{In recent days, I have been physically inconvenient, so the update is late. After two days, the update will be more stable, one at noon and one at night. }

"Of course I've heard it, but why are you asking this? Don't tell me. You're going to the Endless Sea. Let me tell you. People with our cultivation level can't go to that place?" Chu Yan said angrily .

"I just want to inquire about the Endless Sea Territory. As for going out to sea, I don't have that plan yet. I still have self-knowledge." Zhang Cheng nodded and replied.

"Well, it's best not to think about it until your cultivation level reaches the fusion period, otherwise you will die a miserable death." Chu Yan nodded, and while grilling meat, he replied: "As for the endless sea area you mentioned, according to me As we all know, it is a vast ocean formed between the continents, the extent is almost invisible, and it is full of powerful sea beasts."

"In the endless sea, the situation is the opposite of that on the mainland. It is not humans who are the rulers there, but sea beasts that are almost endless in number. There, we humans are like monsters on the road, and we will be hunted and killed by sea beasts. , Therefore, the cultivation level is not enough, and it is impossible to cross the endless sea."

"Brother Pig, have you ever been to the Endless Sea?" Zhang Cheng asked curiously.

"Well, I went there before because of curiosity, but I didn't have the guts to go into the sea, so I just looked over there." Chu Yan replied.

"Then have you heard that the surname Jiang is on that road?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"I've never heard of this, but it shouldn't be our surname on the Lingling Continent, because there are only those surnames on the Lingling Continent, and there are not many. Of course, it may be that I haven't heard of it, but this possibility Not very sexual." Chu Yan replied.

"It seems that I still have to go to the endless sea area to see." Zhang Cheng replied.

"Why are you asking this? Why do you want to find someone?" Chu Yan asked curiously.

"That's right, my biological mother's surname is Jiang!" Zhang Cheng didn't say much, but it was enough.

"Oh!" Chu Yan seemed to see something, and then said: "If you just want to find out about this surname, it's not difficult. There are caravans going to sea over there, as long as you spend some spirit stones and ask them, you should be able to find out. Already!"

"Well, I heard about this from an elder in Medicine Valley, so I plan to go and have a look soon." Zhang Cheng replied.

"However, you have to be careful, because I have been there, so I know that the forces over there are complicated and chaotic. In addition, it is very far away from our Dan Dao Sect, although they have also heard of our Dan Dao Sect. name, but the deterrent effect is not great, so you must be careful after you go there, and don’t get involved with the local forces, otherwise, your situation will be very dangerous.” Chu Yan said The identity of the person who came over reminded.

"Why, is it so chaotic over there?" Zhang Cheng asked curiously.

"Well, it's very chaotic, because it is a place where several continents trade, so there are people from each continent, which leads to the unevenness of the people there. Moreover, they can reach our lonely spirit through the endless sea. On the mainland, it can be seen that their cultivation base is not low."

"In addition, the trade in the endless sea area is a big piece of fat, and everyone wants to monopolize it, so there are many forces there, competing with each other, and often the masters of the Nascent Soul Stage are killed. Even if I am now, I will Over there, they are only at the bottom, and they are not considered masters at all, let alone you." Chu Yan replied.

"No!" Zhang Cheng was a little surprised. After all, as far as he knew, Jindan stage masters were considered very strong in the world.

Moreover, he also thought that if he reached Jindan, he would be considered a master.

However, at this moment, he discovered that the cultivation base of the golden core stage was nothing, and the cultivation base of the early stage of the golden core stage was nothing.

"Yes, over there, you can see the masters of the Nascent Soul stage everywhere, and even the masters of the out-of-body stage and the distraction stage can be seen everywhere. He is a real master, so you must be careful when you go there, otherwise you will be killed." Chu Yan reminded.

"I see, thank you Brother Zhu for reminding me." Zhang Cheng knew it well, but he wasn't worried. He felt that as long as he changed his appearance and kept a low profile, he wouldn't be missed.

Besides, I just went over there to find out which continent the surname Jiang is on, and I have no other purpose, and it shouldn't conflict with other forces.

"You're being polite, I didn't help you with anything, I just shared some of my experience." Speaking of this, Chu Yan suddenly remembered something, then took out an oval token, and handed it to Zhang Chengdao : "By the way, you take this thing."

"What is this?" Zhang Cheng took the token, glanced at it, and found that it was carved out of ivory, with the word "Yi" written on it, and some gold was inlaid around it, which looked very It is upscale.

"This is a token of a gang named Yiqu over there. I once saved the life of their young gang leader, so if you encounter anything, take this to the Yiqu general altar. I believe they will help you." You settle everything." Chu Yan replied.

"Ah, then why do I have the nerve to ask for it?" Zhang Cheng knew that this thing was equivalent to a favor, and it would be gone after using it, so Zhang Cheng was a little embarrassed to accept it.

"I'll give it to you, and you can take it. If you're more polite, you'll be offended." Chu Yan said angrily.

"Then I won't be polite." Zhang Cheng didn't lie, and directly put this thing into his storage ring.

Although this thing is useless at ordinary times, it can play a decisive role at critical moments. Although it may not be useful this time, but holding it, I feel more at ease in my heart. If it’s a big deal, I’ll return it to him when I come back. .

"Take it! This thing has been with me for a long time, and I won't go back there in a short time. I'm afraid they won't accept it after a long time, so it's better to let you use it." Chu Yan nodded, Then he took out the dagger and cut off a tiger leg, handed it to Zhang Cheng, and said, "Come on, try it, and see if you bake it better or mine."

"Hehe, it's naturally that Brother Zhu's craftsmanship has improved." After speaking, Zhang Cheng took the tiger leg, smelled it, and suddenly his eyes lit up and said: "Brother Zhu, your craftsmanship has improved a lot."

"There is no improvement. I haven't grilled for a long time and I'm hungry, so the craftsmanship has declined. As for why it is so delicious, it is mainly because it is the meat of monsters, which is different from spirit beasts. Well, I won't say anything." What's the matter, you'll know after you try it yourself." Chu Yan also cut off a leg as he said, and began to bite.

"Okay, let me taste it!" As he said, Zhang Cheng took a bite, and an indescribable taste immediately filled his taste buds, and then the mouthful of meat turned into a torrent and directly penetrated into Zhang Cheng's body.

Naturally, Zhang Cheng didn't dare to be careless, and he quickly turned on the food for the sky. After a while, he completely digested this group of strength, and his physical strength also improved a little.

"It's amazing!" Zhang Cheng was a little shocked. You must know that he had eaten the meat of a spirit beast with Chu Yan before, and his physical strength had reached an extremely high level. raised again.

However, just one bite of this meat produced such a big improvement. Although the effect is not too obvious, you can clearly feel the improvement. You can imagine how huge the power in this monster's body is.

"Hey——" Seeing that Zhang Cheng was only eating by himself and forgot about himself, the kitten on the side let out a loud cry to express his dissatisfaction.

"Okay, okay, don't bark, I won't forget you." After speaking, Zhang Cheng tore off a piece of meat and put it into the kitten's mouth.

After eating this piece of meat, the kitten's eyes suddenly widened, and then lay on the ground without moving.

Zhang Cheng knew that it was refining the piece of meat he had just given him, so he ignored him, and then ate it on his own.

"Huh?" Chu Yan saw that the kitten's physical strength was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then he remembered the "Food is the Sky" he taught Zhang Cheng before.

So he looked at Zhang Cheng puzzled, and asked, "Brother, what's going on?"

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