Alien Madness

Chapter 29 New Progress

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"I think it should be." Zhang Cheng thought it was true, although he had never seen what a ninth-rank immortal technique looked like, but Xiang Tian had seen it. Not only had he seen it, he had also practiced it.

And what he said at this moment showed that the "Tantric Mahamudra" should be higher than the ninth-rank immortal-level kung fu, and the kung fu higher than the ninth-rank immortal-level kung fu should only be the god-level kung fu.

Thinking that he had obtained a god-level exercise, Zhang Cheng felt excited. After all, at a time when even immortal-level exercises are in short supply, he has a god-level exercise. Just thinking about it makes him feel extremely excited.

"Yeah, I really don't have your luck to be so lucky to be able to get such a practice, but I hope you don't tell anyone else that you have this practice, once this practice is known to others, Then your situation will be dangerous." Xiang Tian reminded.

In their time, god-level kung fu was also a legendary existence. With a large amount of pills, after a hundred years of hard work, he only obtained one-step immortal-level nine-level fire-type kung fu "Burning Heaven Jue".

But just like this, it also brought him a fatal disaster, and even his apprentice betrayed him. One can imagine how powerful the temptation of high-grade exercises is.

And a ninth-grade immortal-level kung fu has already caused such serious consequences, what would happen if a god-level kung fu appeared in the world, even Xiang Tian didn't dare to think about it.

"Every man is innocent, I understand the reason why he is guilty of being pregnant, and I have no intention of telling others!" Zhang Cheng didn't understand this truth, if Xiang Tian hadn't signed a master-servant contract with him, I am afraid he would not have been so easy told him about it.

Of course, he still has the most important confidentiality measure, that is, no one knows that "Tantric Mahamudra" needs to be performed in conjunction with the visualization of Buddha statues. Even if others know this set of mudras, they cannot practice.

In other words, as long as he doesn't draw the Buddha statue he visualized, no one can practice this exercise. In other words, this exercise belongs to him only, and no one else can take it away.

"It's best for you to understand this truth!" Xiang Tian nodded, and then said: "Now Wen Biquan's effect has disappeared, so do you plan to leave now, or continue to practice for half a month?"

Xiang Tian's original plan was to let Zhang Cheng use Wen Biquan to improve his physical strength during this month. After all, a strong soul needs a stronger body to withstand it.

Moreover, he also felt at the time that it was impossible for Zhang Cheng to advance to such a level in a month, after all, it took him a full three months back then.

Still, he trusts Jang Sung because he has no reason to deceive himself.

Now that Zhang Cheng had completed the plan he made ahead of time, there was no point in continuing to practice like that, so he asked Zhang Cheng whether he should continue to practice or go back first.

"Continue to practice, but I have already developed immunity to Wen Biquan, how can I continue to practice?" Zhang Cheng didn't want to leave so soon, because it was still a while before he could thoroughly understand "Earth Shaking Fist". And raise one's own strength to the second-rank or even third-rank realm.

In this way, he will have a certain strength after he goes back, and his master Dan Chenzi will soon come to take him to Dan Daozong. For various reasons, he does not intend to continue to endure it.

Not only does he not intend to bear it any longer, he also intends to become a blockbuster, and he also wants to let everyone know that Zhang Cheng is no longer the sick child he used to be, and no one can dominate him now .

At the same time, he also wanted to take this opportunity to settle some grievances from five years ago and help Xiao Zhangcheng get revenge.

"Well, first you dig a water storage pit next to the water pool, then fill it with water, then take out a gathering spirit pill from the storage ring, crush it and sprinkle it into the water hole, this should be enough for your next practice It's been half a month." Xiang Tian said.

"Okay!" Zhang Cheng responded, and then waved his fist to shake the ground, and dug out a pool on the ground that could be used by three or four people to soak together, and then filled it with water.

Then, Zhang Cheng entered the storage ring and found the Juling Pill (with a name on it) that Xiang Tian said, and then he couldn't wait to open the bottle cap, and a wisp of fragrance was released from the bottle, making Zhang Cheng's spirit feel refreshed. A shock.

Then one came out. Zhang Cheng put this spirit-gathering pill in the palm of his hand and observed carefully. This spirit-gathering pill was light green, the size of a longan, round and round, like a jelly bean.

Moreover, it exudes a tempting fragrance, which makes people have an urge to swallow it in one gulp.

"If I were you, I wouldn't eat it, because with your current cultivation base, it's not enough to digest one percent of his medicine's power. If you take it, then its huge medicine's power will be gone in an instant. Tear you into pieces." Xiang Tian saw Zhang Cheng's thoughts, so he persuaded.

"It's so powerful?" Zhang Cheng couldn't believe it. Just this pea-sized pill could explode him?What an international joke!

"I'm not scaremongering. If you don't believe me, you can try it." Xiang Tian saw Zhang Cheng's thoughts, but he didn't stop him, but said this.

Zhang Cheng swallowed his saliva, then glanced at Xiang Tian, ​​thinking that he didn't seem to be joking, and then looked away from the pill with some reluctance.

Then Zhang Cheng came to the side of the pool, squeezed it hard according to Xiang Tian's request, and then threw it into it. Immediately, the clear pool water turned light green, and also exuded a faint fragrance.

"Okay, this small pool of water is enough for you for half a month." Xiang Tian continued: "Okay, I'm going back, call me if you need anything."

"Okay!" Zhang Cheng nodded, and after Xiang Tian returned to the storage ring, he jumped into the pool and began to recover.

The moment he entered the pool, he felt waves of warm force coming in from his sweat pores. At the beginning, he still felt a little painful, but soon the pain was replaced by a numb feeling, as if there was a Countless little hands were on his body surface, as if massaging his body, it was indescribably comfortable.

Zhang Cheng knew that now was not the time to enjoy, so he quickly started to use his exercises and began to absorb them. After a few minutes of effort, his true energy was completely restored, and his spirit reached a state of saturation.

Jumped up from the pool, continued to hone the Earth Shaking Fist, and at the same time, tried his best to increase the speed at which he could recover his true energy.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't make ends meet, which made him very depressed.

"If you can practice the second seal of the Mahamudra of Tantric Buddhism, the Great Vajra Wheel, to speed up the absorption of spiritual energy, and at the same time perform the Earth Shaking Fist, maybe you can change the situation where you can't make ends meet! But..." Zhang Cheng is very clear, Tantric Mahamudra must be used together with mudra and visualization to be effective. If used alone, it will have no effect at all.

And when he cast the Earth Shaking Fist, his hands couldn't be released at all, and it was useless to just visualize the Buddha statue...

Suddenly, Zhang Cheng was startled, as if he had thought of something, and immediately used a split thought to visualize the Buddha statue and formed the second seal of the Great Vajra Wheel.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Chenggong felt that the aura around him was really affected, and then began to penetrate into his body.

Seeing this, his eyes lit up, as if he had discovered a new continent. At the same time, this discovery completely broke his understanding of the Tantric Mahamudra.

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