Alien Madness

Chapter 5 An old fairy fell from the sky【For collection】

"Well, I have to think about it." Zhang Fang couldn't help frowning after hearing Zhang Cheng's words. He really hadn't thought about it.

"By the way, father, will the eldest brother come back in time for the big competition in the clan?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Dabi still has a month to go. I'm afraid your elder brother won't be able to come back in time. Before he wrote a letter saying that he was going to retreat and hit the sixth-rank realm soon. If he can successfully reach the sixth-rank realm within one month, there will be If you are qualified to join Huatianfeng Sect, you will be expected to become a fairy in the future." Having said this, Zhang Fang smiled.

"My brother has already reached the pinnacle of the fifth rank. With my talent, it shouldn't be a problem to break through to the sixth rank in a month. If the elder brother really becomes an immortal, then our Zhang family will have an immortal. By then, the Wang family will be immortal." And the Li family won't have the courage to confront us." Zhang Cheng said happily.

"Yes, but both the Wang family and the Li family have also sent people to Tianfengmen. If they also successfully break through to the sixth rank, our situation will not change much." Cheng glanced, his expression darkened and said: "Cheng'er, in fact, your talent is higher than your brother's, but it's a pity that your body... If it wasn't like this, then our Zhang family can have two immortals this time, At that time, no one in the entire Shaoyang City would dare to challenge us."

"Father, this is God's will. You can't force it." Zhang Cheng is very open about this point. Anyway, he has picked up time. As long as he can spend the last period of time happily, that's enough.

"Oh, it's all because of my father's incompetence. It's been so long and I haven't found a way to heal your body. I'm really ashamed of your mother." Zhang Fang said with a painful expression.

"Father, you have tried your best. There is no need to blame yourself so much. You, my sister and my elder brother have treated me so well. I am already very satisfied." Zhang Cheng said sincerely.

"Good boy!" Zhang Fang said softly, stroking Zhang Cheng's head.

However, the more sensible Zhang Cheng was, the more unhappy Zhang Fang felt.If he had a choice, he would rather be himself with such a sick person.

"Father, after this year's competition, according to the family rules, I will leave the family. Can I ask you something?" Zhang Cheng said.

The Zhang family rules stipulate that anyone who has reached the age of ten and has not reached the realm of a second-rank martial artist will be sent to the family business to take care of the family business, and will have no chance to practice martial arts for life.

In fact, this is exile in disguise. For a world that respects martial arts, being deprived of the qualification to practice martial arts is different from exile.

This matter was formulated by the ancestors of the Zhang family, in order to urge the members of the family to practice diligently, and no one should violate it, even if Zhang Fang is the current head of the Zhang family.

Therefore, in order not to embarrass his father, Zhang Cheng took the initiative to bring it up.

"What nonsense are you kidding, with me here, I will never let you leave the family." Zhang Fang said firmly.


"There's nothing to worry about, just stay at home for me, and I'll take care of the rest." Seeing that Zhang Cheng wanted to say something, Zhang Fang interrupted him with a wave of his hand. Speaking of.

"That's good!" Zhang Cheng knew that once his father made a decision, it would be useless for anyone to speak, so he could only nod in agreement.

"Okay, you are tired too, go back and rest!" Zhang Fang said.

"Oh, then father, I'll go back first." Zhang Cheng nodded, then turned around and walked outside the training ground.When he was about to walk out of the training ground, he turned his head and saw Zhang Fang still standing where he was, wondering what he was thinking.

"Hey, why bother." Zhang Cheng shook his head, sighed helplessly, and then walked out of the training ground.

Previously, under Zhang Fang's insistence, Zhang Cheng searched for famous doctors in the entire Huaxia Kingdom, but all of them were helpless about their own situation, and some even said that they would not live to be ten years old.

At that time, he felt that what they said was wrong, so he secretly swore in his heart that no matter what, he had to live to be 11 years old to prove it to them.

However, judging from his current physical deterioration rate, it is really difficult for him to live past ten years old.

Ever since Zhang Cheng saw this, he began to use the identity of a third party to examine the world and see everything that happened in the world with the eyes of a bystander.

Sometimes, he even felt that he was just a passing passerby in this world.Just like a shooting star, although it is bright, it is fleeting.

Therefore, in order not to make those who love him and those he loves sad, he has not dared to be too conspicuous all the time, and is used to hiding himself in a certain corner, avoiding the realization of everyone and looking at the world. All kinds of happenings.

Sometimes, he would even consciously distance the distance between him and his relatives. To put it bluntly, in doing so, he was actually preparing for his death. He didn't want his father, brother and sister to die. sad for him.

Therefore, in his opinion, there is not much difference between staying in the family and being exiled outside the family.

However, Zhang Fang didn't think so, but this was no longer something he should consider.

After returning to his room, Zhang Cheng lay on the bed and slept, because now he had nothing to do except sleep, or in other words, there was nothing he could do.

In the evening, he was woken up by Zhang Xin, had dinner, and went back to his room to continue sleeping.

However, he had already slept for a whole day, and he was completely sleepy at the moment, so he put his hands behind his back like this, looked out through the window, and saw a full moon hanging in the sky.

After watching for an indeterminate amount of time, Zhang Cheng felt his eyes were jerky and uncomfortable, and his eyelids were getting heavier and drooping feebly.


Just when he was about to fall asleep, but didn't really fall asleep, and was half asleep and half awake, a muffled sound came from outside the house, as if a heavy object fell from the sky and hit the ground Same.

And this voice suddenly woke up Zhang Cheng, who was half asleep and half awake, and sat up directly from the bed like a dead body.

I listened carefully, but there was still some sound there, and I couldn't help but feel strange: "Could it be that I was dreaming."

Shaking his head, Zhang Cheng put aside his distracting thoughts, then lay back on the bed, and was about to continue sleeping.

But at this moment, there was a very soft sound from outside the door. If this sound was in the daytime, it would definitely be drowned out by the noisy sound.

However, it was late at night, so this small voice was amplified countless times, and successfully attracted Zhang Cheng's attention.

So Zhang Chengbian couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, then got off the bed and opened the door.

However, the moment he opened the door, he was terrified by the scene in front of him.

I saw an old man in Taoist robes and a golden crown lying on his back in the yard in front of his door, and there was still a pool of bright red blood under his body.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Cheng asked to himself, and then looked around for no one, then slowly walked to the old man's side, and poked it lightly with his little fingers as thin as chopsticks The old man's body.

"Hmm!" After being poked a few times by Zhang Cheng, the old man made a weak voice.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng was overjoyed and said in his heart, "Not dead yet."

Then, without thinking about it, he walked forward, wanted to help the old man up, but he didn't know where he got the strength, so he dragged the old man into his room and put him on the bed.

At the same time, he was already so tired that he was out of breath, and he sat on the side panting heavily.

After stopping, Zhang Cheng recalled the previous events in his heart, and was secretly afraid, what if he had exerted too much force just now and fainted again, then he would not be the one who died.

Shaking his head, he put all distracting thoughts behind him, rested for a while, got up from the ground again, walked to the bed and looked at the half-dead old man lying on the bed.

Zhang Cheng found that the old man was dressed in Taoist robes, wearing a golden hair crown, with light golden hairpins inserted horizontally from the bun, and he looked like a fairy.

Immediately, Zhang Chengcheng guessed that he might be the legendary immortal.

When he thought of saving an immortal, Zhang Cheng couldn't mention how excited he was. This is an immortal, and that is a legendary existence.

However, when he saw that the old fairy was half dead, he might have suffered a severe trauma, and then he would go out to find his father to see how to treat him.

However, just as he was about to leave, he suddenly felt his right hand being grabbed.

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