Chapter 324 Birth of Qinglian

But the tiger demon is much more powerful than imagined. With one palm, it sent eighteen long swords flying together, and Zhang Long also spat out a mouthful of blood as if he had been hit hard, and his face turned pale instantly. Incomparable.

However, he knew that he couldn't back down on this matter.

Because at this time, as long as he took a step back, Zhang Cheng's situation would be dangerous, so he could only grit his teeth and persist.

Afterwards, he combined the eighteen long swords into one to form a long sword, and then displayed the most powerful sword move he had mastered.

The secret code of the Qinglian Sword Sect's sect is the "Qinglian Sword Code", and the most fundamental thing to use the "Qinglian Sword Code" is that the heart sword or sword intent must meet the requirements, otherwise, it cannot be used.

As for the sword intent, it is like the soul of the sword. With the sword of the soul, one can unleash more powerful sword moves.

"Qinglian Sword Code" has a total of nine moves, each of which contains extremely terrifying power. At the same time, it must use sword intent to unleash it. At this moment, the Qinglian he wants to use is born, it is "Qinglian The first form in the Sword Code.

I saw Zhang Long dancing, with his body as the center, a blue lotus flower quietly blooming between the sky and the earth.

As the cyan lotus slowly opened, Zhang Long danced the sword faster and faster, and his figure became lighter and weaker. In the end, he lost his figure, as if he had disappeared, and only the sky and the earth remained A blue lotus flower in full bloom.

This lotus flower is very beautiful, but it hides endless murderous intent. Suddenly, the nine petals flew up from the lotus flower and flew towards the tiger demon.

This time, the tiger demon felt a strong crisis, subconsciously took a few steps back, but the pride in its heart made it stop.

In his opinion, it would be very shameless to be scared away by a monk in the Golden Core Stage.So, instead of retreating, he rushed towards the nine petals.

However, these nine petals had no intention of confronting the tiger demon head-on at all. After circling around to avoid the tiger demon's attack, they gathered directly on the soles of his feet, and finally formed a lotus flower in the center.

Then, the nine petals slowly closed, and finally changed from a lotus shape into a flower bone, and the nine petals just completely wrapped the tiger demon in it.

"Roar—" The tiger demon seemed to be aware of the crisis, and began to struggle desperately, but the nine petals were somewhat similar to the void spider web, as if they didn't exist between heaven and earth at all, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break them. in them.

Moreover, they seem to stick to themselves, no matter where they go, they follow themselves, still wrapping themselves.

All of a sudden, the lotus heart where Zhang Long was located suddenly disappeared, and then appeared right above the multi-flowered flower, and then, a beam of sword light shot out from the lotus heart and fell into the lotus flower.

At this time, the nine petals turned into nine mirrors, constantly refracting the sword light, causing the sword light to run continuously in the flower bone, and the speed became faster and faster.

Then I heard the sound of "Puff, puff, puff..." The sound of skin cracking, at the same time, countless tiny wounds appeared on the body of the tiger demon among the flower bones, and bloody swords were swayed away like free tap water Come, dye the petals next to you a strange red.

The whole scene looked a little scary, and the air was filled with blood.

"Roar—" There was another roar, the tiger demon was completely irritated, but at this moment the tiger demon had no way to break free from this flower bone.

Moreover, compared to this narrow space, he is almost still, so no matter how he struggles or tries hard, he cannot avoid the attack of the sword light.

He felt that his strength was rapidly draining while his blood flowed out, and his heart was full of grievances and unwillingness.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng was also shocked. He did not expect that the Qinglian Sword Sect's swordsmanship was so terrifying that it was able to force such a powerful tiger demon to such an extent.

Then he couldn't help but imagine in his heart how he would deal with such a sword technique.

However, the result that comes to mind is that there is no way, the only way is to interrupt this move or kill the caster before he uses this sword technique, otherwise, once he falls into this sword technique, he can only I can resign myself to fate. .

"Death!" Suddenly Zhang Long's voice sounded, and then Huaguduo and Lianxin suddenly disappeared, but Zhang Long's figure that had disappeared slowly appeared again.

But at this moment, he was standing on top of the tiger demon's head, and the long sword in his hand had pierced into the tiger demon's sky cap.

The tiger demon's eyes widened, a little unbelievable that it was defeated by a small human, and then it wanted to roar to express its unwillingness.

However, his strength was rapidly drained by a wound on his head, and in the end it only made a very small roar, but there was still endless unwillingness and regret in this voice.

In the end, the body full of scars still fell down.

At this time, Zhang Long pulled out the long sword inserted into the head of the tiger demon with force, and then kicked his feet hard and fell to the ground, but his body swayed for a while due to excessive force, and sat on the ground with his buttocks. gasped.

Obviously, the previous battle made him exhausted, and he didn't have the strength to fight again.

"Brother, are you alright?" Zhang Cheng asked me worriedly.

"'s okay, just a little bit out of strength!" Zhang Long said with some shortness of breath.

"It's fine, just leave the rest to me, so don't worry about it." Zhang Cheng stretched out his right hand to activate "Jiulong Yin", and directly sucked the tiger demon's body over, and then he Then he threw the body of the tiger demon towards the leopard demon.

The leopard demon is relatively petite in the first place, and it is nothing compared to the tiger demon. If the tiger demon's corpse is crushed, at least it will suffer some injuries.

So, after it sensed Zhang Cheng's intentions, it immediately wanted to jump up to avoid the tiger demon's body.

However, just as its legs were bent, before it could jump up, it felt a pain in its brain and immediately lost control of its body.

It just watched the tiger monster like a hill smashing towards him, and there was a hint of fear in its eyes.


After a loud noise, the petite leopard demon was directly pressed down by the huge body of the tiger demon, unable to move, and temporarily lost the power to fight again.

"Brother, save me quickly." At this time, Zhang Xin's nervous voice came, Zhang Cheng followed the prestige, and saw the cow demon with its head lowered, charging towards Zhang Xin with the two horns on its head .

And there is a small piece of broken web on the horn of this bull demon, which shows that Zhang Xin's spider web has been torn by this bull demon.

"Your sister!" Zhang Cheng cursed, stretched out his right hand and issued "Nine Dragons Rebuke", the surrounding air was fired like a cannonball, and hit the bull demon's bull head heavily.

However, this cow demon is bigger than that tiger demon, and he is rampant and has greater inertia, especially its horns are as hard as iron. Too much damage.

"Nainai, I don't believe it yet. Sister, get down." Zhang Cheng shouted at Zhang Xin angrily, and the latter immediately fell to the ground without thinking about it.

Then she felt a powerful force coming from Zhang Cheng's direction, and then saw the bull demon fly up and hit heavily on the lion demon who was following him.

At the same time, the soul-devouring python and the snake monster also met. The former, relying on his soul-devouring skills, managed to gain the upper hand even when his cultivation base was lost to the opponent, making it impossible for the opponent to break through his defense and enter the main body. On the battlefield, Zhang Cheng's pressure was relieved invisibly.

Then Zhang Cheng took out the unknown glove and put it on his hand, then took out the void spider web, and then threw it towards the bull demon and the lion demon, directly binding them tightly.

At this time, the lion demon and the bull demon used all their strength to tear up the void spider web, but this web was extremely soft and very tough.

Not only did they struggle for a long time without tearing the spider webs, but the void spider webs entangled them more and more tightly, and finally they lost their strength and were firmly fixed in place.

At this moment, the fragrance on the vermilion fruit suddenly disappeared, and the color of the vermilion fruit also turned blood red. Then, the branches connected to the vermilion fruit all broke, and the red vermilion fruit fell downward.

Although Zhang Cheng looked at the lion demon and them, his thoughts were always focused on the five vermilion fruits, so when they matured, Zhang Cheng used the jade box he had prepared in advance to pack them Catch them one by one.

Then close the lid of the jade box directly and store it in the storage ring.

It wasn't until this moment that he was completely relieved, and at the same time withdrew all his thoughts, and looked at the snake demon.

"Nainai, don't you guys want to play with me, then I'll have fun with you guys." Zhang Cheng was full of murderous intent, before he was restrained by Zhu Guo and couldn't fight happily, now without Zhu Guo's concern, What else would he be afraid of?

Feeling Zhang Cheng's ice-cold gaze, the Snake Demon's heart trembled, and without even thinking about it, he gave up fighting the Soul-Eating Python, and fled in the direction it came from.

He knew very well that Zhang Cheng was the strongest among these people, and he had only dealt with three of the other four monsters, and he had dealt with them while caring about Zhu Guo.

At this moment, he took Zhu Guo away, he knew very well that he was not his opponent at all, so it turned around and ran away without any hesitation.

But, will Zhang Cheng let him run away?the answer is negative.

Zhang Cheng pulled out the Tiger Ben knife inserted on the side, and stepped out of "Nine Dragon Dance". The whole person floated towards the snake monster like a ghost, and caught up with it in the blink of an eye.

Then he gave it a knife without hesitation, and chopped off its head.

Then, streams of blood and energy were absorbed by the tiger ben knife, and in the blink of an eye, a snake monster as thick as a bucket turned into a mummy.

And the power on it also turned into pure energy and injected into Zhang Cheng's body, which was eaten up by Zhang Cheng's five kinds of true energy.

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