Alien Madness

Chapter 4 Is it useless or a genius? 【Favorites】

[Dear children's shoes, if you don't have a collection, hurry up and collect it, thank you. 】

The next day, Zhang Cheng got up early, walked out of the room slowly, and then came to the family's martial arts training ground to go for a walk to relieve his depressed mood.

However, as soon as he entered the door, he saw a figure standing in the training ground stretching his muscles and bones, and the sound of punching and kicking could be heard from a distance.

Zhang Cheng knew that this person was none other than his father Zhang Fang.

Because, after he came to this world, he discovered that Zhang Fang would come to this place to practice boxing at this time every day, and when he discovered this, he would come here every morning.

The purpose of doing this is twofold, one is to breathe fresh air and ease the mood, and the other is to watch from the sidelines and try to remember the boxing techniques he practiced.

Although he couldn't practice because of his body, it's good to have an eye addiction.And after remembering it in my mind, maybe I can still use it when I time travel again in the future.

Zhang Cheng slowly came to Zhang Fang's side, seeing Zhang Fang's open and close fists, he nodded involuntarily.

"Cheng'er is here." Zhang Fang felt Zhang Cheng's arrival, so he stopped, then looked at Zhang Cheng and asked, "Cheng'er, what do you think of the ground-shaking punches for my father? Compared with the previous ones Have you made any progress?"

At this moment, Zhang Fang's appearance did not look like a father, but an appearance of humbly asking for advice. That way, it was like an apprentice asking a teacher again, with a very sincere attitude.

In fact, the entire Shaoyang city only knew that there was a sick child in the Zhang family, but not many people knew that the sick child in the Zhang family was also a genius.

As far as Zhang Fang knows, Zhang Cheng has had a super strong memory since he was five years old, and his understanding of martial arts is many times beyond that of ordinary people.

Take the Earth Shaking Fist practiced by Zhang Fang as an example. Although it is only an intermediate-level boxing method, he has practiced this boxing method since he was a child. After 20 years of continuous training and polishing, he is very familiar with this boxing method. Comprehension has reached a point where others look up to.

However, the Earth Shaking Fist that he was so proud of was full of loopholes by Zhang Cheng, who was less than ten years old.

When Zhang Fang heard these words, he was quite annoyed. After all, he had practiced this boxing technique for more than 20 years. in the bones.

If Zhang Fang is authoritative in this set of boxing techniques, then no one in the entire Shaoyang city would say no.

However, one time, when I was practicing boxing in the training ground, Zhang Cheng happened to see me. After watching it a few times, Zhang Cheng said that I did not practice correctly.

After a set of boxing techniques, he was actually wrong in everything, which made him very annoyed.

Then he argued with Zhang Cheng, but at that time he couldn't listen to it at all, because there were many things that Zhang Cheng said were completely different from what he understood.

It was only when he was free to think about what Zhang Cheng said later that he realized that what Zhang Cheng said was indeed reasonable, and after careful consideration, he found that he had misunderstood it.

For a while, Zhang Fang exclaimed Zhang Cheng as a heavenly man.

Later, in order to confirm his own thoughts, he called Zhang Cheng again, and played one by one the boxing techniques he knew in front of Zhang Cheng, and then learned from him to see what he did not practice correctly.

Every Zhang Cheng can give him some suggestions, and each suggestion can bring him to a higher level in understanding Zhengtai boxing.

From then on, he knew that his youngest son was a genius in martial arts. If his body hadn't dragged him down, perhaps even his eldest son, Zhang Long, who was the most talented among the younger generation of the Zhang family, would not be able to compete with him. compared to.

It is also because of Zhang Cheng's existence that although Zhang Fang's internal energy cultivation has not improved a single step during these five years, these five years have allowed him to understand martial arts better than before.

With his current strength at the peak of the seventh rank, and with his breakthrough in martial arts, he can also have the power to fight against the masters of the eighth rank.Although he can't defeat the eighth-rank master, it is not so easy for the eighth-rank master to defeat him.

"Father, to be honest, your punching style is not much different from what it was a few months ago." Zhang Cheng paused, and said, "The name Shaking the Earth was not created casually, so, To practice this set of punches, you must know why this set of punches is called Earth Shaking Fist, and how to make this set of punches have the power to shake the ground? If you don’t understand this point, then no matter how long you have practiced this set of punches , that is just superficial work, you will never be able to grasp the essence of this set of boxing techniques, and you will not be able to display the true power of this set of boxing techniques."

"You told me about this, and I also thought about it, so now when I punch this set, every punch is instilled with great power, and now every punch can make a big hole in the ground , can't this explain the word shaking?" Zhang Fang frowned and asked in puzzlement.

"Father, you only know one thing, but you don't know the other thing. Although the force of each of your punches is very strong, the effect of force is mutual. The stronger the force, the stronger the counterattack force will be. This will hurt the enemy a thousand times." Self-destructive style of fighting, I think, this is definitely not what the founder of this boxing style wanted."

Zhang Cheng paused, and then said: "Besides, doing this will waste too much energy. Although this will increase the power of the Earth Shaking Fist in a short period of time, it cannot be done for a long time. If you exhaust your strength, it will be gone." Any power can only be slaughtered by then."

"Oh, you just said it straight, what should I do?" Zhang Fang was confused by Zhang Chengcheng, and asked straightforwardly.

"Father's idea is right. It takes strength to shake the ground. Without strength, it is impossible to do the power to shake the ground. However, it should not be too strong. As the saying goes, it is easy to break if you are too strong. Therefore, you need to be strong with softness." Yes." Zhang Cheng explained.

"But it's already hard, so it can still be soft." Zhang Fang was still confused.

"Father, let me ask you, is steel hard?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Tough, but, does this have something to do with this boxing technique?" Zhang Fang didn't understand why Zhang Cheng asked this.

"It's common sense that steel is hard, and everyone knows it. However, swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks are all made of steel. Why are they soft, hard, sharp, and tough?" Zhang Cheng didn't answer Zhang Cheng's question. Instead of letting it go, I asked this sentence.

"This..." Zhang Fang was stunned, he hadn't thought about it.

"Actually, it's very simple. It's the way of using force." Having said that, Zhang Cheng paused for a while, and then said, "Okay, father, that's all I can tell you. As for how to do it With softness in the middle, you can only explore it yourself."

In fact, why Zhang Cheng has such a thorough understanding of martial arts, he himself does not know why.However, he knew that this should be related to the "Tantric Mahamudra" that he had been practicing all along.

Back then, when he was still on Earth, he was admitted to Tsinghua University by relying on "Tantric Mahamudra".

But what effect the Tantra Mahamudra had on him, he himself couldn't say clearly.

He only knew that after practicing the first seal, his spirit and memory were much better than before, and he could see many things more clearly than ordinary people.

It's just a pity that his current physical condition can no longer allow him to practice "Maha Mudra of Tantric Buddhism", otherwise, he really wants to see how "Maha Mudra of Tantric Buddhism" will bring him What kind of special ability to come.

However, the Ninth Seal should not disappoint him, after all, the more difficult it is to practice a skill.The harder it is to practice, the stronger it is, this is common sense...

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