"It's best to compress it to the point where it can't be compressed anymore, because in this way, not only can it break through the late stage of Dao Foundation Establishment, but it will also be easier to break through the golden core later on." Xiang Tian replied.

"Then why don't you expand the sexual compression in the later stage of foundation establishment, isn't it easier then?" Zhang Cheng asked because he was eager to break through.

"No, you're wrong, I came from that realm, so I know that the moment you break through to the late stage of foundation establishment, a powerful force will descend from somewhere to compress your true essence again, then At that time, your true essence will be compressed to the extreme, and in the future, no matter how much spiritual energy you absorb, you will not be able to compress it any more."

"So, before the breakthrough, the more compact the compression, the more benefits you will get. Even if you can't break through the golden core stage in a short time, the power you can exert is many times that of ordinary late-stage foundation-building monks. Moreover, in the future Breaking through the golden core will be easier." Xiang Tian paused, and then said: "Forget it, you don't understand now, but you will know when the time comes."

"Well, I see." Zhang Cheng nodded. Although he didn't understand why the compression is better now, he knew that Xiang Tian's words were definitely for his own good.

So he stopped asking, but directly followed Xiang Tian's reminder to compress the true essence.

Huge soul power leaked out from the soul space, oppressing the real essence, because Zhang Cheng's soul power at this moment was comparable to the soul power of a master in the late Jindan stage.

Therefore, nearly one-third of those true essences were compressed at once, and a large part of the originally stuffed dantian was vacated.

Then, while continuing to compress the true essence, Zhang Cheng began to practice to increase the amount of true essence.

This time, he spent less time. It took him only one month to compress the true energy in his dantian so tightly that even with the strength of his soul, he couldn't compress it again.

He felt that it was almost done, so he mobilized his true energy again and sprinted towards the barrier.

This time, although the barrier was not broken, it was obviously a little loose.At this moment, Zhang Cheng saw hope, so without thinking about it, he mobilized his true energy again and charged towards the barrier, wave after wave, like ocean waves.

The seemingly hard barrier was finally broken by Zhang Cheng little by little. Immediately, Zhang Cheng felt the power that Xiang Tian said came down from somewhere.

He came to his dantian through his straight body, and then, in the blink of an eye, he compressed his full dantian to one-third, leaving two-thirds of the huge space .

Then, this force disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, he felt that the compressed true essence was extremely solid, almost to the point of a paste, exuding enormous power.

Zhang Cheng could clearly feel the power of this force. If he used it to attack, the power would be astonishing.

"Master, I have made a breakthrough!" Zhang Cheng said in surprise.

"This is inevitable. Now you understand why I want you to compress your true energy as much as possible?" Xiang Tian asked.

"Well, I got it!" Zhang Cheng nodded. Although he didn't know the concentration of other people's true energy, he firmly believed that his strength at the moment was far superior to that of ordinary late-stage Foundation Establishment monks.

Because the true energy in his body is too thick, although it is only one-third, but one drop is comparable to the previous dozen or so drops, all this, others can't compare.

"The next thing you have to do is to fill the dantian with true essence again, and then start to attack the golden core. However, which seventh-grade spirit stone do you want to use this time, because your concentration of true essence is too high at the moment, and the seventh-grade spirit stone is not suitable for you?" It will waste a long time!" Xiang Tian reminded.

"En!" Zhang Cheng nodded. Although he felt a little reluctant, he also knew that this thing is only valuable if it is used. It would be a tragedy if it was kept by someone else.

"By the way, give me more soul power before you practice. During this time, you should practice hard and don't be distracted by distracting thoughts." Xiang Tian said.

"Okay." As he said, Zhang Cheng sent a large amount of soul power into the storage ring. This time, it was the amount of the past half a year. After all, he didn't know how long he would practice this time, so he input some more. .

"Okay, let's start!" After Xiang Tian absorbed the soul power, his voice became much louder.

"En!" Zhang Cheng nodded, then calmed down, took out the seventh-grade spirit stone and held it in the palm of his hand, then took all the remaining Zengyuan Dan, then closed his eyes, and fell into the state of cultivation. middle……

In Dan Dao Sect, Gongyang Xinyue has been waiting here for four full months. During these four months, Zhang Cheng has not come back, which makes her very depressed.

"Is it true that I will never see him again?" Gongyang Xinyue felt a sense of loss in her heart.

At this moment, she didn't know that Zhang Cheng had been arrested by the Yin-Yang Demon Sect. She thought that Zhang Cheng was still fooling around outside, but Dan Chenzi was not. knew.

He also visited the Yin-Yang Demon Sect in person to rescue Zhang Cheng, but Li Wuqing stopped him and pushed all responsibility away.

Although Dan Chenzi is not afraid of anything, he still has self-knowledge, knowing that he is not Li Wuqing's opponent, so he has no choice but to retreat, and wants to ask his senior brother Danqing Zhenren to help him save people.

Daoist Danqing naturally wouldn't just stand by and watch, so he and Gu Yue from Yaogu and others drove to the Yin-Yang Demon Sect, allowing Gu Ye and Li Feng to confront each other face to face.

But Li Feng refused to admit it, saying that these days he has been retreating in the sect, and has never left the sect, and he said wronged that someone must have pretended to be him.

Dan Chenzi asked to search the Yin-Yang Demon Sect, but was rejected by Li Wuqing. Even if Zhang Cheng wasn't in the Yin-Yang Demon Sect, he couldn't let them search for him, because that would mean that his Yin-Yang Demon Sect was going to Dan Dao. Zong surrendered.

Due to the great commotion caused by Dan Dao Sect, other Immortal Dao Sects and Demon Sects also came after hearing the news, but Li Feng refused to admit it, and Dan Chenzi had nothing to do with them.

In the end, Master Danqing had no choice but to retreat because he did not have enough evidence to prove that Zhang Cheng was in the Yin-Yang Demon Sect at this moment.

Because, it is impossible for them to trigger a new battle between immortals and demons because of one disciple, causing more loss of life.

However, Dan Chenzi didn't seem to want to give up just like that. During this period of time, he sneaked into the Yin-Yang Demon Sect many times. Later, because he was discovered, he fought against Li Feng and others, and finally escaped because he was outnumbered.

However, four months later, Dan Chenzi still didn't give up, because Zhang Cheng was his only apprentice, and he was his pride, so he had to rescue Zhang Cheng.

Until a few days ago, Li Wuqing was really annoyed by Dan Chenzi, so he personally shot and wounded Dan Chenzi, and the Yin-Yang Demon Sect stopped.

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