Alien Madness

Chapter 28

After Xiang Tian's stimulation, Zhang Cheng's "Tantric Mahamudra" successfully broke through the first seal and entered the second seal, but this is his first practice.

The moment his hands formed the Great Vajra Wheel Seal, he fell into a wonderful state of helplessness, hopelessness, and selflessness.

In this state, everything in the outside world seems to have become nothingness and ethereal at this moment, unable to affect his original heart at this moment.

In this state, Zhang Cheng couldn't feel the passage of time at all, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

About half a day later, Zhang Chengyou woke up. When he fully woke up, the previous exhaustion completely disappeared. He only felt refreshed, filled with true energy, and his cultivation had improved a lot. At the same time, there was an indescribable relaxation all over his body, which made Zhang Cheng feel very comfortable.

"It's really wonderful." Zhang Cheng said this, and then walked out of the pool, and continued to dance "Earth Shaking Fist".

However, this time is different from the last time, last time he was just practicing moves, but this time he poured his true energy into his boxing techniques, and suddenly, this set of boxing techniques was swayed by his dancing, looking from a distance, There is really a ground-shaking momentum.

However, after being infused with true qi, Zhang Cheng immediately felt that his few true qi were passing away rapidly, and it was exhausted in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, he couldn't help feeling disappointed.

At this moment, his cultivation base has just touched the edge of the first rank, although there is a lot of zhenqi in his body, but facing this beast-like "Earth Shaking Fist", he bottomed out in the blink of an eye.

One must know that "Earth Shaking Fist" is the most rigid and fierce boxing method, and the demand for true energy is very huge.Even Zhang Fang himself, with his qi reserve of a seventh-rank martial artist, would have to consume a third of his zhenqi to beat the "Earth Shaking Fist" while instilling zhenqi.

In the end, Zhang Cheng had to stop, recover his true energy, wait until he was almost recovered, and then continue to wave, and so on.

However, as the practice continued, he suddenly thought of something, that is, since he can multi-task, why didn't he use "Xuanmen Breathing Technique" to restore his true energy, and at the same time perform "Shaking Earth Fist"?

Thinking of this, Zhang Che's eyes lit up involuntarily, and he didn't seek Xiang Tian's opinion, so he began to experiment on his own.

He used the method of splitting his mind to divide his mind into two parts, one part was used to control the swinging of fists, and the other part was responsible for running the "Xuan Men Breathing Technique" to restore true energy.

However, at the beginning, it was a bit confusing, but soon, Zhang Chengcheng found some ways, and gradually became familiar with it, and he became more controllable.

However, even so, the zhenqi in his body quickly bottomed out.

Although he used the zhenqi from "Xuanmen Breathing Technique", the "Shaking Earth Fist" consumed a lot of energy, and the zhenqi recovered was only a drop in the bucket, so after he punched a few times, he was so tired that he collapsed again. down.

Moreover, he had been running "Partition" for a long time, and it seemed that his energy was a little overdrawn. For a while, his chest felt tight and his brain felt a little swollen, which made him feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

Finally, dragging his tired body, he entered Wenbi Spring again and began to recover.

This time, when he was cultivating, he felt something that he hadn't felt before.

When he was practicing "Tantric Mahamudra" before, because he fell into that wonderful artistic conception, he didn't carefully observe the power of the second seal of the Great Vajra Wheel.

At this moment, he did not enter that mood again, and his feeling was very clear. He felt that when he formed the second seal, while his soul was promoted, the aura around him also became more active. And it seems that they have been drawn by some kind of traction, and they are scrambling to drill into their own bodies.

At this moment, the "Xuanmen Breathing Technique" was triggered, and the true energy was restored at a speed visible to the naked eye, which was completely beyond his imagination.

"Could it be that the ability of the second seal is to attract the energy between heaven and earth to speed up cultivation." Zhang Cheng couldn't help guessing.

Although he still doesn't know the effect of the first imprint of King Fuming, but the effect of this second seal is too obvious.

Moreover, in order to confirm what was in his heart, he stopped on purpose, and when he stopped, the aura that seemed to have been summoned returned to calm.

When he formed the second seal again, the calm aura became active again, and then scrambled to penetrate into his body.

"Sure enough, that's great." Zhang Cheng was like a treasure, he didn't expect the effect of the second seal to be so powerful.

Moreover, he has only just broken through, and the second handprint of the Buddha statue in the sea of ​​consciousness has not yet been formed, and he has such power. If he cultivates to the extreme, what will happen?

Then he couldn't help guessing, what kind of power does the third seal, the outer lion seal have.

For a while, Zhang Cheng yearned for "Maha Mudra of Tantric Buddhism" more and more, and at the same time, the idea of ​​cultivating "Maha Mudra of Tantric Buddhism" became more and more profound.

This time the training time was much shorter than before. It only took about an hour for Zhang Cheng's true energy and spirit to recover, and then he started to practice again.

This time, he divided the thought into two parts again, and danced according to the previous situation.

Time flies, and half a month passed quietly in the blink of an eye. In this half month, Zhang Cheng can be said to have no rest time. When he was hungry, he would eat Bigu Dan, and he would take care of one pill for several days; when he was thirsty, he would drink Wen Biquan He doesn’t think he’s dirty in the water; when he’s tired, he goes into the pool to practice "Xuanmen Breathing Technique" and "Tantric Mahamudra". Using these two exercises, Zhang Chengcheng can soon recover and continue Put into the practice of "Shaking the Earth Fist".

It can be said that after half a month of practice, Zhang Cheng's comprehension of "Earth Shaking Fist" has reached an extremely high level. Moreover, in order to thoroughly understand "Earth Shaking Fist", he spent the half month In this book, he thoroughly decomposed this set of boxing techniques, practiced each move countless times, and found the correct way to use force for each move.

Although he has not yet achieved the point where he said before that there is softness in the toughness, but through his hard work, he has successfully reduced a lot of unnecessary consumption of true energy, which made it easier for him to cast it. .

It can be said that Zhang Cheng's comprehension of "Earth Shaking Fist" at this moment is far superior to that of Zhang Fang, who has been a prostitute for more than ten years. The power of "Earth Shaking Fist" and its duration.

If Zhang Cheng's true energy reserve can reach the sixth rank, then he has the confidence to defeat Zhang Fang.

It's a pity that after half a month of cultivation, his cultivation has just broken through the first rank. Although he is not far from the second rank, he still has a long way to go to the sixth rank.

However, the past half a month did not bring all good news. The bad news was that Wen Biquan had lost his effect on Zhang Cheng, and the speed of recovery of zhenqi was obviously slower than before.

In desperation, Zhang Cheng had no choice but to ask Xiang Tian for help.

"Master, come out, I have something to ask you!" Zhang Cheng got in touch with Xiang Tian through the contract, and then shouted.

"En!" Xiang Tian responded, and then emerged from the storage ring. At this moment, Xiang Tian's spirit is not bad. After he came out, he asked, "What's the matter? What problem did you encounter?"

"Wen Biquan has lost its effect on me, so I want to ask you, is there any way for me to continue to reply quickly?" Zhang Cheng replied.

"Ah, so fast!" Xiang Tian was really surprised. You know, when he was practicing here, it took three months for Wen Biquan's effectiveness to gradually lose its effect on him.

But now only half a month has passed, and Wen Biquan has lost his effect on Zhang Cheng, which is too fast.

"Yes, during this period of time, I have been following what Master said. For some reason, Wen Biquan lost its effectiveness!" Zhang Cheng replied truthfully.

"Ah, you've been practicing, haven't you ever stopped?" Xiang Tian was stunned for a moment, half a month, has been practicing, even he can't bear it.

"That's right, if Wen Biquan's effect hadn't disappeared, I could have repaired it for a month." Zhang Cheng nodded and replied excitedly.

"My God, how did you persevere, aren't you tired?" Xiang Tian asked in a daze.

"I'm not tired. I'm not tired at all after practicing Tantric Mahamudra." Zhang Cheng replied.

"Hey, this Tantric Mahamudra must be a god-level exercise, and the grade is probably not low, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a powerful effect." Xiang Tian thought that this exercise might be a god-level exercise Fa, now that I heard Zhang Cheng's words, I am more sure of this idea in my heart.

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