At this moment, Zhang Cheng was sitting on the bed in a daze, and he made several gestures with his hands involuntarily, but he forcibly let go of these gestures as soon as they took shape, with a look of hesitation flashing across his face, "Do you want to continue practicing?" go down?"

The handprints he is hesitating about now are the miraculous set of handprints he got on earth by accident when he was a child.

That group of handprints was picked up in front of the orphanage by accident when he was in the orphanage in his previous life. There was no writing on it, only nine handprints were recorded, and a piece of golden paper of unknown material was sandwiched in the middle.

Only a strange Buddha statue was depicted on this piece of paper, and there was nothing else.

And the Buddha statue on the screen is very weird, with a total of eighteen arms on both sides, nine right arms and nine left arms, facing each other one by one, located on the chest, neatly arranged from top to bottom.

But what's even more strange is that none of the eighteen arms have hands, as if they had been cut off abruptly, leaving a void in the middle.

At the beginning, when Zhang Cheng got this book, he read it for a long time and didn't see why. He just thought that handprints were very interesting, so he practiced according to the nine handprints drawn on it.

Later, as he grew older, he also started to go to school and was exposed to new things, so he threw the book aside and didn't read it for several years, and even in the end, he forgot about it. the existence of books.

Later, if it wasn't for one incident, he would not have noticed the power of this book.

Because, when he was eight years old, a fire broke out in the orphanage, and the whole orphanage was burnt to ruins. When he returned to his room, the whole room was burned to black charcoal.

However, just as he was about to leave the room, he inadvertently found the golden piece of paper that was sandwiched in the book in a piece of black charcoal.

He found that there were only some gray confetti on the piece of paper, and it didn't seem to be burned.

So he picked it up and patted it casually, but what shocked him was that there was not even a single burn mark on the piece of paper, it was exactly the same as the new one.

From then on, this piece of paper and that set of fingerprints successfully attracted Zhang Cheng's attention.

Later, he did a special experiment, and he found that this piece of paper was not only fire-resistant, but also quite fire-resistant. He put the paper in the boiler and burned it for several days and nights, but it didn't burn at all. bad.

A few days later, Zhang Cheng put it in the water again, and soaked it for several days and nights, but after taking it out and shaking it a few times, the top was dry, the same as before putting it in.

Not only that, but Zhang Chengcheng personally tried cutting with knives, axes, smashing cars, pressing needles, etc., but it didn't work at all.

This completely overturned his opinion. After all, such things as invulnerability to weapons and guns, and invulnerability to water and fire only appear in novels.

So, at that time, he guessed that this piece of paper might be a magic weapon.

But this piece of paper, apart from being tough and invulnerable to water and fire, has no other abilities, so Zhang Cheng denied this guess.

Later, no matter how much he researched, he didn't have the slightest clue. In desperation, he could only give up again. It was also something that happened later that made him figure out some ways.

It was a spring outing organized by the school, and it happened to be in a temple.

At that time, Zhang Chengcheng discovered that some of the Buddha statues in this temple had their hands folded in front of their chests, forming strange handprints.

Although these strange mudras were different from the mudras he had practiced before, they made him connect the Buddha statue carved on the paper with the nine mudras.

Don't nine pairs of arms and nine pairs of palms correspond exactly?

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense.

So when he returned home at night, he couldn't wait to try it out. While forming his hands according to the handprints, he sketched the appearance of the Buddha statue in his mind, and then filled the bottom pair of wrists with the first seal. together.

However, at the very beginning, he felt his brain go dark, and then he passed out and didn't know anything.

When he woke up, it was already the next day, but after he woke up, he obviously felt that his spirit was very good, as if he had slept for a whole month, and his body felt very comfortable. Also a lot lighter.

Seeing the real benefits, he began to continue to study, and after a while, Zhang Cheng really got something.

He found that when he visualized a Buddha image alone or made a mudra, he didn't feel anything at all.However, when visualizing Buddha statues and making mudras together, he felt very tired all over his body, and he couldn't last long at all, so he had to stop, otherwise he would pass out like before.

However, every time he practiced, Zhang Cheng could feel that his body and spirit were getting better and better, and his concentration was quite concentrated.

It is also because of this reason that he has practiced for ten years.

Later, as he grew older and knew more things, he gave this mudra a nicer name, "Tantric Mahamudra".

He also searched online and found that the real "Tantric Mahamudra" also has nine mudras, but those nine mudras are quite different from his nine mudras.However, the names of the nine handprints made him copy them to Zai's handprints.

The first seal to the ninth seal are respectively called: Fudo Mingwang seal, Great Vajra Wheel seal, Outer Lion seal, Inner Lion seal, Outer binding seal, Inner binding seal, Wisdom fist seal, Sun wheel seal, Aquarius seal.

However, the difficulties aroused by the practice of these nine hand seals did not allow him to practice the first seal even after ten years.

However, even in this way, he was admitted to Tsinghua University with excellent grades before he was 20 years old, and he was a special student who was free of tuition and lodging fees.

However, in his junior year, an accident brought him here.

When he first started, he thought that this set of handprints would be the same as before, which would make him feel more comfortable.

However, after he had really practiced, he realized that his spirit was good, but his body was getting worse and worse, until now it was so bad that it was outrageous.

It was also recently that he discovered that the exacerbation of his physical condition may be inseparable from his practice of this mudra all day long.

So he stopped practicing a few months ago, and the rapid deterioration of his body was also slightly relieved, but his condition did not improve because of this.

Of course, he also saw many famous doctors, but they couldn't do anything about their own bodies, and some even said that they would not live to be ten years old.

If I do the math now, I'm about to die again.

Therefore, it is difficult for him to decide now, whether to continue or give up completely.

But he was really reluctant to give up, after all, this was a technique he had practiced for ten years, and these nine handprints changed his life.

Another point is that after he got this exercise, he hadn't practiced the ninth mudra yet, so he also felt a little unwilling.

But if he continues to practice, his body may not be able to last for a long time. At that time, he will have to travel again.

Of course, to him, time-traveling is not scary, what is scary is that if he transmigrates into a sick person again, he will be completely urged.

"Oh, I said God, you really made an international joke on me, since you brought me into this world and gave me an extra life, then you should also give me more benefits, no good The family, at least have to give a decent body, let me finish my handprint practice."

"It's good now. I haven't lived here for a few days, and I'm going to die again. Aren't you making fun of me? Tell me what should I say about you." Zhang Cheng sighed, lay down on the bed, and looked through the window. Looking at the sky, there was a bit of bitterness and helplessness on his face.

After a while, Zhang Cheng sat up again, looked at the sky and said, "God, do you know, I really want to say a word to you now..."

However, Zhang Cheng didn't say the word, but raised his middle finger to the sky, which was self-evident.

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