Alien Madness

Chapter 14 Those Things in the Realm of Comprehension 【For collection】

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Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng's mind became active, because he just heard Dan Chenzi say that the entire Silent Spirit Continent can only be strengthened through continuous practice, the baptism of suffering, and the growth of age. There is simply no way to directly cultivate the soul.

But his "Tantric Mahamudra" can directly cultivate the soul. Doesn't this mean that he can quickly increase the strength of the soul with this exercise?

He still remembered that Dan Chenzi said before that the stronger the soul, the stronger the perception, and at the same time the stronger the control, it is easier to refine high-level pills, and now he has a way to cultivate the soul, That……

"What's the matter, what are you thinking about so happy?" Dan Chenzi asked when he saw Zhang Cheng was in a daze and giggled from time to time.

"No, it's nothing!" Zhang Cheng has an adult soul, so he naturally knows the preciousness of this exercise, and his heart is excited.

However, he didn't tell Dan Chenzi about it, but decided to bury it in his heart. People are selfish animals, so he doesn't intend to share it with others. Eating alone is the best thing in the end.

Seeing Dan Chenzi looking at him strangely, Zhang Cheng changed the subject and said, "By the way, master, how do you know that my soul is stronger than ordinary people? Also, is it possible to make alchemy as long as the soul is strong? "

"It's very simple. I used the empowerment method to directly infuse Dantian Tunagong into your memory. However, although this method is fast, if the opponent's soul strength is not enough, he will faint due to the overload , Moreover, after waking up, the brain will also be drowsy for a period of time before recovering."

"But on the other hand, you didn't feel any discomfort at all, as if you were a normal person. From this, I can judge that your soul is much stronger than ordinary people. Furthermore, our Dan Dao Sect has always been looking for souls with high strength. Naturally, there is a certain identification method, but I didn't use it on you because I was injured before."

"However, we have a more accurate method of measuring the strength of the soul in our Dan Dao Sect. I will take you back after a while. At that time, after measuring and meeting the requirements, you can officially join the Dan Dao Sect. Cultivation method, when the cultivation reaches the foundation building stage, you can start to learn the art of alchemy."

"As for the other requirements, you must have the talent of the fire attribute. Don't worry about this. I have checked your body before, and I can confirm that [-]% of your body has the talent of the fire attribute. Whether there is anything else, we have to wait until we return to the sect to test." Dan Chenzi replied.

"Then master, when shall we leave for Dan Daozong?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Not yet. I still have one thing to do. It will take about a month. During this time, you stay here. After I finish dealing with the matter, I will come back here to take you back to the sect. Here Before, you had to take good care of your body, and when I come back, I want to see you healthy and alive." Dan Chenzi said.

"Then when can I practice Budantian Tuna Gong?" Zhang Cheng asked again.

"You can do it at any time, because your tendons have been widened and strengthened by me, so you can fully withstand the impact of true energy. However, since you have worshiped me as your teacher, this dantian breathing exercise is no longer suitable for you. Because the level of that kung fu is relatively low, only mortal level, I will teach you a more advanced Xuanmen breathing technique."

"This exercise is a bit higher than the dantian breathing exercise I passed on to you before, and can reach the third rank of the spiritual level. Although it is not advanced, it is still a relatively good exercise for you, a beginner. Alright, after I get to the sect, with the consent of the sect master, I will teach you more advanced exercises."

As Dan Chenzi said, he tapped Zhang Cheng's eyebrows again, and said, "Okay, I have imprinted the Xuanmen Breathing Technique into your soul, and you can think about it carefully. In this way, without me, you can practice on your own."

"Master, what do you mean by mortal level and spiritual level just now? Also, what is the cultivation world you mentioned? Tell me about it." Zhang Cheng asked curiously.

"Okay, anyway, you will know this sooner or later, and I will tell you first when I have time." Dan Chenzi nodded, and then said: "The so-called cultivation world is just a kind of life circle we have for us practitioners. It’s just a title, it’s like, in my eyes, you ordinary people, ordinary fighters live in the secular world, and cultivators like me live in the cultivation world, is it understandable?”

"Well, I can understand this!" Zhang Cheng nodded. He had read novels before, so he knew something about this.

"As for the mortal level and spiritual level you just asked about, they are actually some exercises, the divisions between the grades of pills and magic weapons, just like money is divided into gold, silver and copper. In the cultivation world, exercises, pills and magic weapons They are divided into four levels: mortal, spirit, immortal, and god, and each level is divided into one to nine, and nine appearances."

"Whether it's exercises, pills or magic weapons, the higher their level and appearance, the stronger their effect or power, and of course, the higher their value." Dan Chenzi replied.

"Then how are the cultivation levels of your cultivators divided? Is it different from our secular warriors?" Zhang Cheng asked again.

"Hehe, of course there is a difference." Dan Chenzi smiled, and then said: "The cultivation level in the cultivation world is divided into nine levels, namely: Qi Refining, Foundation Establishment, Golden Core, Nascent Soul, Leaving Aperture, Separation God, Fusion, Tribulation, and Mahayana, each level is divided into three stages: front, middle and back."

"That congenital level powerhouse is equivalent to the stage of a cultivator?" Zhang Cheng asked curiously.

"A congenital-level powerhouse is equivalent to the Qi training period of a cultivator, and the three congenital realms correspond to the first, middle, and last three stages of the Qi training period. It can be said that they have already touched the edge of cultivation." Dan Chenzi smiled. Laughing, replied.

"Ah, no, such a strong innate level powerhouse is just the most basic cultivator?" Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then asked again: "Then what is your cultivation level, master? It shouldn't be low? "

"Hehe, what about my cultivation? Hey, I'll keep it secret for now, but it's definitely countless times stronger than that innate master." Dan Chenzi joked.

"Ah, master, you are too stingy, don't tell me that." Zhang Cheng pouted his lips and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hehe, well, I'll tell you when I get to the sect, so as not to scare you and affect your cultivation." Dan Chenzi patted Zhang Cheng's head and said dotingly.

"Oh, that's good." Zhang Cheng didn't continue to ask, and then asked: "I have another question, master, what is the talent attribute you just mentioned?"

"Even if you don't ask me about this, I will tell you about it later." Dan Chenzi paused, and then said: "Like us cultivators, the exercises we cultivate are all realized by the predecessors from the natural world. , and in the natural world, the elements that make up everything are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, so basically all exercises are evolved based on these five elements."

"And each person's physique is different, and the content of various attributes is different, so the attributes of the five elements displayed are naturally different. Some people have more metallic energy in their bodies, so what is displayed is a metallic talent. , and some show the earth attribute and so on."

"However, generally speaking, the innate attributes displayed by ordinary people are either one or two. It can be said that there is no other possibility. Such people only exist in legends."

"However, for us alchemists, whether we have one or two innate attributes, we must have the fire attribute. Without fire, we cannot make alchemy. That is to say, we alchemists must either have one innate attribute , which attribute must be fire. If there are two attributes, one attribute must be fire, while the other cannot be water, because water overcomes fire. The other attribute is best to be wood, because wood Lighting a fire can fuel a fire."

"Furthermore, if Wood Lord Vitality possesses these two innate attributes at the same time, there is a certain chance of giving vitality to the elixir when refining alchemy. Once vitality is produced on the elixir, then the value of this elixir will immediately decrease. Increase several times or even dozens of times."

"So, possessing the two natural attributes of fire and wood at the same time can be said to be the best qualification to become an alchemist, and the future achievements will be even higher. Your master, although I also have two attributes, it is a pity that apart from fire , and the other is soil, otherwise, your master will be well-developed."

"Then master, do you think there are two natural attributes of fire and wood in my body at the same time?" Zhang Cheng asked curiously.

"I don't know about this, because I have the talent of the fire attribute in my body, so I can feel the fire attribute in your body. As for the wood attribute, I can't feel it. I have to go back to the sect, and then use a special test to detect the attribute. Only Lingshi can be sure. However, you can rest assured that your body does not have the water attribute, otherwise, I would not accept you as a disciple." Dan Chenzi said.

"Master, then what kind of skill is this Xuanmen breathing technique that you gave me?" Zhang Cheng asked again.

"Xuanmen Tunashu is a qigong method without any attributes. Its function is to practice qi. Only when you reach the foundation building stage can you start to practice the corresponding attribute exercises. You don't have to worry about this. After returning to the sect, I will I will arrange everything for you." Dan Chenzi shook his head and replied.

"Master, then you have to find me one or two god-level exercises. If the level is too low, I don't want it." Zhang Cheng laughed.

"My little ancestor, the kung fu practiced by your master and I are only the eighth-level spiritual level, and the highest-level kung fu in our alchemy sect is only the first-level immortal level. It is one of the sects of immortal-level exercises, not to mention god-level, even immortal-level exercises above the third rank, and now they are only legendary exercises." Cheng was pissed off.

"Hey!" Zhang Cheng chuckled, and then said, "Then I'll do what I can, and I'll just use that first-rank immortal-level exercise."

"Don't even think about that exercise, because only the head of Dan Dao Sect is qualified to practice it, but don't worry, I will find a way to help you get advanced exercises. If it doesn't work, I will send my Entrusting you with the eighth-level spirit-level exercises, I am worthy of you." Dan Chenzi replied.

"It's not the master, only the spiritual level?" Zhang Cheng frowned.

"Do you want love!" Dan Chenzi glanced at Zhang Cheng angrily, and then said: "Okay, it's almost time, I'm going to set off now, and try to come back as soon as possible to bring you back to the sect. As for this period of time, you You have to practice hard, and you can't be lazy, or when I come back, I have to make you look good."

"Then master, can I tell the rest of the family that I worship you as my teacher?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Well, it's best not to do so for the time being, because you haven't been approved by the head of the sect. In a sense, you're not a disciple of Daoist Alchemy, and I'm not here. No one can prove it. On the contrary, it will arouse the suspicion of others, which is not good for you or your family. If they insist on asking, you can tell your father about it, but remember, it is only limited to your father. "

"By the way, you can also take this Hundred Herbs Classic, and read it when you are free. Remember the names, appearance and efficacy of the medicinal materials recorded on it. They will be useful in the future. Well, go as a teacher." Dan said. Chenzi threw a book to Zhang Cheng, then shook his body and disappeared into the room.

"Hey, where's the person?" Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment, he didn't notice how Dan Chenzi disappeared at all, he was stunned for a long time before he realized.

"Why are you in such a hurry, I want to ask which one is stronger between the Dan Dao Sect and the Bixia Sect..."

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