"It's like this, it's a monster now, and I don't have any cultivation methods to let it practice, so one day I saw it eat and sleep, and then I suddenly thought of trying to eat as a monster. Heaven has passed it on to it, but I never thought it would be able to learn, even though his current cultivation is mediocre, his physical strength is stronger than that of an average foundation-building master." Zhang Cheng replied.

"No, food for heaven still has this function?" Even Chu Yan didn't think of this.

After all, he was practicing by himself from the very beginning, so he naturally thought that only humans could practice this exercise, and later passed it on to Zhang Cheng. This was the first time he passed this exercise to others .

However, he never thought that this exercise could also be used by animals, so he was a little surprised.

"Brother Pig, don't you blame me for passing this exercise on to others without your consent?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"It's okay, it's not passed on to others, it's just a little monster, it can't tell others..."

"What can't you tell others?" However, at this moment, Dan Chenzi who flew from a distance happened to hear the second half of Chu Yan's sentence, so he asked this question curiously.

"We didn't say anything, it's the younger brother." Chu Yan stopped quickly, and then winked at Zhang Cheng, asking him to cooperate with him. He didn't want to tell anyone else about this exercise, including Dan Chenzi.

"Yeah, we are discussing this barbecue, come, master, taste brother's cooking." Saying that, Zhang Cheng tore off a large piece and handed it to Dan Chenzi.

"Hey, what about the monster's meat? It's good. I haven't eaten it for a long time." Dan Chenzi took the meat, swallowed the big piece of meat in a few mouthfuls, then sat down, cut another piece, and was about to eat it. Suddenly remembered the purpose of his coming here, so he said to Zhang Cheng: "Apprentice, I read the method you gave me to refine the soul pill, but we ordinary people have no way to refine it."

"Why?" He didn't know much about refining soul pills, so he didn't understand what Dan Chenzi meant.

"The reason is very simple. The first condition for refining a soul pill is a horcrux, and this horcrux must be a soul cauldron before it can be refined, because the main medicine for refining a soul pill is a beast soul, that is, an animal soul." The soul of the soul, and the soul is invisible and qualityless, and it cannot be collected at all, only the horcrux Danding can be collected and refined." Dan Chenzi replied depressedly.

"Doesn't that mean that none of you can refine it?" Zhang Chengcheng thought that this soul pill was no different from ordinary pills, and that it was refined with some medicinal materials. Now it seems that it is not as simple as he thought.

"Yes!" Dan Chenzi continued: "Moreover, the most important point is that the refining method of this soul pill is also different from what we are familiar with. Whether it is the technique or the timing of making the pill, it is all different from ours. The well-known alchemy is different, and it can even be said that it has no similarities except the use of fire and the method of alchemy we know."

"If you want to learn the refining of soul pills, even I have to learn from the beginning, and my previous experience in refining pills is not only useless here, but it will affect the next step because of preconceived reasons. learning, so I'm afraid I won't be able to learn."

"Ah, there is such a thing?" Zhang Cheng didn't think so much before, he just wanted Dan Chenzi to learn, so that he could have the soul pill to eat.

But now it seems that what he thinks is still too simple.

"That's true." Dan Chenzi nodded.

"Then I can't study anymore?" Zhang Cheng suddenly realized this, and felt a little lost.

"You are different. You have the Horcrux Pill Cauldron, and you haven't done too much research on the refining of pills, and you haven't formed a fixed thinking. Therefore, you can not only learn, but also learn from each other and compare each other. Promote your understanding of pills." Dan Chenzi shook his head and said.

"However, I don't even master ordinary pills, and now I am practicing soul pills at the same time. Will there be conflicts between the two?" Zhang Cheng was a little worried.

"No, it's just that it will take a little longer to refine the two kinds of elixirs at the same time. However, once you have learned both kinds of elixirs, your future achievements will be even higher." Dan Chen Zi went on to say: "Maybe, in the future, I can have some glory with you."

"Well, I will try my best." Zhang Cheng nodded, and then said: "However, Master, you still have to use your flying sword. I have to leave soon."

"You are leaving again, where are you going this time?" Dan Chenzi asked.

"This time I plan to go to the Endless Sea." Zhang Cheng replied.

"Endless sea?" Dan Chenzi was startled, and then said angrily, "I said boy, where are you going? Don't you know how dangerous it is?"

"I know that, but I have to go there. As for the reason, I can't tell you for now, but I can assure you that I will be more careful this time, and there will be no accidents." Zhang Cheng didn't want to Dan Chenzi was worried about him, so he said this.

"Forget it, go, more adventures will be good for your future cultivation, but I want to remind you, don't even think about entering the endless sea, even if I go there, I have to go with others, otherwise I will only There is no return, do you understand?" Dan Chenzi exhorted.

"Well, don't worry, I still have self-knowledge." Zhang Cheng nodded, even if Dan Chenzi didn't say so, he would do so.

"When are you going to leave?" After Dan Chenzi asked this question, he continued without waiting for Zhang Cheng's answer, "However, I hope you will study alchemy for a while before you leave. Daozong disciples, if they don't know how to make alchemy after going out, they won't be laughed out of their teeth."

"That's exactly what I mean. I plan to leave in a month. I will stay in this month and learn as much as possible about alchemy." Zhang Cheng nodded and said.

Although one month is very little for ordinary people, it is enough for Zhang Cheng to master the elixirs he can refine.

"Well, I'll make arrangements to start alchemy tomorrow. As for other things, I'll talk about them later." Dan Chenzi nodded and said.

"By the way, master, some people may come to me in this month. When they come, you must let someone tell me, otherwise, my situation will be bad." Zhang Cheng did not forget the previous meeting with Long Regarding the agreement of the Shen clan, he was afraid that they would be stopped by the people of Dan Daozong after they came, so he reminded Dan Chenzi.

"What do you mean?" Dan Chenzi asked puzzled.

"It's like this. I met people from the Dragon God clan before..." At that moment, Zhang Cheng told how he met Xia Kexin, how he snatched Fulongmu, and how he agreed with them to let them Dan Chenzi narrated everything about the visit completely.

"What did you say, you met someone from the Dragon God Clan?" Dan Chenzi's expression changed suddenly after hearing the words "Dragon God Clan".

After all, he had personally experienced the glory of the Dragon God Clan, and at that time even their Alchemy Dao Sect could not match it.

However, the members of the Longshen clan had disappeared hundreds of years ago, and they suddenly appeared, which made Dan Chenzi somewhat unacceptable.

"That's right, they are members of the Dragon God Clan, and I have fought against them before, and they also admitted that they are members of the Dragon God Clan." Zhang Cheng replied.

"No?" Hundreds of years ago, the Dragon God clan suddenly disappeared in its heyday, which became the biggest mystery in the cultivation world at that time, and no one knows why they disappeared in the first place.

Suddenly, he remembered what Zhang Cheng said before, so he continued to ask: "Chengzi, you just said that the people from the Dragon God clan reappeared for that Fulongmu?"

"Yes, it's Fulongmu." Zhang Cheng nodded and said.

"Uncle, you said that the members of the Dragon God clan suddenly disappeared because of the loss of Fulongmu." Chu Yan guessed.

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