Zhang Chengcheng, who was in the Yin-Yang Demon Sect, didn't know about all of this. At this moment, he was trying his best to absorb the spiritual energy in the seventh-grade spirit stone, strengthen his true energy, improve his cultivation, and fill the remaining space in his dantian.

However, he found that since he broke through to the late stage of foundation establishment and experienced the oppression of the power in the dark, the speed of cultivation has become quite slow. The dantian that could have been filled in two or three months, he actually used it all at this moment. six months.

However, he knew that this was mainly because the true energy in his body was too solid. Originally, a drop of aura only needed more than ten units of aura, but at this moment, it required a hundred or even hundreds of units of aura, so it was will appear slower...

It is also because of this that although it took six months, Zhang Cheng is very contented at the moment.

Because he knew very well that in the past six months, he had continuously absorbed the spirit stones and the spirit energy drawn from the spirit gathering array to reach such a point.

If it was changed to a normal state, it would take at least two years for him to fill his body with true energy, but he only spent six months, saving nearly [-]% of the time, so what is there for him to be dissatisfied with? of it.

However, in the past six months, he has absorbed the aura contained in [-] to [-] first-grade spirit stones, plus the aura absorbed from the surroundings, there is a full amount of [-] first-grade spirit stones, which is quite So he absorbed a whole fifth-grade spirit stone.

That is to say, with the addition of one-third of the original true energy in his body, the total amount of true energy contained in Zhang Cheng's body at this moment is equivalent to the spiritual energy contained in 15 first-grade spirit stones. How terrifying is this a number.

You must know that the strength of ordinary masters in the late stage of foundation establishment is at most equivalent to 15 first-grade spirit stones, while Zhang Cheng has [-] in his body, which is fifteen times as much as others.

However, he is also very clear that the reason why he can have [-] times more true energy than others is entirely because his soul strength is far stronger than that of ordinary late-stage foundation-building monks. It is because of this that he can use his true energy Compressed to an extremely solid point.

If he didn't have such a powerful soul power, I'm afraid he could only be three or four times stronger than ordinary people at most, and it was absolutely impossible to reach the level of fifteen times that of others.

Therefore, he is also very happy now. After all, the more true energy there is, the more solid it is, and the stronger its strength is, there is no doubt about it.

But soon Zhang Cheng calmed down, because this was not a happy time, his main purpose was to break through the golden core stage, and then use the Lingyun disc to enter the Void God Tower, obtain the inheritance of the Wu clan, and successfully leave here.

Moreover, he has been in the Yin-Yang Demon Sect for a whole year, and he is worried that Li Wuqing will not be able to wait to attack him in advance, so he must break through as soon as possible.

After calming down for a while, Zhang Cheng took out the books that Li Wuqing had sent to him before, and read them carefully.

According to the book Li Wuqing gave him, the energy in the body of ordinary warriors is true energy, which is gaseous energy. This energy is the lowest level of energy, and it is also the original form of true energy.

After reaching the foundation building stage, true energy will be transformed into true energy, and the change from gaseous state to liquid state has been completed. The energy level has increased several times compared to before. Using true energy to activate the exercises will naturally increase their power.

Next is the golden core stage, which is another transformation from liquid true essence to solid true essence, and the energy level of solid true essence is even higher.

Zhang Cheng took physics classes when he was on earth, so he knew that the three forms of objects that have three forms are gas, liquid and solid.

However, the three realms of Qi training period, foundation building period, and Jindan period fully interpret this.

From this, Zhang Cheng felt that these three stages should be produced by simulating the three forms of nature.

Zhang Cheng, who has studied physics, knows the reason why the three different forms of gas, liquid and solid have such a big difference. In fact, it is the arrangement of molecules and the changes caused by the distance between molecules. .

Zhang Cheng also recalled carefully, the situation of the Qi training period and the foundation building period were basically the same as the physics knowledge he had learned before, except that one was the form of objects and the other was the form of energy.

After thinking about this, Zhang Cheng guessed whether Jindan was a new product that appeared after arranging the order of energy molecules and shortening the distance.

Of course, this was just his guess, but he didn't know whether it was true or not.

However, he also saw some methods of forming alchemy from the book sent by Li Wuqing. The most fundamental idea of ​​these methods is to forcibly suppress energy and make it condense into golden alchemy. As for the details, there is not much Variety.

Moreover, as mentioned above, there will be risks when forming the alchemy. If the impact of the golden alchemy fails, it will damage the tendons at the slightest, and destroy the dantian at the worst, endangering life.

Therefore, before the monks form the alchemy, they have to prepare for a long time, and only try to form the alchemy when they feel that they are almost ready, so as not to endanger their lives if the alchemy fails.

After reading these, Zhang Cheng had a general understanding of the pill formation in his heart.

Then he injected a wave of soul power into the storage ring, and then he felt that he was almost ready, so he started trying to hit the golden core stage without asking Xiang Tian.

According to the records in the books, the first step in forming a pill is to stir up the true energy in the dantian.

Because the true essence in the body has been oppressed by that huge force, the true essence in the dantian has become extremely solid at this moment, and if you want to compress it directly, the monk himself can't do it at all, so he can only adopt other methods.

And stir up the true essence, and then make it form a huge vortex inside the dantian, and then use the suction of the vortex to compress the true essence again, so that it can reach a solid state.

However, this process is easier said than done.

Because the true essence in the dantian has reached a saturated state, and it is extremely viscous, and it takes a lot of effort to stir it, but it has little effect. At this moment, Zhang Cheng even felt that it is not a good idea if the true essence is too solid .

However, gradually he discovered that things were not as bad as he had imagined.

Because he found that although his true essence was very laborious to stir at the beginning, it can rotate by itself almost without any effort.

Moreover, as long as he increases his strength a little, the speed can be accelerated a lot. This made him understand what Xiang Tian said, the more solid the true essence is, the easier it is to form a pill.

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