Alien Madness

Chapter 6 Immortal Pill Chenzi【For collection】

{For collection, for red ticket, for everything. }

Zhang Cheng was taken aback by this sudden change. He looked down, but found that the one who was holding him was not someone else, but the old fairy who was rescued by him.

"Don't, don't go out..." the old man said in that weak voice that was almost hard to hear.

"Old Immortal, I went out to ask my father to save you. You are seriously injured. You must see a doctor. Don't worry, I'll be right back." Zhang Cheng patted the old man's hand and said .

However, the old man was still holding on tightly to himself, not intending to let go, and then Zhang Chengcheng heard him say another word in a low voice: "Little friend, don't bother me, you help me up and sit down, the rest You don’t have to worry about the next thing.”

"You're injured now, you can't move, it's better to lie down." Zhang Cheng looked at the place where his shoulder was stabbed by a sharp weapon and was still bleeding, and then looked at his appearance that he was about to die at any moment, he couldn't help but shook his head and said .

"It doesn't matter, you help me up, I want to practice." Seeing Zhang Cheng like this, the old man told him the purpose of doing it.

"Oh!" As soon as he heard that the old man wanted to cultivate, he didn't say anything, and quickly helped him up.

After the old man sat up, he immediately closed his eyes, put his hands on his dantian, and with every breath, Zhang Cheng could feel gusts of air being inhaled into his nasal cavity, and then exhaled by him, creating a A strong pushing and sucking force stunned him for a moment.

He has seen his father Zhang Fang practice, which is also the method of breathing, but he can't produce such a big movement, the suction and thrust are as if someone is pushing and pulling him.

From this, he was even more sure that this old man should be a fairy.

When I thought that I really saved a fairy, I couldn't help but feel a little excited. My mind turned and I thought: "Such a good opportunity can't be missed, I have to find a way so that he can help me get rid of the stalking of the disease, and at the same time I beg him The master cultivates the immortal technique..."

Just when he was thinking wildly, the old man let out a foul breath, and then slowly opened his eyes. After breathing for a while, his complexion improved a lot.

Then he took out a medicine bottle from his bosom, slowly opened the bottle cap, and suddenly a fresh fragrance was released, which lightened Zhang Cheng's spirit.

Then, the old man poured out a longan-sized, red-colored elixir as if soaked in blood from the bottle, swallowed it in one gulp, then sealed the bottle again, put the bottle back in his arms, and continued to close his eyes Practice up.

This time, the old man's cultivation time was much shorter, and he opened his eyes very quickly. At this moment, his face was more bloody than before, and the wound on his shoulder no longer bleeds.

"It's amazing." Zhang Cheng couldn't help exclaiming as he watched this scene.

For a college student on Earth, such a thing was completely beyond his cognition, and he was dumbfounded when he saw it.

How long has it been? With such a serious injury, it is almost as good as it can be. If a person is sick, he can just sit like this, so why do you need a doctor?

"Thank you, little friend, for saving me. The old man is very grateful." The old man's spirit is much better than before, but there is still some sickness between his brows, which shows that he is not in a good mood.

"Excuse me, is the old god an immortal?" Zhang Cheng asked hastily.

"Uh." The old man was stunned for a while, as if he didn't expect Zhang Cheng to ask such a sentence, and then replied: "If you call it according to your secular name, I am indeed a fairy, but now I am a wounded person. Immortal."

"Ah, you are really a fairy." Although Zhang Cheng had already prepared himself mentally, he couldn't help being excited after receiving the old man's acknowledgment.

"It's genuine. However, my body is seriously injured now. I wonder if my little friend can let the old man rest here for a while." The old man asked.

"Yes, of course, you can live as long as you want." Zhang Cheng was overjoyed when he heard that the immortal wanted to live in his house.

Originally, he hadn't figured out how to get him to save his life and accept him as an apprentice. If he could live here, he would have more time to think of a way.

Moreover, even if you can't worship him as a teacher, at least let him save your own life by virtue of your kindness to save his life.

"Hehe, the old man is just annoying you." The old man smiled, as if he had expected Zhang Cheng's reaction, and he didn't have much reaction.

"By the way, old god, how did you get hurt?" Zhang Cheng asked curiously.

"The old man fought with others before, and was injured by the other party's tricks..." The old man glanced at Zhang Cheng, paused and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about it. Also, don't call me old man!" You are a god, just call me by my name, my name is Dan Chenzi."

"I'll still call you Daoist Dan. You are an elder. It's not appropriate for a kid to call you by your first name." Zhang Cheng said politely.

"Hehe, seeing that you are not very old, you are quite polite." Seeing that Zhang Cheng was such a director, Dan Chenzi was in a good mood, so he looked at Zhang Cheng a few more times, and suddenly seemed to see something, and frowned. , said: "I see that little friend's complexion is not very good, but is there a disease?"

"The Taoist priest has really good eyesight. The boy has been plagued by illness since he was a child. He has seen many doctors and said he is not good at it. Some people even said that I will not live to be ten years old. Alas..." Zhang Cheng heard Dan Chenzi say this, although he was in his heart. I was a little excited, but I kept silent about the matter of getting him to be treated.

After all, once you open your mouth, the favor that saved him before will be used, and if you want to worship him as a teacher later, then there will be no favors to use.

So, for the sake of the future, he held back.

Moreover, he thought that since the other party had seen his physical condition, there should be a cure, and, according to the plot, he should say something like 'come here and let me see' next.

If he doesn't play the cards according to the routine, then it's not too late to ask him.

"Hehe, come on, let me see, the old man also knows some medical skills, maybe he can help you." Hearing what Zhang Cheng said, Dan Chenzi smiled and said.

"Sure enough." Zhang Cheng was very satisfied with the result and hurried over.

"Extend your hand." The old man said.

"En." Zhang Cheng nodded, and obediently offered his right hand.

The old man stretched out his left hand and gently put it on Zhang Cheng's wrist, and slowly closed his eyes.

Then, Zhang Chenggong felt a sense of coolness coming from the old man's fingertips and penetrated into his body, and after swimming around in his body, he returned to the old man's body again.

"Strange, really strange." Dan Chenzi opened his eyes, retracted his palm, frowned, then gave Zhang Cheng a strange look, and then spit out these words.

"Master Daoist, am I hopeless?" Seeing the old man like this, Zhang Cheng felt very depressed when the glimmer of hope that had just been ignited in his heart was shattered again.

"Hehe, don't be nervous. I just said that your situation is very strange, but it is not beyond hope." Dan Chenzi said involuntarily when he saw the disappointment flashing in Zhang Cheng's eyes.

"Oh, is the Taoist priest saying that I can still be saved?" Zhang Cheng asked in surprise, his eyes lit up suddenly after hearing Dan Chenzi's words.

"Yes, but before I answer your question, I have a question to ask you, has anyone instilled true energy into your body before." Dan Chenzi asked.

"Well, because of my body, I often fainted before. So, in order to save me, my father began to inject some true energy into my body at regular intervals from five years ago. Why, is there something wrong?" When Zhang Cheng heard that Dan Chenzi could see that someone had infused zhenqi into his body so easily, his eyes lit up, and he felt that his body might be cured, and he was overjoyed.

After all, he didn't know what happened five years ago, but he was very clear about what happened in the past five years. He had seen many famous doctors, but none of them could see this.

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