, do you feel that you have changed a lot before and after being a teacher, and there is even a kind of thing you don't know?" my feeling?"

"En!" Zhang Cheng nodded and responded, but felt that something was wrong, then shook his head and said, "No, no!"

"Hehe, let me tell you about our Dan Daozong, and you will know why I am like this." Dan Chenzi continued: "Dan Daozong, and my name Dan Chenzi, both have the word Dan in them. It’s not called casually, because our Dan Dao Sect is a sect that uses Dan to enter the Tao.”

"Furthermore, our Daoist alchemy sect is quite well-known in the entire Silent Spirit Continent. Although we dare not say that it is the most powerful sect among all sects, in terms of alchemy, no one dares to say that it can surpass our Daoist alchemy sect." Zong... uh, it's getting too far, I'll get straight to the point."

"For alchemy, the most important thing is not the level of cultivation, but the strength of the soul. The stronger the soul, the stronger the perception, and the stronger the control. It is easier to refine high-level pills. For example, a person with a strong soul is like an adult, and a person with a weak soul is like a child. Some things are easy for adults, but difficult for children, or even impossible, you know what I mean ?"

"I seem to understand a little bit." Zhang Cheng replied.

"Well." Dan Chenzi nodded, and then said: "In our Silent Spirit Continent, if we want to increase the strength of the soul, the only way to improve the strength of the soul is through continuous practice, withstanding the baptism of hardships, and with the growth of age. Growth, these two paths. Therefore, the younger a person is, the stronger their soul is, the more suitable they are for alchemy, because their starting point is high, and their future achievements will naturally not be low."

"And our Dan Dao Sect has always been committed to finding young people with extremely high soul strength to join in order to strengthen the strength of our sect, and you are the person with the highest soul strength I have ever seen. Although you You are only ten years old, but your soul strength is stronger than that of an average adult, and it is conservatively estimated that your soul must be at least ten times that of a normal person." Dan Chenzi made a rough estimate and said.

"Ten times? So much?" Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then asked again: "Master, is a strong soul good or bad?"

"Of course it is good, but there is a problem with a strong soul. For example, your body is only ten years old, but your soul is stronger than an ordinary adult. Therefore, your body is It is simply impossible to bear such a powerful soul of yours, which has caused your condition to deteriorate sharply."

Seeing that Zhang Cheng was a little confused, Dan Chenzi continued, "This is like a horse that can bear the weight of three people. If you let him carry five people, or even ten people, the result can be imagined. Perhaps, at the beginning When the time is right, the horse can still hold on, but after a long time, the horse will get tired, and it will even be slowly exhausted to death, your body is like this."

Speaking of this, Zhang Cheng has a general understanding of his physical condition, and at the same time, he can't help but think of the set of handprints he has been practicing that he named "Tantric Mahamudra", so he has a bold Guess: "Could it be that Tantric Mahamudra can enhance the strength of the soul?"

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